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    posted a message on TotalCraft (TBS\RTS)

    Concept is very straight forward and fun when played in Singleplayer or with only 2 players, but what if you got like 6-8 players. You've got to wait kinda long before it's your turn. Any solution you got to the waiting time? =3

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Frogs (Flash animation)

    wot.... WOT did I yust see? o_0

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Corruption RPG

    Since I like playing RPG's I tried your test build. I have to say it's a nice looking game, also the mechanic's(Like UI wise) are working fine. Story is alright, altho I hate reading(Might be me). One more thing I'd like to see is some more Power behind some skills. I tried the Warrior class and the spell Leap was a bit slow for my likings. Overal it's a very nice looking game and I hope it will reach the top of the populairity list so I can play it with more people. =3

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on (Solved) Hero willnot gain experience?

    Did you give the behavior to the hero unit or did you turn of xp gain by triggers? It's hard to troubleshoot without any pictures, also if you want to retry making the Behaviors try this tutorial: . =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Change missile launch height

    Try: Z Offset Missile Launch by Ultimaswc3. I used it to make an orbital strike, so this should work if you follow it correctly. =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units Abilities apply to buildings, Facing problem.

    No problem, It's nice to see it's working =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units Abilities apply to buildings, Facing problem.

    Hmm this shouldn't be to hard. Just change the Arc on the Ability or Weapon. The unit has to face it's target if the Arc is 0, so make it 360 so it doesn't have to face the target. And add the ability to the Building ofc. =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Making a unit hanging when loaded, like Thor

    What you want to do is create a new Civilian Unit with an new Unit Actor. Change the Host to the Medivac Actor and also add an Operation to Host Site Operations called:"SOpAttachOrigin"(That's the attachment point under the Medivac). Last create an event in Events with the event:"UnitBirth" and the Source Name the Medivac unit. Then change the Msg Type to:"Create". This is all done in the Unit Actor of the Civilian Unit. =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    xD lol, poor piggy

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Hmm does the Gather Ability have an Autocast flag ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    I'm not sure its possible to get the flag automaticly. It might be possible with an Search Area + Issue Order effects, but that's kinda anoying when you are fighting and it issues your unit to go get the flag every time. The respawn flag can only be done with Triggers, like the ones in this map. It also has a dropoff point. =3

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Just to be clear what u want. You want a unit that can carry the flag in like capture the flag?

    Take a loot at the attachment below. You can capture the flag with the marine. The only thing I haven't included is that the flag won't drop, but this is just a test I made so you can see how its done. =3

    (EDIT): I uploaded a newer version with flag drop on death.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] How to make a unit drop Random Item on death

    hmm you should take a look in the Data editor and go to the Tab Loot. You can make an killed unit drop certain classes or levels, so it will only drop for example from level 3 to 7 items. =3

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Working on Sid Meier's Civilization

    Impressive. I like random because it will be different every game. One thing, the workers are realy big compared to the buildings. =3

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Importing a Model and Texture if there's no .tga?

    Hmm dds textures should work. Just make sure you import the dds textures first, SAVE and then import the model. If it still doesn't show the texture try Restarting SC2 Editor. This worked for me sometimes. Also make sure you have the textures in none folder when imported to the map, else the model can't find the texture. =3

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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