[Download in Patreon] ColonialForces_Mod1.0 - This is not a mod > Click on the cover image.
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UploadedMar 21, 2022
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This mod contains part of the Colonial Forces custom army, at the moment it is in the creation phase.
What is included in this mod?
- Currently all the units that make up the army. (They may be reissued in the future) -Currently all buildings, except defensive buildings.
- I have created some new portraits, but there won't be portraits for all units. Some can be perfectly replaced by originals from Sc2.
- New sounds for units, use some different sounds from Sc2 WoL beta versions and other things like voices from Heroes of the Storm.
- Unique soundtrack for Colonial Forces, taken from Starcraft Ghost.
- Custom console.
- Army data, all units are created and buildings; unit weapons, buttons, and some abilities such as creating units.
- Also includes buttons and wireframes for units and buildings.
- Some custom effects for some units.