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    posted a message on Add Integer to Player?

    @ImperialGood: Go

    Thank you. Life became so much easier ^^

    EDIT: Sorry for bothering you with more questions, but can you briefly explain to me why this doesn't work? I never used the Pick stuff & do stuff action, so I don't quite get whats wrong.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Add Integer to Player?

    Hi, I posted this in the Data section too, phrasing this question a little bit more differently, but sorry for double posting/spamming. I created an upgrade mechanism (only for 1 race), which involves an Integer, from which 1 is being extracted every second, also 5 after player kills enemy unit. After Integer value =[or less]0, give player [1!] upgrade. I couldn't do it with regular upgrades, cause it was impossible to show it on screen (on a Dialog). So I created a dialog, showing the icons for the upgrades, there are 5 levels for both melee, ranged, and armor, they display in order, displaying the value of the Integer every second (+destroying it, so basically updating it). Now, the problem is, that it only works with 1 player, Player 1. is it possible to render an Integer to player, so it would give upgrade to the player whos Integer reaches 0? Cause creating 8 Integers for 5 levels, for 3 upgrades...a lot of Integers. The created trigger amount is pretty high too (which need to update every second = much lag) + it's not very elegant. I'll post a picture of the so far created triggers.

    Please help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating user Specific Data/Intergers

    Sup guys, I'm trying to modify the upgrade system to this: 5 levels of an upgrade, upgrade researches automatically,

    @Map Init-> Upgrade 1 starts: Interger=280, subtracting 1/ingame second, subtracting 5 on enemy unit kill, and showing an icon for the upgrade + the counter (updating every sec) on a Dialog. Now, the only problem I got so far with this system is: It only works for player 1. The interger is only 1 data, so I cant add it to multiple players. Can I recreate this mechanic in Data editor, is there a method to render an Interger to a player, or must I create 8 sets of Intergers/ upgrade level (8*5*3[melee, ranged,armor]), + all the triggers for it?

    So basically (since I posted this in the Data section), can I recreate this in the Data editor somehow?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dialog Based on race + Upgrade Status

    @MaskedImposter: Go

    That's no good. The thing is, the player has auto-upgrades, but it takes 1000 seconds to complete level 1, and after that, level 2 starts, etc. straight to 5. 1000 sec is a fucking long time, but there's a catch. If a player kills an enemy unit type, he gets a bonus depending on what unit he killed (-seconds from upgrades).

    I already solved the problem, there will be no actual upgrades, just Labels, and when the Integer hits 0, player will get the upgrade.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog Based on race + Upgrade Status

    @ImperialGood: Go

    Im such a noob. by status, i meant upgrade status at a unit (Hive).

    Quote from ImperialGood: Go


    What does this have to do with the status? Are you talking about upgrades? The same answer applies, try and use the standard UI elements that show this for the current selection rather than triggering your own. If you want to trigger your own (so it does not depend on selection) then try polling the status of the upgrade every 0.0625 seconds and showing it as some form of slider.

    How can i poll the status of the upgrade?

    EDIT: I basically created a Label that updates every sec, and triggers to reduce the interger of which the label uses its data of.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog Based on race + Upgrade Status

    Hi, I'm wondering whether creating a dialog window for only Zerg players can be achieved or not. Also, and this is the more complicated thing: can I create a dialog window, which always shows the current state of Melee, Ranged and Armor status?

    It needs to show the status of the upgrade, and the picture of it. A countdown timer is not an option, because the player will be able to quicken the upgrade. Please help!

    EDIT: I got the first part, it was fairly easy after making a deal with the devil and using 'Any unit is Selected' for Event. (+if conditions). This will work in my opinion. But for my second question, i still need help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change Unit Control With Effect

    @dragozal: Go

    Okay. I'm a noob. Forgot to remove a test effect from the ability. Now it's working properly.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Change Unit Control With Effect

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Nope. That wasn't the problem. Owner still the same. My modifications on the effect:

    (Basic)Cost - Player - Value: Caster

    (Basic) Modification Flags: Owner

    (Basic)Modify Owner Player - Value: Caster

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Change Unit Control With Effect

    Hi, this question might seem nooby (and maybe it is), but I can't get the modify unit effect to work. It would need to change target units owner. I tried creating it. But after setting the Player Values, it doesn't work. Please help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actor Animation on Targeted by Skill

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go

    To be honest, I'm currently creating a Dawn of War like element in the game with it (the control points). So maybe I eventually need to trigger it for the morph ability to start anyway. Idea: Unit comes near it, starts channeling (Healer +2 energy/sec, unit has -1 energy/sec, so it would degenerate influence like in DoW), and when unit reaches 100 energy, it transforms to the activated control point.

    The problem with my idea so far is, that it would run when unit reaches 100 energy, and then morph+animation would need to happen super fast.

    That's why I want to start animation when channeling starts, stop animation when channeling stops. Then morph would happen in the background, the player doesn't need to know the nasty way I solved the problem

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actor Animation on Targeted by Skill

    Hi, I'm in a bit of a trouble. When I order the actor, to play animation, when ability (any), i't doesn't do anything. Maybe it's asking for the unit to use the ability?

    My concept: Unit2 comes, targets unit with channeling skill, the unit plays the animation. Is it executable, or I'm better off with triggers? ˇˇˇˇˇ When unit is targeted by ability->use skill(morph). Actor: When skill is used, play animation.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Texture Not working using Mopaq Path

    @Zolden: Go Yes they are.
    Yes I restarted it, still the same.
    Yes, i see it textured without the Mopaq paths, but somebody told me that others wont be able to see them if I leave it unchecked.

    EDIT: It's weird. I restarted the editor, textures unchanged. Got away from the computer for an hour, reopened editor editor to test stuff, and voila...textures are showing. I have no idea what's happening.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Texture Not working using Mopaq Path

    @Zolden: Go

    Im not sure if this is what you are asking for, but here:

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Texture Not working using Mopaq Path


    Sorry for the late answer: I use .dds textures.

    Here are the export folders, the previewed model, and the model in-game.

    How i'm exporting it: 1) I open ScII Art tools menu-> I press export floater-> tick Use Mopaq Paths-> and then press export -> Then I open Galaxy Editor->Import->To: Assets

    Thank you for helping!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Texture Not working using Mopaq Path

    Hi, my texture were working fine on my model (using Mopaq paths), but on my latest model, an error comes up, that it couldnt find the archive, and no textures are showing on the moedl. Please help!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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