Defence of the Universe
- This map is a map of AoS style.
- Two factions, Amber and Chaos fight each other and trying to figure out who among them are the strongest.
- You can choose from 6 unique heroes: Dark Templar, Ghost, High Templar, Marauder, Marine, Ultralisk. Each of them has a 4 different abilities.
- In the map offers the full classical mechanics AoS map with the new chips.
I have uploaded the last version of map Defence of the Universe. Free to use, modify and publish on Please credit me if you use it.
I will download it and play it.
Develop maps closed :( . If you want to be my successor, I can send you a map of where nearly a four new hero. Good-bye, you will not soon see me.
Version 1.05 is released. I published map on Europe with name Defence of the Universe. You can find this map if pick show new only. I hope someone will play it :) .
In next 2-3 days i will release version 1.05, where will two new heroes, and many other changes. Home page is updated, added new pages. You can find full information about heroes and mechanics clicking on links on main page.
havent tried it yet due to the lack of characters.
add in more heroes such as spectres, mercenaries and etc.
i find the map is to big
Hello everyone. Version 1.0 is out. I have published map on Europe server with name [DotU], you can find them if you choose normal speed. You can publish map on other servers if you want. If you play offline put game speed to normal
Ok, no problem. I haven't published it yet and won't if you don't want me to. I just hope you'll be buying a SEA Starcraft 2 Key (and not US or EU) because otherwise it will only be available in the other regions and not our hehe. Blizzard's publishing scheme is set such that it doesn't get published worldwide.
Or are you planning to purchase three CD keys for all regions?
No, no, no. I am currently working on version 1.0. I don't have key Starcraft 2 still, but soon i hope will buy it and publish new map, this version is last sick version. I'm polishing the map so much as possible. Soon, I hope to finish and when to buy Starcraft 2, all I can not say any more.
I'm not sure if you're still updating this but I was wondering if you could publish it in the SEA servers. We're severely lacking in maps there especially the type involving heroes.
I'm sure people would be glad to see a fresh map. If you can't upload it there, I can publish on your behalf.
heres a hero idea
high templar
strength 15 +1.1 agility 15 + 1.3 intelligence 23+3 stamina 16+1.5
ability 1 forcefield places a forcefield for 3/6/8/10 seconds 50 energy 5 second cooldown ability 2 psi storm that does 5/10/15/20 damage per second for 3 seconds 50 energy 20 second cd ability 3 halucinate creates 1/2/3/4 halucinations of that high templar that takes 150% damage and deals 10% physical damage of the high templar lasts for 5 seconds costs 150 energy 20 second cd ability 4 psi bolt sends a bolt at the target stunning it for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 seconds and dealing 50/100/150/200 damage 150 energy 30 second cooldown ult wrath of the gods deals 300/400/500 damage to all enemies near the high templar 5 second channel but if hes hit the channel is over (and he still gets the cd and energy cost) 200 energy 1 min cd
thats how a hero would look if you would implemend what i posted
ps please stop looking at the dota site for ideas
oh and u could (and should) change centaur into a ultralisk
can you plz add the "Hold Fire" button to all of the heroes? it's useful for last hits and such.
random ideas
1 rename all the things that are same in dota (cough shops and items i mean where the hell are ogres in sc?)
2 put some unique thiings to it like 5 abilities instead of 4 (reason it was 4 in wc is cuz there wasnt enough room XP), 4 stats (add stamina) and maybe upgradable minions and shields for heroes
3 ummm... poitons anyone?
4 some unique spells (that didnt come with sc ull run out of those :P
i just played it... hmm... wow... theres a lot of bugs...
ahahahaha... where to start. Theres a bug with the dark templar. He can't stay still... the cheat item was awesome!!!!! phase boots lol. I teleport around the map xD xD xD xD
Can I join in this project? I'm an avid player running on my 4th year on DOTA.
Yes, it's bug :D . Didnot fix it yet :)
hmmm the Force field ability of the marine hero just spawn another marine hero that is neutral and just do nothing for the time it is suposed to stay if it was the REal force field
Im really happy you took my advice, but still disappointed its not based on SC2, but I can imagine everyone is having problems of a theme to place for sc2-dota.