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    posted a message on How do I make a ban system?

    @zeldarules28: Go

    I think I figured it out, but I'll ask again if I need extra help.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I make a ban system?

    @zeldarules28: Go

    How do you make it so that it works when you type the player's name?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I remove player colors?

    How would I remove the color that a unit uses to show that it is on this players team? For example, if my color was blue, my units are tinted blue on them. Does anyone know how to remove that color?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I make a ban system?

    I've learned how to use banning in the SC1 editor, but that was because the players in game couldn't change color. I'm using regular beacons and units to go over them to ban someone, but since players can choose their colors, I don't know how to make it easier for people to ban who they want. Does anyone know how to make a more suitable ban system?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Terran building colors

    I tried changing the color in the actor of a terran structure such as a command center, but it still retains some of its other colors. I want it to look completely like the color i changed it, instead of just a light tint on the building. Someone told me about how to do that with the protoss structures, but I don't know which actor retains the terran building colors.

    What I mean by other colors is that the default color still shows more than the color I changed it to and does not fully change color to the one I choose. Does anyone know how to fix that?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on NA map Nights

    Are you guys willing to try out my custom map? It's pretty decent and you will probably will not be disappointed. Its called Cat vs Mouse and it is on page 3 on NA servers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on vs. attribute bug

    @aczchef: Go

    I understand now, but is there any way to make it so it will show bonus attribute damage as the custom name?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on vs. attribute bug

    @aczchef: Go

    Uhh not really lol.

    My problem is that I did change the attribute name in the editor, but in the game when a weapon has a damage bonus against the attribute with the changed name, is that it still shows the default name such as "heroic" instead of "boss"

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on vs. attribute bug

    What I'm trying to say is that in the text editor I changes some attribute names, but when there is a weapon that deals more damage to that attribute, it says "vs. (default name)" instead of the custom one instead. Like if I changed heroic to "boss" weapons would do "vs heroic" instead of "vs boss".

    Blizzard probably did not add that part to the editor, but does anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Handheld Weapons

    @Lilianna: Go

    I found multiple GenericAttack actions, but which one are you referring to?

    Or can you give me the image of how you did it because I'm a little confused with your words.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Handheld Weapons

    I need help with the actors on how a unit would throw a weapon out of their hand.

    The unit I am using is the civilian and the weapon with it, but I used a different model for the weapon it uses. After I finished all that the civilian missile comes out of the bottom of the civilian, not out of the unit's hand instead.

    Is it possible to have the placement of the missile on the arm or hand part at the start of the weapon attack?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Building Shadows

    @Vexal: Go

    It worked, thanks

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I get a game on EU servers?

    I need help publishing my map so it can be played on EU servers, people have been asking me to do that but I do not know how.

    Can someone tell me how to get them there?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Spawning Rain (Doodad)

    Actually, I need help creating the actor in the entire map. It only allows create actor at point not an entire region.

    Should I just place points all over the map?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Building Shadows

    When I decrease a model size of a building, it leaves a shadow of the default size of the building. Can someone tell me how to remove this shadow?

    I tried lowering the shadow radius, but it didn't really do anything.

    Posted in: Data
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