Game Mechanics

Damage Attributes & Unit Attributes

For each unit that spawns, they have a unit attribute type. Certain units that you can hire (named mercs or heros) will be stronger against a certain type of wave. There are 3 basic wave types and 1 hero wave type. Simply put these wave types are defined by the race that they are, or the wave number they may be. In order to survive the endless waves of baddies trying to cross the space platform you'll need to hire a combination of all Unit Types.


Over the last few years Egon Stetman has been involved in a Xel-Naga Research project. Designed to increase the effective damage of Terran weapons against Zerg units, Stetman was able to identify that when combining existing Terran Tech with the ancient Xel-Naga Tech, he could boost the effectiveness of all Biological based Technology. In working with the Department Reserved Of Intergalactic Defence (DROID), Stetman was able to develop an Armored Suit and updated Weaponry that all Terran units have been outfitted with. This allows the Terran Units to gain a 10% damage bonus over Biological units, and now have a unit attribute of Armored.

Terran is Armored, with attack bonus on Biological.


Since the Battle of Char, the Protoss have been working to eradicate the swarm on every last sector in the far reaches of space, and have thus forced the Zerg to do some of their own research. They were able to identify that the energy source for all Protoss life, and have harnessed this knowledge in the use of their weapons. With their new 10% damage bonus towards Psionic units, they hope to be able to turn the balance back in their favor across the universe.

Zerg is Biological, with attack bonus on Psionic.


Knowing that the Terran were researching advanced weapons, but still having the majority of their attention on the cleansing of the swarm, the Protoss knew that one day they would run of Zerg units to destroy and grew ever cautious of their technologically advancing enemy. Deciding to take a lead on things, the Protoss underwent counter-active research of their own towards the new shields that the Terran had developed. Discovering that the source of the Terran Armor had connections to Xel-Naga technology, they instantly knew they would no longer need to fear the Terran Armor or Weapons. Protoss have a 10% damage bonus over Armored units.

Protoss is Psionic, with attack bonus on Armored.


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