I'm trying to figure this out and I'm completely out of ideas.
Say my units have already been added to a unitgroup called "MDG_Player1_Unitgroup". How do I detect if they are all dead? I got this setup, but it doesn't do anything:
Events:Unit-AnyUnitdiesLocalVariables:MDG_AllUnitsDead_Player1_Counter=0<Integer>Conditions:(Ownerof(Triggeringunit))==1Actions:UnitGroup-PickeachunitinMDG_Player1_Unitgroupanddo(Actions)Variable-SetMDG_AllUnitsDead_Player1_Counter=(+(1))General-If(Conditions)thendo(Actions)elsedo(Actions)If:(Abs(MDG_AllUnitsDead_Player1_Counter))==3Then:UI-Display"All Player1 units are dead!"for(Allplayers)toSubtitleareaElse:
I'm trying to figure this out and I'm completely out of ideas.
Say my units have already been added to a unitgroup called "MDG_Player1_Unitgroup". How do I detect if they are all dead? I got this setup, but it doesn't do anything:
I guess I got it totally wrong *shrug*.
@Molsterr: Go
Arrrgh! Thinking around 30 corners where only one was needed - fail. Thanks again for the insight, works :D