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    posted a message on [RPG] Void: Eternal Dusk

    Good to hear =3

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Possible to attach a model to a missile?

    It is possible to attach a model to a Missile. You have to be sure you use the right attachment point, else it will just get created and stay there just like if you want to attach it to an unit. Just use Host Site Operations to attach it to an attachment point. =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Buy Upgrades in Shop

    Can't you make a variable(Level of the Buying Player) with an array[Triggering player] and make it: 50 x variable = upgrade cost ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Chat Dialog

    Well, first welcome to SC2Mapster where the best maps are made... kinda. =3


    It's not that easy to make a chat Dialog thingy. You should try this tutorial if you wanna give it a shot: Here

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Diablo like (ARPG)

    @Kafoso: Go

    Hmm well I'm not realy aiming for the theme(Dark, grim), or many buildings. I'm more kinda aiming for the ARPG style.

    @ProzaicMuze: Go

    Thx for the feedback, I will look at the things you said. All though, it was kinda intended to make the Abandoned Shrine dark. =3

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Diablo like (ARPG)

    @Eiviyn: Go

    If that annoys you yes =3

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Event start with variable =

    Don't you mean when an Integer (is equal or greater than) 4, then start a trigger? It's kinda hard to understand what u want because an Event makes a Trigger start.

    If you want to start an Trigger when an Integer has a specific number by using the General - Repeat action, or make an Periodic Event that checks every 1 sec if a Integer = a specific number. If you want to check:"Integer + Integer =Specific Number" you have to use Math - Arithmetics.

    If I missunderstood u plz reply =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Xel'Naga Turret Alliance Trigger

    It could be done cleaner, but that should work. =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Diablo like (ARPG)

    I would like some Feedback on the terrain I made for my upcoming Diablo like OARPG (Online Action Role Playing Game). I started this a while ago and I'm quite satisfied with the results, but I want to know what others think about it =3. I'm aiming for a terain that make people wonder what story is behind it or wondering how what's in it. This is just about an quarter of the map.

    Spirit Lake

    Kinda Wasteland

    Abandoned Shrine

    Shiny Lake

    Forest Point

    Rocky River

    Turtle Forest =3

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Shrinking Dialog Images

    When you make a Dialog Item (Image) you need to set: Tiled to false. (Look at attachment)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for a 'small' A.I.

    No problem, and the only way I know how to work with AI or some more advanced is using Functions. But that requires some unerstanding of the Trigger Editor. =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for a 'small' A.I.

    You can make trigger with a Periodic Event that will order the Enemy to attack the Position of the unit every 5 seconds. Or you could adjust the Sight Radius of the Enemy unit to 32 and change the Minimum Scan Range of the weapon that the unit has to 32(This can be done in the Data Editor) if you know how to. Both of them should work. =3

    - Sight Radius = how far a unit see's around him.

    - Minimum Scan Range = the range the unit scans for enemy units to attack them.

    Edit: Try and follow this video tutorial: . Also try to follow OnetwoSC's tutorials on youtube if you want to learn more about Triggers or Data Editing. =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for a 'small' A.I.

    Hmm a normal Attack command should be doing the same. If you give the Attack command a position they will just move to that position and attack every enemy on the way(Just like in a mellee game when you press A and give a position). =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #47: Exercise lottery!

    Got 13 and 46 - Morituri te Saluant(Gladiator arena thingy) and Where was Bin Laden hiding? Hmm well I tried. xd

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Looking for a 'small' A.I.

    This shouldn't be to hard =3. Instead of ordering the Enemy to attack a unit group make it Attack-Move the position of the unit group(Or a random unit position in unit group). So it will attack the first unit(Which is not allied to the enemy unit) it see's. Also if you go into the data editor, and then go to the Units tab. Click on the unit u want to prioritise and search for: Combat - Attack Target Priority. If you change that to an higher number than the rest(Normally higher than 20) it will attack that one first. Hope this will help with ya map. =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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