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    posted a message on Validating: Target Unit != Source of Behavior on Caster Unit

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Yeah. I checked it out. Cool concept, but sadly the distributors can supply the generators with energy too, and thats the thing i don't want to happen. And no, I cant use a Unit Type != Generator, because CC provides Unit1 with energy, which supplies Unit2 with energy, etc. Unit1 type = Unit2 Type

    EDIT: I looked only at Char TD

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    posted a message on Validating: Target Unit != Source of Behavior on Caster Unit

    Sorry for bothering with my question, but a while ago I posted a question asking about Power Lines. DrSuperEvil was nice enough to provide me with his custom map about it, but sadly, I didn't really understand the mechanics about it, so I figured: "Herpety derp, I'll come up with a bright idea on my own!" So...

    I figured there must be a way to validate something like:

    Target Unit != Source of 'Behavior' on Caster Unit

    And then:

    If (Target Not Source of 'Behavior' on Caster unit, Target Not Self) -> Apply 'Behavior' to Target unit

    If (Caster unit has 'Behavior', Target Not Self, Target Not Source of 'Behavior' on Caster unit) -> Apply 'Behavior' to unit

    The last two I can do myself. But please, please, help me with the first one!

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    posted a message on Instant Actor Creation when using Custom Build Ability

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Yes. The funny thing is, when the building starts (0 sec build time), the unit model and the sphere too is created.

    Also the actor has, birth, death, construction finish, start, cancel events properly set.

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    posted a message on Instant Actor Creation when using Custom Build Ability

    Sorry for this very nooby question, but may I ask what message causes my custom Build abilities to create the Actor of the structure? Also, it's probably related to this: What actor message do I need for the ability construction? Or why the hell are these created? It's especially irritating with my custom actor, where the placeholder actor appears (that sphere). Please Help!

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    posted a message on Creating a Power Supply Line

    Thank you very much for the responses, I'll try to figure it out using the data you provided :D Thank you very very much!

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    posted a message on Creating a Power Supply Line

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    It's fine with triggers, but could you tell me the method in a bit more detail. I think the way I did it is very inefficient and buggy.

    NOTE: The CC is not pre-placed, it is created when the player enters the game (its a start location building [I have no idea what the official name of these buildings are])

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    posted a message on Creating a Power Supply Line

    Hi, I'm creating a little arcade/custom mod in which one of the race has a Command Center, and can only build from it, but it can only build right next to itself. The created structure can also only create a structure right beside itself, and so on. This mechanic is already implemented (although its a little goofy). The problem is, I need those buildings to create a continuous line, a Power Supply line.

    I created a search area + apply behavior effect, and Morph skills, so when building has behavior false, building morphs into an Inactive state, and when the behavior is applied, it transforms back. The first Behavior comes from the CC, and: if caster unit has the behavior-> it can cast the skill. The problem is, when I severe the power line's connection with the CC (removing 1 building from the line), the power supply keeps itself on, since the can apply the behavior to each other.

    I have no idea how to solve this. Is there a validator that effect can not be applied to creator of unit? Or what could I possibly do? No, I won't accept defeat and cry in the corner! Ok, I maybe will.

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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Custom Add On Problem

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Thank you for helping! Needed to make a few changes on my own too, and I the way I did it wasn't really elegant (Modifying Footprint 3x3 + 2x2 otherwise it wouldnt work, and setting addon behavior to Tech Lab - Barrracks (didnt work with my custom behavior))

    EDIT: Another problem. Bamm. I can'T modify the 3x3 + 2x2 footprint to be a 3x5 one. If I do, the Ability doesn't work anymore. I can modify it to be a 3x3 + 3x2 one. Weird

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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Custom Add On Problem

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Build Ability has Instant Placement checked X/Y coords: I just gave up, set it to X=5;Y=5 to ensure there would be no collision. Footprints: Removed them from the units, still the same Error.

    Maybe it's the AddOn behavior for the AddOn unit. But I made the behavior copying the Tech Lab's Behavior, adding it to AddOn unit (Attached/Detached), but the Behavior is still missing links (Tech Labs behavior has tons of stuff linked to it: The Tech Lab itself [all of them] and a requirement which I have no idea how to link to the behavior)

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    posted a message on how would i make an ability activate on kill [solved]

    @joey101d: Go

    Just Trigger it. Its easier. Unit is killed, give killing unit []

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    posted a message on (Solved) Alter the number of starting workers?

    @dragozal: Go

    You can set where they spawn too.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Alter the number of starting workers?

    @Lazernerd: Go

    Data: Race tab Starting units:

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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Custom Add On Problem

    Hi guys, I have a problem with a custom addon I made today. I didn't do it by myself, I used this http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/3278-data-creating-custom-add-ons/ tutorial, but it doesn't seem to work.

    Every time I use the skill, it asks me to place it somewhere (instead of doing it automatically), but when I get my cursor from the skillbar to thge map, the cursor changes back to normal gameplay cursor, and I cant place the building.

    The only thing the tutorial hasnt told me is what amount should the X and Y coord be for the addons. maybe thats the problem? My main Building is 3x3, my addon is 6x3 (The addon shall be placed in the front of the building).

    Since I didn't have the coords, I used -0.5; 3.5 since the Tech Lab coords are 2.5;-0.5 (any I need to shift it relative to the other axis, and shift more than in the Tech Labs case)

    Please help!

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    posted a message on Multiple units auto-casting on same unit

    @abvdzh: Go

    Thank You!

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    posted a message on Multiple units auto-casting on same unit

    Hi, as stated in the title, I created an ability which deals 1 Damage to a specific unit, and then add 5 gas to the player. It has a Prepare time of 3 seconds. The problem is, multiple units can cast the skill on the specific unit, thus giving multiple 5 gases to the player. And I cant use a Validator that goes: Unit Behavior < 0, and at the Effect(set) add an Add behavior effect, because the Prepare time (ability doesn't fire, only after Prepare time (3 seconds) and if I use channeling, it give the player the 5 gas even if the caster unit is killed in this 3 seconds)

    Please Help!

    Posted in: Data
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