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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]

    @Zolden: Go

    No, I didn't change anything with the model, only the export location.

    Quote from Zolden: Go

    @dragozal: Go Also, I hope you understood, that if you don't check "use mopac path" on export, your textures won't show on bnet.

    I didn't know that, but thanks. Would have gotten me a good headache to figure out why the textures werent showing if export worked without it :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]
    <<reply 2359402="">>

    Still getting errors, but at least on only 4. When I started yesterday, there were seven, solved textures, 6, and I don't know what I did, but the M3 data conversion works too, so the new error message:


    No, it's not the real model, it's only a little testing area of mine.

    EDIT: The problem has been solved (although I don't fully understand it). Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.

    For the sake of future viewers:

    <s>Exporter unable to find texture: move your textures to program files(x86)/Starcraft II/maps/Assets/Textures Exporter model error (which I had in the 2nd round): Export model to the same place where the texures are </s>

    This is my solution, I don't know why this works, and exporting them to a random location doesn't, but it works, so I for one am very happy.

    EDIT: My "solution" seems to be false.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]

    @Zolden: Go

    I export using the "Export" option. And no, where is that checkbox located?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]

    @Zolden: Go

    Removed the scripts (which I put in), still the same error messgae. Do I need to export it to a specific location?

    EDIT: It seems to be my models fault somehow. The Waterbat model was exported without errors. Still, I don't have any idea what could be wrong with it. It's a Cube (and yes, it is converted to editable mesh) with a Standart SC2 texture on it, with a single diffuse map (<-had problem with that too, but putting the texture in program files(x86)/Starcraft II/maps/assets/textures solved it) What could be wrong with my cube?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]

    @Zolden: Go

    Yes. I have 2011 installed, but I took the exporter script out already. I have the importer script in, could that be a problem?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Art Tools Export Problem [SOLVED]

    Hi, I just downloaded Sc2 Art Tools yesterday, and now I wanted to export my model with it instead of with the old .m3 exporter. But, I keep getting an error message: Failed to open savefile on disk. CModelFileIO::Save failed

    Please help.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Sc2 Art Tools Exporter Not Working

    @Kailniris2: Go

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Sc2 Art Tools Exporter Not Working

    Hi, sorry if I posted in wrong area (and if I did, please tell me immediately, and I'll repost this in the appropriate one), but I tried to do everything according to SC2 Art Tools tutorial, but I couldn't find the folder in which the materials were, so I exported a .dds file to my desktop, added it on (SC2 Standard->diffuse), but I can't export it, due to it not finding the file? Do I need to throw it in the 3ds max Maps folder? (Error Message: Unable to retrieve texture information on Map #49 - and then following errors are all due to this.)

    EDIT: Putting it into the 3ds max Maps folder did not solve it.

    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit Model/Actor won't change after morph
    <<reply 2246268="">> I didn't really get into actors yet. How do you send such message?


    ^this guy named dragozal is a huge noob.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Model/Actor won't change after morph

    Hi, I have the problem described in the title. I have an unit, which stands on a vespene geyser (Built-on behavior), and when theres 4 unit loaded in, it morphs. the problem is, the morph doesn't work. I even thought this ability was bugged, but it can't even use the simple Supply Depot morph skill. The name changes, the abilities change accordingly, but the model stays the same. Please help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dawn of War resource system in Starcraft

    @Metalking1417: Go

    Well, anyway, I'll try it. I'm currently doing the Tower Capture ability, with share control, exclusive flags The Control Point has the skill 'Activate', so the only flaw is, that the player needs to activate manually, and the unit can leave area after activation is done. The next part [give the unit to player], is done by trigger: Any unit uses this ability->give control to player.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dawn of War resources in Starcraft 2

    @Scbroodsc2: Go

    Thanks, I'll try it. I remade my trigger with 'Unit is Attacked', but capture sounds better.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dawn of War resources in Starcraft 2

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make ^ happen. I have created a trigger for it (I don't know if it can be done anyway else):

    1.Unit enters region-> morph the control point from inactive to active, give player control of unit 2.Unit leaves region [if its still morphing][no units left in region, except the control point]-> cancel morph 3.If enemy unit enters region, morph the control point from active to inactive ->then after it finished the 1. starts 4.If hostile units are in region, do nothing (units from multiple players, being enemies)

    You know, like in DoW. Now, I made this trigger: Control Point Region [variable]= Convert Circle to Region Center: Position of Unit Unit: Closest Unit To Point Point: Position of unit Unit: Triggering Unit Unit Group: Units in Region Matching Condition Unit Type: Control Point [Inactive] Region: Entire Map Player: Any Player Unit Filter: Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden Count: Any Amount

    Control Point Group [variable]= Units in Region matching Condition Unit Type: Control Point [Inactive] Region: Entire map Player: Any Player Unit filter: Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden Count: Any Amount

    The trigger:


    Unit - Any Unit enters Region (Entire Map)

    Actions General - If then/else

    IF: [Triggering unit] is in Control Point Region

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Activate) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) and change color


    General - If then/else

    IF: (Count of units in Control point Region having alliance Enemy with player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any amount) >=1

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Cancel) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player 0 and change color


    General - If then/else

    IF: (Count of units in Control point Region having alliance Ally with player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any amount) <1

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Cancel) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player 0 and change color


    This is my trigger. I don't know whats the problem, but it's not working, and Error message: Event responce function EventUnit has no matching event? Near line 27 in InitGlobals() map script galaxy Please help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Dawn of War resources in Starcraft 2

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make ^ happen. I have created a trigger for it (I don't know if it can be done anyway else):

    1.Unit enters region-> morph the control point from inactive to active, give player control of unit 2.Unit leaves region [if its still morphing][no units left in region, except the control point]-> cancel morph 3.If enemy unit enters region, morph the control point from active to inactive ->then after it finished the 1. starts 4.If hostile units are in region, do nothing (units from multiple players, being enemies)

    You know, like in DoW. Now, I made this trigger:

    Control Point Region [variable]= Convert Circle to Region Center: Position of Unit Unit: Closest Unit To Point Point: Position of unit Unit: Triggering Unit Unit Group: Units in Region Matching Condition Unit Type: Control Point [Inactive] Region: Entire Map Player: Any Player Unit Filter: Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden Count: Any Amount

    Control Point Group [variable]= Units in Region matching Condition Unit Type: Control Point [Inactive] Region: Entire map Player: Any Player Unit filter: Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden Count: Any Amount

    The Trigger:

    Event Unit - Any Unit enters Region (Entire Map)

    Actions General - If then/else

    IF: [Triggering unit] is in Control Point Region

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Activate) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) and change color


    General - If then/else

    IF: (Count of units in Control point Region having alliance Enemy with player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any amount) >=1

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Cancel) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player 0 and change color


    General - If then/else

    IF: (Count of units in Control point Region having alliance Ally with player (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any amount) <1

    Then Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)in Control Point Group) to Control Point - Cancel) Unit - Change ownership of (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering Unit)) in Control Point Group) to player 0 and change color


    This is my trigger. I don't know whats the problem, but it's not working, and Error message:

    Event responce function EventUnit has no matching event? Near line 27 in InitGlobals() map script galaxy Please help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dawn of War resource system in Starcraft

    But the Xel'Naga tower's: Tower Capture ability causes it to get back to it's original form when unit leaves, and automatically changes back to original form if there are multiple units (from multiple players hostile to eachother) players around.

    I need a skill with which unit begins transforming, but stops if unit leaves area, no units are around from that player anymore, and the tower is still morphing, stop the morph

    And when tower is captured, it needs to stay that way, until enemy unit enters region, and no friendlies there to protect.

    Haven't tried the behavior for the player resources yet, so that's the next thing I'll do. Thanks for the information!

    Posted in: General Chat
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