See the Excel-sheet. Balancing is a huge problem - i agree.
Can you name more of this locatios (maybe PM). I havent experienced this more than once
As I said some sort of problem with the inventory system but I'll see if I find a solution for at least an additional small chest
You get a money reward for killing queens by now. The Zerg are already (mostly) attacking the team with the higher rage-level. But maybe its a good option to offer additional rewards or to increase the thread. A cons is maybe that such a mechanic is even more complex for beginner
Dont you think the game lasts quite long by now? Making the generators harder to kill will increase the time even more!?
See point above. But maybe I can implement something like it
ufff... maybe an idea but being able to teleport everywhere seams a bit op. And very complicated with "block areas". But more teleport-possibilities seams not a bad idea.
Dont really get your point. Is there a bug with the countown restarting without enemy units in the circle?
Increasing the kill credits with the rank of the player seams a very good idea. Questionable if player will notice it.
There is a tutorial and a help fuction. but its true. most people simply dont read it.
Thats a good idea - noticed for further updated
Cloak without a cheap counter seams overpowered to me. Still the detector blocks slots and turrets always detects cloak. But Some tweaks on the mechanics seams a good idea.
Yeah I look for ways to make it faster from day one. There are points that make it difficult. Mainly that because its not a 10-minute-game and I dont want it to be. But it can be very long and sometimes boring. True. Mainly the speed I'm not that happy with, but I dont have a proper solution because as you said its nearly impossible to change the map size now.
Generaly in sc2 the weapon damage-effect is modified by factors. In this game every point of armor affects the dealt damage by -5%. e.g 40 damage, 2 armor -> 36 damage applied. Shields also have a separate armor level (mostly 0). +50% against shields means that damage applied to shields is x1,5. eg 40 damage, +50% against shields -> 60 damage applied to shields. If shields are down its calculated with the rules of normal damage.
Thanks for your feedback. I will try to respond to all points.
1. Forget about the statistics of damage, armor, shield for now. We need to add more things first before you start to balance everything. We need to add:
a) Create 2 additional add-ons. If you combine Plasma MKIII x 2 you get Raygun. If you combine Raygyn x 2 you get Babylon. Total Cost of Babylon should be 13800. Slightly reduce the damage of all Plasma guns and make MKI 300 minerals, MKII 800 and MKIII 1800 minerals. We want equality of pricing like autocanon, zapper, mortar.
b) Remove 1 armored unit from your base which leaves only 3 light and 3 armored and add 3 new protoss units which will be shield units.
Tier 1 - Sentry
Tier 2 - Stalker
Tier 3 - Archon
People should be able to buy three tier light, armored and shield units. No one buys zapper, tesla or lighting generator because no one needs to counter shield units. Hardly enough buys protoss and if they do it is 1 guy out of 6 every 3rd game. It rarely happens thats why i invest in other guns. All protos units should have similar abilites taken from Starcraft 2 game like storm etc and shield upgrades should be adjusted to armored units. They should have slightly less because their shield regenerates.
c) Make all upgrades of guns and armor in one specific place. For example all 2nd tier upgrades of guns included but not limited to Minigun, Barrage, Raygun (introduced in this post) should be in one place to make life easier for new players. Swarm Missles, Gatling, Laser, Babylon etc should be in one place either - Scientist. Remove Tesla gun from protoss temple because firs time I visited i thought that if i get plasma guns and combine them i will get tesla which is not the case. Make newbie's life easier. Make it systematic.
d) Anti-Armored guns (Autocanon, Minigun, Gatling) is 50% extra vs. Armored Hero and -35% vs. Light Hero. Lets take this concept and apply same for all guns:
Anti-Shield guns (Zapper, Tesla, Lighting Generator) is '+50% damage against shields, +50% armor affected. Remove "+50 armored affects" and put -35% vs Armored Units.
Anti-Light guns (Plasma, Raygun, Babylon) is 50% damage against light and -17.5% vs Armored and -17.5 vs. Shielded
BONUS: if you include new race ZERG that make MORTAR gun (need to think of two new names now ) into combo like Plasma > Raygun > Babylon and add Zerg temple and make counter zerg. Personally I think you should get rid of mortar because no one buys them it is just a waste of time and the only people buy them are newbies because they think it has 10 range and they will kill me easily...... NOOOOT. Make Mortar track target then will people start to buy it.Just food for thought.
BONUS 2: Flame should also have combo because at the end of the game when enemy team upgraded their units and added a million of barracks you cant counter that with your unit so easily thats why super flame should be able to counter them easily. I will invest into that to counter a line of marines/marauders. Total cost should be 13800. This should be for a loosing team where they cant do anything but they need to protect their base. So if enemy team sends lots of marines/maurauders you should easily feed on them while enemy player needs to kill you asap so you will not feed on those units.
1.1 Bunker Buster. If turrets don't upgrade along with units there is no point getting this bunker buster. It is enough to counter all turrets with normal guns. You maybe want to change Bunker Buster to three new MKI, MKII, MKIII. I will probably buy it to kill turrets, bunkers barracks and the beg of the game 5th-10th minute mark.
1.2 Hunter Seeker. Hardly no one uses that. Each Slot is so important that I wont spend 5400 on 315 per second damage. Pointless. When the game is about to finish each minute counts so you don't want to waste time and get that extra Gatling or Swarm missile so i will buy this hunter seeker if it had more damage and cost more. I will get it just because i dont want to waste time getting that super combo upgrade such as swarms, gatling, etc.Normal upgrade cost 13800 or 17200 for swarm missiles so make 750 dmg per 1 second cost 17200. Swarm Missiles cost same price but you get the benefit using them while here you need to save and don't spend 17200 minerals. Swarm missiles dmg is 848.00 to all time of units so make 750. Remember no one will save 17200 at the beg or mid game because it is too expensive they will probably get when you are at 55th minute mark or 1 hour 25th minute mark.
2. South Base close to north entrance it is between where you get Armor 4000 upgrade and South Base entrance left side hill. I can get there with my banshee. However due to recent updates no one puts turrets anymore because marauders can spot turrets and while they fire back at them you can come and stand close to them and shoot the turret down. Not fun. I think Marauders should not able to see them but to counter that you buy a scanner upgrade like cloak vision upgrade for maybe 600 minerals. Identical place is in north base west entrance. I can get on that hill.
3. Great. At least 1 more slot for free and 2 slots available to purchase for 2500 for 1st slot and 3500 for 2nd slot.
4. I agree. It may be too complicated. Maybe make the queen to drop a weapon i.e. 50% chance of drop trigger after you kill her. it can be any upgrade that you can buy in your base. Definitely not super upgrades like gatling, armory for 4000 etc because everyone will start to kill the queens and not attack the player lol :)
5. a) Make more income per waves, so if at the mid game you get 1000 minerals and 500 from all three outposts that your team occupied make 70% from base and 30% from outpost (how is it set currently % how much do you get from 1-3 outposts in %????). which makes 700 from base and 300 from minerals. I hate when people leave because they could not get the outpost for 10-20 minutes back and they leave the game because they think it is useless to continue to win so if we make the player focus on killing the enemy player not so focused on outposts (which is also important of course) it will balance the game. So if you make each wave 30% more in this example i mentioned you will not get total 1000 minerals but 1000 x 30% 1300 minerals and 1300 x .07 will come from your base and 1300 x 0.3 will come from outposts (basically 10% from outposts) which is not that much. This will encourage people to stay in 2 or 3 hero groups and hunt other players down. It is another strategy to win if you cant get outpost and you are toooooooo weak.
6. It is a speed it is not much, but just a small advantage for a falling team. See my 5th tip. If you make more minerals people will buy more guns/barracks and the game will/should end a lot quicker.
7. On second thought I take back the request. I noticed that if you get 22% or 33% speed you are very quick so forget about the teleport. It is fine how it is now.
8. Yes. there is a bug. Especially on the south outpost after recent updates. can you remove all the animals? a) I noticed when they move and go on the outpost or touch the tank the outpost count restarts. b) If you on the outpost and count starts if the enemy comes close enough where your tank (the one which is currently try to capture the outpost) fires it restarts). So what I do is if my team player tries to capture the outpost i try to go forward and kill all the marines/maurders before the come into the outpost. I am not 100% certain that it is what causing this error but I saw these things so many times that I believe that is the cause. c) enemy enters the base and fires at your marines/maurders in outpost peremeter and count restarts (saw it 4 times in 20 games)
9. Well if newbie killed legend player he will not notice it and he doesn't need to. he will just get lots of minerals and he will be happy. the only thing i am concerned now which i think you should not implement this YET because many times the ranks don't upload properly so some people maybe newbie but actually they are legends so it so many times now. Until you fix the bug of upload ranks 100% this should not be implemented.
10. Send me the .psd current loading screen. I will make the intro what to do on photoshop and send you. People will get more familiar what to do in the next 1-10 min. Send me PM of your email address and i will reply. however if you can still implement a reminder in the game it will be great.
Before the game starts (30 seconds to buy a tank/gun). Change that to 40 seconds. and put a note that will stay for all 40 seconds.
"NEW PLAYERS: Buy a unit Hero (LIGHT, ARMOR OR SHIELD) and choose Gun. Capture outposts in North, Middle and South (make it ping on all three locations while that note is on)" something like that.
5th Minute: Don't forget to combine guns to make more powerful ones. See Help for assistance.
11. Thanks. Looking forward. Are you going to put only one which fires furthest or all three i.e. if you have laser, gatling and swarm which is range 7.5, 6.5 and 4 will it have 4 different circles with different colour?
12. I noticed that currently no one buys banshee because once someone buys banshee all enemy hero's gets that upgrade for 300 or 600. We want to encourage people to buy banshee. If you increase the price to 800 and 1600 less people will get that upgrade. Of course they can sell it afterwards.
13. Read my 5th Recommendation. If you get more minerals you will get more tanks. So if you increase more minerals by 30% make marines/maurauders upgrade 30% faster too otherwise it will not be the same.
Just add to No. 1. Make Shield 2600 additional upgrade 6 Shield Armor (cost 4000 minerals) and ability to combine 2600 shield for 4000 and 6armor shield for 4000. 2000 combine upgrade which will make 2650 shield and 7.5 shield non-stackable of course. 1st upgrade will be where you buy all upgrades for 4000 minerals and 2nd upgrade for 2000 where you buy vulture gatling. This will also encourage buying protoss units.
I can t wait for these new upgrades! This sounds fantastic!
Oh, had a funny thing happen yesterday, I stepped off cap point 0.1 seconds too early, and instead of counter restarting the point was capped , but for the opposing team. Was north point. Very strange . . .
just wanted to say that I'm not ignoring your posts. Just not much time these days and it dont seams to get better the next few weeks. I'm sorry. Your suggestions are great and I appreciate your engagement.
@Maximusssss: Go
Good work - is it a stock image you took as background? It's not the style and color I "like" for the map, but thats more my personal taste - nevertheless good work. Think I should implement (or let it be implemented) some text in the loading screen. I thought I could keep this nice clean screen but it seams its more helpful to add some information for new players - you're right.
Maybe someone is interested in designing a new logo (The shield-logo in the middle) or a loading-screen background image (the now greyish image behind the bars on top and down). You may post it here and maybe it will be on the next screen. (This is very much driven by personal taste so dont think not choosing a design is a critic on somebodys work. The style in general should be kept. Some kind of used-military-look, but I'm no desinger though...)
Also a kind of a general announcement (in a small group here - maybe ill post it in an other forum section later): If somebody is good at Data-editing and interested in creating new content for the map (mainly weapons, tanks, abilities,...). I myself are not that ambitionated in data-editing and its kind of time-consuming if you are not a pro and have to test every single step 20 times. :)
If someone is interested I can give additional infos on this. Well.. at least after the vacation I'm starting tomorrow. ;)
Hi, the background image took me 5 minutes. I took the tank from SC2 The point was that I wanted you to put explanations to new players while loading. I am interested to do a proper loading image. Please specify what do you want in that loading screen? My understanding is:
- Military colors, symbols
- Red and Blue colors of units to show both teams
- Re-design the logo (keep the same logo just enhance it or create a new one with military style attributes)
- tell me more...
In regards to help you with programming put this REQUEST IN BOLD on your first page so people can tune it. I also have a private group where i can re-post your request in my private group.
I can tell you that this game became more popular in the last 2-3 weeks. There is a group of 35 people who often play this game (daily) and more new players will join. The PRO level guys help/assist new players so people tend to stay longer in the game and come back to learn the game the next day. Previously new players will leave in 5-10 minutes when they get killed too often. Also we try to balance the teams in the lobby before we start the game so people have equal balance to win. 4 legends vs 4 newbies is no longer played - finally :)))))
Thanks again for your work. I really appreciate this game however as mentioned in my previous post we need 3 more protoss tanks and other stuff to make the game more balanced. Hardly anyone now buys swarm missles. The most popular is gatling because most of the people end up with armored units at the end of the game.
Anyway. Could you PM attached .psd file of your current loading screen. I might use some of the attributes or colors of it. ok cheers
P.S. send me info for data-editing. I and I may know some people who might be interested in this. I can't edit now because my macbook pro does not load the editor because of some error. I am trying to fix this.
hello love the game i am still waiting for new updates,maybe remove the zerg in the game mayke more hero and 2 new maps that we can choose !!
if not great. i am waiting to see more !!! ;)
Nice loading screen! I like the last one, with badges. I
I've also noticed a lot more tact in he games recently. Players seem to be adjusting weapon choice to tank they fighting. The game just keeps getting better. Good job.
Like the middle screen. Think u trying to teach people too much. Tell them the basics and let them figure the rest out ? Also I think the other 2 screens only make sense once you understand, so it's almost wasted on noobs :)
As an old Battletanks player from the WC3 days, I salute you in developing this remake of it. However, I have some suggestions to make:
1. One thing that always irked me in BTanks was that you couldn't focus your guns on an enemy tank if he was in the middle of a minion crowd. You just had to hope you'd get lucky. In this, it would be AWESOME if you could, say, right-click an enemy and that would cause all of your guns (at least the ones that are in range) to focus on the target. If this makes minions feel a tad irrelevant, you could always jack up their damage against heroes so you can't just dive someone with a bunch of autocannons and get away scot-free.
2. It would be good if you made your Weapon Recipe system clearer. It took me a good while to figure out where to go to combine weapons into recipes, so try to include that in either your tutorial or in the help menu. Do this with some other stuff as well, and that should help out newbies greatly.
3. You need to make a low-tier flier available off the bat. Helicopters in BTanks were legitimately a good starter, especially with long-range rockets. To balance them out, give them less speed (they get more mobility) and a lot less durability (so that Zerg can kill you really easily if you fly into some Hydralisks).
I'm sure other stuff has been mentioned, but these are what I think are essential for now. Either way, keep up the good work.
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Ok so some feedback to your feedback:
@Maximusssss: Go
Your points:
@Dimassol: Go
Further mortar upgrades are planned. I think thats some of the next point I'll implement.
@Maximusssss: Go
Generaly in sc2 the weapon damage-effect is modified by factors. In this game every point of armor affects the dealt damage by -5%. e.g 40 damage, 2 armor -> 36 damage applied. Shields also have a separate armor level (mostly 0). +50% against shields means that damage applied to shields is x1,5. eg 40 damage, +50% against shields -> 60 damage applied to shields. If shields are down its calculated with the rules of normal damage.
@Maximusssss: Go @narkaska: Go
Seams to be a good idea to move/convert back barracks. I'll work on it when there is time.
@xvoraz: Go
Cant really tell. This week not much I guess. Its more spontaneous ;)
thx for your feedback!
@Freddy2287: Go
@Freddy2287: Go
Thanks for your feedback. I will try to respond to all points.
1. Forget about the statistics of damage, armor, shield for now. We need to add more things first before you start to balance everything. We need to add:
a) Create 2 additional add-ons. If you combine Plasma MKIII x 2 you get Raygun. If you combine Raygyn x 2 you get Babylon. Total Cost of Babylon should be 13800. Slightly reduce the damage of all Plasma guns and make MKI 300 minerals, MKII 800 and MKIII 1800 minerals. We want equality of pricing like autocanon, zapper, mortar.
b) Remove 1 armored unit from your base which leaves only 3 light and 3 armored and add 3 new protoss units which will be shield units. Tier 1 - Sentry Tier 2 - Stalker Tier 3 - Archon People should be able to buy three tier light, armored and shield units. No one buys zapper, tesla or lighting generator because no one needs to counter shield units. Hardly enough buys protoss and if they do it is 1 guy out of 6 every 3rd game. It rarely happens thats why i invest in other guns. All protos units should have similar abilites taken from Starcraft 2 game like storm etc and shield upgrades should be adjusted to armored units. They should have slightly less because their shield regenerates.
c) Make all upgrades of guns and armor in one specific place. For example all 2nd tier upgrades of guns included but not limited to Minigun, Barrage, Raygun (introduced in this post) should be in one place to make life easier for new players. Swarm Missles, Gatling, Laser, Babylon etc should be in one place either - Scientist. Remove Tesla gun from protoss temple because firs time I visited i thought that if i get plasma guns and combine them i will get tesla which is not the case. Make newbie's life easier. Make it systematic.
d) Anti-Armored guns (Autocanon, Minigun, Gatling) is 50% extra vs. Armored Hero and -35% vs. Light Hero. Lets take this concept and apply same for all guns: Anti-Shield guns (Zapper, Tesla, Lighting Generator) is '+50% damage against shields, +50% armor affected. Remove "+50 armored affects" and put -35% vs Armored Units. Anti-Light guns (Plasma, Raygun, Babylon) is 50% damage against light and -17.5% vs Armored and -17.5 vs. Shielded BONUS: if you include new race ZERG that make MORTAR gun (need to think of two new names now ) into combo like Plasma > Raygun > Babylon and add Zerg temple and make counter zerg. Personally I think you should get rid of mortar because no one buys them it is just a waste of time and the only people buy them are newbies because they think it has 10 range and they will kill me easily...... NOOOOT. Make Mortar track target then will people start to buy it.Just food for thought.
BONUS 2: Flame should also have combo because at the end of the game when enemy team upgraded their units and added a million of barracks you cant counter that with your unit so easily thats why super flame should be able to counter them easily. I will invest into that to counter a line of marines/marauders. Total cost should be 13800. This should be for a loosing team where they cant do anything but they need to protect their base. So if enemy team sends lots of marines/maurauders you should easily feed on them while enemy player needs to kill you asap so you will not feed on those units.
1.1 Bunker Buster. If turrets don't upgrade along with units there is no point getting this bunker buster. It is enough to counter all turrets with normal guns. You maybe want to change Bunker Buster to three new MKI, MKII, MKIII. I will probably buy it to kill turrets, bunkers barracks and the beg of the game 5th-10th minute mark. 1.2 Hunter Seeker. Hardly no one uses that. Each Slot is so important that I wont spend 5400 on 315 per second damage. Pointless. When the game is about to finish each minute counts so you don't want to waste time and get that extra Gatling or Swarm missile so i will buy this hunter seeker if it had more damage and cost more. I will get it just because i dont want to waste time getting that super combo upgrade such as swarms, gatling, etc.Normal upgrade cost 13800 or 17200 for swarm missiles so make 750 dmg per 1 second cost 17200. Swarm Missiles cost same price but you get the benefit using them while here you need to save and don't spend 17200 minerals. Swarm missiles dmg is 848.00 to all time of units so make 750. Remember no one will save 17200 at the beg or mid game because it is too expensive they will probably get when you are at 55th minute mark or 1 hour 25th minute mark.
2. South Base close to north entrance it is between where you get Armor 4000 upgrade and South Base entrance left side hill. I can get there with my banshee. However due to recent updates no one puts turrets anymore because marauders can spot turrets and while they fire back at them you can come and stand close to them and shoot the turret down. Not fun. I think Marauders should not able to see them but to counter that you buy a scanner upgrade like cloak vision upgrade for maybe 600 minerals. Identical place is in north base west entrance. I can get on that hill.
3. Great. At least 1 more slot for free and 2 slots available to purchase for 2500 for 1st slot and 3500 for 2nd slot.
4. I agree. It may be too complicated. Maybe make the queen to drop a weapon i.e. 50% chance of drop trigger after you kill her. it can be any upgrade that you can buy in your base. Definitely not super upgrades like gatling, armory for 4000 etc because everyone will start to kill the queens and not attack the player lol :)
5. a) Make more income per waves, so if at the mid game you get 1000 minerals and 500 from all three outposts that your team occupied make 70% from base and 30% from outpost (how is it set currently % how much do you get from 1-3 outposts in %????). which makes 700 from base and 300 from minerals. I hate when people leave because they could not get the outpost for 10-20 minutes back and they leave the game because they think it is useless to continue to win so if we make the player focus on killing the enemy player not so focused on outposts (which is also important of course) it will balance the game. So if you make each wave 30% more in this example i mentioned you will not get total 1000 minerals but 1000 x 30% 1300 minerals and 1300 x .07 will come from your base and 1300 x 0.3 will come from outposts (basically 10% from outposts) which is not that much. This will encourage people to stay in 2 or 3 hero groups and hunt other players down. It is another strategy to win if you cant get outpost and you are toooooooo weak.
6. It is a speed it is not much, but just a small advantage for a falling team. See my 5th tip. If you make more minerals people will buy more guns/barracks and the game will/should end a lot quicker.
7. On second thought I take back the request. I noticed that if you get 22% or 33% speed you are very quick so forget about the teleport. It is fine how it is now.
8. Yes. there is a bug. Especially on the south outpost after recent updates. can you remove all the animals? a) I noticed when they move and go on the outpost or touch the tank the outpost count restarts. b) If you on the outpost and count starts if the enemy comes close enough where your tank (the one which is currently try to capture the outpost) fires it restarts). So what I do is if my team player tries to capture the outpost i try to go forward and kill all the marines/maurders before the come into the outpost. I am not 100% certain that it is what causing this error but I saw these things so many times that I believe that is the cause. c) enemy enters the base and fires at your marines/maurders in outpost peremeter and count restarts (saw it 4 times in 20 games)
9. Well if newbie killed legend player he will not notice it and he doesn't need to. he will just get lots of minerals and he will be happy. the only thing i am concerned now which i think you should not implement this YET because many times the ranks don't upload properly so some people maybe newbie but actually they are legends so it so many times now. Until you fix the bug of upload ranks 100% this should not be implemented.
10. Send me the .psd current loading screen. I will make the intro what to do on photoshop and send you. People will get more familiar what to do in the next 1-10 min. Send me PM of your email address and i will reply. however if you can still implement a reminder in the game it will be great.
Before the game starts (30 seconds to buy a tank/gun). Change that to 40 seconds. and put a note that will stay for all 40 seconds.
"NEW PLAYERS: Buy a unit Hero (LIGHT, ARMOR OR SHIELD) and choose Gun. Capture outposts in North, Middle and South (make it ping on all three locations while that note is on)" something like that. 5th Minute: Don't forget to combine guns to make more powerful ones. See Help for assistance.
11. Thanks. Looking forward. Are you going to put only one which fires furthest or all three i.e. if you have laser, gatling and swarm which is range 7.5, 6.5 and 4 will it have 4 different circles with different colour?
12. I noticed that currently no one buys banshee because once someone buys banshee all enemy hero's gets that upgrade for 300 or 600. We want to encourage people to buy banshee. If you increase the price to 800 and 1600 less people will get that upgrade. Of course they can sell it afterwards.
13. Read my 5th Recommendation. If you get more minerals you will get more tanks. So if you increase more minerals by 30% make marines/maurauders upgrade 30% faster too otherwise it will not be the same.
@Maximusssss: Go
Just add to No. 1. Make Shield 2600 additional upgrade 6 Shield Armor (cost 4000 minerals) and ability to combine 2600 shield for 4000 and 6armor shield for 4000. 2000 combine upgrade which will make 2650 shield and 7.5 shield non-stackable of course. 1st upgrade will be where you buy all upgrades for 4000 minerals and 2nd upgrade for 2000 where you buy vulture gatling. This will also encourage buying protoss units.
Loading Screen with explanations
@Maximusssss: Go
Fantastic idea. Get too many noobs who don't know what to do, then leave.
@Freddy2287: Go
I can t wait for these new upgrades! This sounds fantastic! Oh, had a funny thing happen yesterday, I stepped off cap point 0.1 seconds too early, and instead of counter restarting the point was capped , but for the opposing team. Was north point. Very strange . . .
@Skanky1: Go
yeah. if all noobs do that they will not leave and learn this game 200% quicker
BALANCED PROPOSED COMBO UPGRADES: (Excel Attached: current and proposed)
Autocanon3 x 2 = Minigun
Minigun + Autocanon4 = Vulture Gatling
Zapper3 x 2 = Tesla
Tesla + Zapper4 = Ligthing Generator
Rocket3 x 2 = Barrage
Barrage + Rocket4 = Swarm Missle
Laser3 x 2 = Green Burst Buble
Green Burst Buble + Laser4 = Rainbow Burst Bubble
Plasma3 x 2 = Raygun
Raygun + Plasma4 = Babylon
Vulture Gatling + Bunker Buster = Vulture Gatling BB
Lighting Generator + Bunker Buster = Ligthing Generator BB
Swarm Missle + Bunker Buster = Swarm Missile BB
Rainbow Burst Bubble + Bunker Buster = Rainbow Burst Bubble BB
Babylon + Bunker Buster = Babylon BB
I changed 2nd tier upgrades slightly to make it easier for newbies to combine.
Hi there,
just wanted to say that I'm not ignoring your posts. Just not much time these days and it dont seams to get better the next few weeks. I'm sorry. Your suggestions are great and I appreciate your engagement.
@Maximusssss: Go Good work - is it a stock image you took as background? It's not the style and color I "like" for the map, but thats more my personal taste - nevertheless good work. Think I should implement (or let it be implemented) some text in the loading screen. I thought I could keep this nice clean screen but it seams its more helpful to add some information for new players - you're right.
Maybe someone is interested in designing a new logo (The shield-logo in the middle) or a loading-screen background image (the now greyish image behind the bars on top and down). You may post it here and maybe it will be on the next screen. (This is very much driven by personal taste so dont think not choosing a design is a critic on somebodys work. The style in general should be kept. Some kind of used-military-look, but I'm no desinger though...)
Also a kind of a general announcement (in a small group here - maybe ill post it in an other forum section later): If somebody is good at Data-editing and interested in creating new content for the map (mainly weapons, tanks, abilities,...). I myself are not that ambitionated in data-editing and its kind of time-consuming if you are not a pro and have to test every single step 20 times. :) If someone is interested I can give additional infos on this. Well.. at least after the vacation I'm starting tomorrow. ;)
@Freddy2287: Go
Hi, the background image took me 5 minutes. I took the tank from SC2 The point was that I wanted you to put explanations to new players while loading. I am interested to do a proper loading image. Please specify what do you want in that loading screen? My understanding is: - Military colors, symbols - Red and Blue colors of units to show both teams - Re-design the logo (keep the same logo just enhance it or create a new one with military style attributes) - tell me more...
In regards to help you with programming put this REQUEST IN BOLD on your first page so people can tune it. I also have a private group where i can re-post your request in my private group.
I can tell you that this game became more popular in the last 2-3 weeks. There is a group of 35 people who often play this game (daily) and more new players will join. The PRO level guys help/assist new players so people tend to stay longer in the game and come back to learn the game the next day. Previously new players will leave in 5-10 minutes when they get killed too often. Also we try to balance the teams in the lobby before we start the game so people have equal balance to win. 4 legends vs 4 newbies is no longer played - finally :)))))
Thanks again for your work. I really appreciate this game however as mentioned in my previous post we need 3 more protoss tanks and other stuff to make the game more balanced. Hardly anyone now buys swarm missles. The most popular is gatling because most of the people end up with armored units at the end of the game.
Anyway. Could you PM attached .psd file of your current loading screen. I might use some of the attributes or colors of it. ok cheers
P.S. send me info for data-editing. I and I may know some people who might be interested in this. I can't edit now because my macbook pro does not load the editor because of some error. I am trying to fix this.
hello love the game i am still waiting for new updates,maybe remove the zerg in the game mayke more hero and 2 new maps that we can choose !! if not great. i am waiting to see more !!! ;)
Finally. Took me some time to do it.
I have completed the loading screen for Desert Tank Battle Beta which meets all SC2 Arcade Loading screens standards:
[Tutorial] Load Screen for all monitor types
Upload it to the game or let me know if you want me to correct it. Thanks
@Maximusssss: Go
Nice loading screen! I like the last one, with badges. I
I've also noticed a lot more tact in he games recently. Players seem to be adjusting weapon choice to tank they fighting. The game just keeps getting better. Good job.
This is for GAME INFO (before you go into lobby to start the game). The current photos don't give good information.
@Maximusssss: Go
Like the middle screen. Think u trying to teach people too much. Tell them the basics and let them figure the rest out ? Also I think the other 2 screens only make sense once you understand, so it's almost wasted on noobs :)
@Skanky1: Go
Thanks for feedback on your previous post.
2nd comment: well average players will at least understand this -fingers crossed :)
Replay from someone. Italian language (Rookie):
Nice work - I'll send you a pm...
@Freddy2287: Go
Military Color as requested + PSD file of Arcade Icon Template. I already sent you the PSD of the loading screen.
As an old Battletanks player from the WC3 days, I salute you in developing this remake of it. However, I have some suggestions to make:
1. One thing that always irked me in BTanks was that you couldn't focus your guns on an enemy tank if he was in the middle of a minion crowd. You just had to hope you'd get lucky. In this, it would be AWESOME if you could, say, right-click an enemy and that would cause all of your guns (at least the ones that are in range) to focus on the target. If this makes minions feel a tad irrelevant, you could always jack up their damage against heroes so you can't just dive someone with a bunch of autocannons and get away scot-free.
2. It would be good if you made your Weapon Recipe system clearer. It took me a good while to figure out where to go to combine weapons into recipes, so try to include that in either your tutorial or in the help menu. Do this with some other stuff as well, and that should help out newbies greatly.
3. You need to make a low-tier flier available off the bat. Helicopters in BTanks were legitimately a good starter, especially with long-range rockets. To balance them out, give them less speed (they get more mobility) and a lot less durability (so that Zerg can kill you really easily if you fly into some Hydralisks).
I'm sure other stuff has been mentioned, but these are what I think are essential for now. Either way, keep up the good work.