Starcraft Kitbash Universe
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You do not play Void?
yes i do there are no building for hybrid maybe one zerg buildings and protoss buildings dont count
They are like a kind of pylon and dimensional portals, they also appear in Coop if you have played.
i know there are like 3 haha so far
@Alley hehe yea i do :D
@ahrimansiah: Go
You know that I'm going to upload it.
@Alley Thanks bro, its ok! thanks for respond! :) btw any news on new UED models?
Because buildings are not custom, just change the texture , if they were different buildings would be nice, but you can use the original perfectly.
not a request a question will you be making primal and swarm of amon placement models?
@alleyviper85: Go
Oh look its Green Eyes!
I think finishing Primal Zerg is a good idea, only missing buildings.
Is there any map, which is like coop but melee?
Example Raynor vs Kerrigan and that only coop units can be used.
And that "races" have their heroes as War3
Less units per army and more different armies.
Raynor's Raiders - Raynor , Swann , etc
Swarm - Kerrigan , Zagara
Kill Squad - Warfield
It's just an idea.
@ahrimansiah: Go
Yes sorry , many times I read and I forget to answer. sorry
That model I have already mentioned several times, that is not 100% finished, has some problems. I want to include it in the UED Heroes Mod
hey alley! did u read my msg bro?