Trying to figure out why my melee mod doesn't end when the computer player gg's.
I have all proper melee triggers set.
I've tried creating manual triggers based on: "Game - Player Any Player types a chat message containing "gg", matching Exactly" but it won't fire if the Computer player is the Triggering Player.
I've also tried inserting the script "bool AIGoodGame ( int player )" but that's not working either.
Anyone know how to solve this? Or has run into it and fixed it?
Hey all,
Trying to figure out why my melee mod doesn't end when the computer player gg's.
I have all proper melee triggers set.
I've tried creating manual triggers based on: "Game - Player Any Player types a chat message containing "gg", matching Exactly" but it won't fire if the Computer player is the Triggering Player.
I've also tried inserting the script "bool AIGoodGame ( int player )" but that's not working either.
Anyone know how to solve this? Or has run into it and fixed it?
Did you delete any triggers? Chances are you deleted the default. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if it's just a meele MOD afterall.
No. That would be a pretty stupid oversight on my part. The 4 standard melee initialization actions are there.