Simply's Restaurations

I hope to release (and keep releasing) models and textures, based on salvaged / partially completed Blizzard pre-release assets. Or models/ textures, inspired by such.Lots of good assets in the editor, begging to be completed. Once done, i would like to share them and preserve them, for excellent maps like the WOL Alpha Map on the Arcade. Check it out, its fun.


-Unit models/skins



-Console re-textures and UI elements.

-Restored alternate old animations.




All credit goes to the community, that made the tools for this possible. Though, i admit to struggling with Blenders addons. Making the textures has been fun though. I hope to keep learning and making more.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 20, 2023
  • Last Released File
    Aug 14, 2024
  • Total Downloads
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