"Galaxy Editor - Tile Sets and Water States"
In case suggested, I have viewed this tutorial and it has not mentioned what I am curious to.
I have a general question, and could not find any tutorial addressing this specifically :(
Is a good tutorial for using existing textures from other tilesets.
What am curious to, is how to import a new texture. I believe that they have to be in the .dds format, which I am not familiar with.
How does Galaxy editor import a texture (not use existing texture) and also how are bump maps handled?
I want to import a texture (for ground) with a bump map I made with Photoshop and Crazybump. thanks :D
"Galaxy Editor - Tile Sets and Water States"
In case suggested, I have viewed this tutorial and it has not mentioned what I am curious to.
I have a general question, and could not find any tutorial addressing this specifically :(
Is a good tutorial for using existing textures from other tilesets.
What am curious to, is how to import a new texture. I believe that they have to be in the .dds format, which I am not familiar with.
How does Galaxy editor import a texture (not use existing texture) and also how are bump maps handled?
I want to import a texture (for ground) with a bump map I made with Photoshop and Crazybump. thanks :D
wow, solved my own question. I'll leave this here in case someone stumbles on this thread.
the video only has 55 views so I dont feel silly lol.