SC1 Episode 2 - Overmind
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Starcraft: Episode II - Overmind
the complete Zerg campaign
Episode list | |
Episode I - Rebel Yell | by Ultraling & Jones |
Episode II - Overmind | by Jones |
Episode III - The Fall | by christdaugherty |
Episode IV - The Stand | by Telenil & Jimm3110 |
Episode V - The Iron Fist | by Jones |
Episode VI - Queen of Blades | by Telenil, Jones & Jimm3110 |
also check out the project thread at TeamLiquid
The second installment of the classic Starcraft campaigns. Uses the same mod file as the previous episode, and again, credit for the mod goes to MavercK. Also thanks to Ultraling for his initial work on the Terran episode, and GnaReffotsirk and others for the amazing unit models.
- all 10 original missions
- original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models
- original SC1 Zerg soundtrack
- all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign
"Artistic License"
(some notable differences from the original campaign)
- Lurkers! Because who doesn't love Lurkers?
- Mission 5 "The Amerigo" - yep, like it or absolutely hate it, the third person "shooter" action is back
- two difficulty levels - with a somewhat more aggressive AI than in the original, in order to provide some challenge to the average player
Links to the latest versions, by language. You will need both the maps and the mod file to play (see "How to play" below). For older versions, check the "Files" section.
English version
- Map pack - v1.5
- Mod file - v4.7b
- Mod file (for grid hotkeys) - v4.7
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
French version
- Map pack - v1.03
- Mod file - vC.3.3
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
German version
- Map pack - v1.5
- Mod file - v4.7b
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
Episode 3 - German
Russian version
- Map pack - v1.04b
- Mod file - v4.2
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
Italian version
Korean version
How to play
- extract the mod file (SC1BWmod) to your "Mods" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (NOT the folder under "My Documents")
- extract the map pack to the "Maps" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (create the folder if it doesn't exist)
- extract the Campaign Launcher & setup to the same "Maps" folder (not the campaign folder)
Campaign Launcher installation:
- launch the Starcraft 2 editor
- open the setup map named SCMRsetup in your Maps folder and click the "test document" button on the top right (or press ctrl+F9)
- wait until the launcher loads and you're at the title screen, then save the game and exit the map (press esc or F10 to open the game menu)
- find the save file (named "Starcraft - Mass Recall" by default) in (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Saves/VersusAI
- copy or move the save file to the saves folder under your account folder (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Accounts/.../.../Saves/Multiplayer (for example; any of the save folders will do)
- Done! You can now log into the appropriate account and load the save from the load game-screen. You can use this save to play each episode.
more info:
- You can copy the save file to whatever accounts you want. For example, if you want to play offline, copy it to your guest account folder.
- If you're unsure of the right folders or can't find the Starcraft II documents folder, log into an account of your choice in SC2, go to the load game-screen, click on a save and click the "show in folder"-button. It will take you to the appropriate saves folder.
Troubleshooting & known issues
- Original campaign by Blizzard
- Remake by Jones
- The original mod "Starcraft 2 Brood War" by MavercK
- with additional tweaks by christdaugherty, Superfield, Jones, Telenil, Jimm
custom models/textures
- GnaReffotsirk (Carrier, Shuttle, Queen, Guardian)
- Snowflake Entertainment/Project Revolution (Reaver, Corsair, Defiler, Valkyrie), reworked by GnaReffotsirk (with help from NiNToxicated, DeveRR0, Phygis)
- GhostNova91 (Devourer, Raszagal / Female High Templar, Duran portrait, Protoss / Xel'Naga Temple, UED flag)
- buhhy (Dragoon)
- SoulFilcher (Ion Cannon, Duran hero icon)
- Thrikodias (Observatory, Psi Emitter, Xel'Naga Stasis Cell)
- Alpha & Omega Squadron decals by TooMuchTuch
- Third Person Shooter engine by martinolsson
- easy difficulty & other miscellaneous tweaks by Telenil
- French translation by Choum28
- Russian translation by Jimm3110, Virussoft (original translation & dubbing: Fargus Multimedia, 7Wolf)
- Italian translation/modification by Zarxiel93, TheTorrasque, JustSkorpyon
- German translation by FirefoxGhost
- Korean translation by storycraft
- as always, thanks to Hati for his SC2 Localizer
- Starcraft soundtrack by Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, Tracy W. Bush
- "Trainstation PT.2", "Guard Down" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack)
- "The Maw", "Under Cover of Night" by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (Halo Original Soundtrack)
- "Chapel of Evil" by Russell Shaw (Fable: The Lost Chapters Original Soundtrack)
- special thanks to Telenil, christdaugherty, Superfield and Jimm3110 for their enthusiasm and work on the project.
PLEASE NOTE that this is a completely unofficial, non-profit, fan-made remake and in no way affiliated with Activision Blizzard.
@Jones313: Go
starcraft 2 terran supply depot can u manke and update on terran supply depot rise up and down plz and like ID in Sc2
Eagerly awaiting the Protoss campaign and hopefully brood war campaigns. I just can't go back to playing them on the original after seeing yours.
One comment on the difficulty and peoples responses: If you find it too hard you can always edit the maps. One part of Rebel Yell was too much for me so I simply added double the starting resources. No need to tell the map creators they're failures just because I am :)
Great work guys.
The ending cinematic better be worth it, especially since you can use the real overmind instead of a hive blown up to 4 times it's normal size like in the beta.
yener79, Telenil:
Yeah, I'm not entirely satisfied with the Kerrigan third person level myself. In retrospect, making that map took way too much time considering the amount/quality of gameplay in it. Whatever though, it works okay so I'm content with it, for now at least. =P optional RTS mode is likely to be added at some point in the future.
Hmm. Thanks for the input. I'm trying to finish up a little update for the Terran campaign and move on to the Zerg. Might have to redo some triggers, I'll look into it when I get there.
Fair enough. Not quite sure what you mean by balance; it'd be very difficult to recreate the exact balance of the original game in the SC2 engine, but I think Maverck's done a pretty outstanding job so far. No intentional "rebalancing" has been done, that's for sure. Unless you mean the difficulty; Ultraling mentioned he wanted to add a difficulty level equivalent to the original with the same attack waves and such. Of course, with the improved UI and mechanics, that'd be even easier than the original...
Glad you're still interested. Uh, hang in there! We'll get back to you.
I'm still waiting for the Protoss campaign. Come on dudes, I'm growing old here waiting for you!
SC2 controls sure, no problem with that. The biggest problem with SC1 was the limitations of its interface. I mean gameplay changes like the Brood War units, 3rd person maps, and rebalancing. Basically I'd like to see an option to play 1:1 recreations of the missions themselves, balance included, but with the improved graphics and control of SC2.
Still, nice work putting so much time into what is here, it's more than anyone else has done to remake Starcraft.
Thanks for this great mod!
I've encountered the same problem as several forum-ers: can't play zerg mission 9, 10. I followed the post by CraftMasterTheBlackHayate dated Sat, 14 May 2011 11:03:36 (3rd page from this post) trying to fix the map.
When I load the map with SC Map Editor, click Triggers, an error comes out: Warning: Invalid trigger element reference removed from Parameter Value 'Property' (Preset Value, F1809B89, Lib: Ntve). Then I apply the method stated by CraftMasterTheBlackHayate and click Save, a Script Compile Error comes out: Line 647, TriggerAddEventUnitProperty(gt_Emitter2, null, ) ;.
Then I go to Emitter2 section in the Triggers window, under Events/Unit, I change the Property from "No Value" to "Preset: Life" and save the map. The map works now ( starts normally with briefing ) but I don't know if it's the correct way or not because I know nothing about these SC Maps.
Hope the authors or others can find out what's going on with it. If others encounter similar problems, I think it's the minority, this method can relieve you temporarily.
PS: I try to change only the Emitter2 Event property without changing the Portrait X Wait value mentioned by CraftMasterTheBlackHayate, it also works.
PS1: Finish mission 9 w/o an error.
PS2: Finish mission 10 w/o an error.
PS3: This is method to counter problems with loading all missions with objective "carrying something to somewhare".
@twisty49: Go
On May 16th, Jones said it was one month from then *earliest*. So I wouln't expect it before the end of June.
I can't wait to see how you do the ending cinematic!
hi i know this question has been asked a thousand times...but how long til the protoss campagin comes out?
if you cant say exactly when is there a chance you can give us a hint?
a few weeks? months? tomorow?? XD
rly hanging out for it
The first terran FPS mission was good, the one with Kerrigan feels a bit weird due to the fact that you have to be in melee to attack enemies, and it's difficult to know when you are in range. I'm a bit worried about the protoss installation level, all the thrill of this level came for the slow exploration of the map with the use of hallucinations, and clearing of infested terrans. It really wouldn't be the same as a TPS.
I wonder if you also could make an original map instead of tps, so the people can choose which one to play.
The reason is, I love to play it on tps ,but playing on original gives me a better feeling than it
Go boil your head, yackles. the TPS engine is awesome. Anyway, still waiting for the Protoss campaign.
The only 3 complains i have are a) since when can a marine kill a hydralisk while both on 0/0 (impossible even in the origi) b) Kerrigan isnt a hero she is a thor with cloak (squished by 1 tank in the time she comes to him) - give her 10 hp regen and at least 4 armor at the start (or return her the op ranged ground attack instead of the armor) c) why didnt someone redo this campaign before - its epic (even with the bugs, sequence breaks and the new objectives) everyone who played the original must try this if he is a gamer.
I should've pointed out this known issues page sooner. Thanks for all the feedback and such. I'll need to go over some things regarding the mod file with Ultraling at some point. Both of us have other things going on at the moment, but there'll be updates coming.
A subtitle like, what was it, "Starcraft Reimagined" or "Starcraft Whatever"? Sorry, I have too big of an ego to do a version like that. (Yeah, I was bored at work)
But seriously, sure there's always a chance. It'd probably be in the form of options within the maps. What exactly do you mean with "exact remake", though? No Brood War units? No cutscenes? All the original sound effects? 12 unit selection? We've kept the story and dialogue pretty much exactly the same. As for gameplay, obviously there's the improved SC2 controls which I see no reason not to use, and some Brood War units, which actually are pretty optional as it is. Difficulty... yeah. Some like it, some hate it. You'll have to wait for easy mode a while longer.
I dunno... we're not claiming it to be an exact port, and I don't see why it should be. I think it's faithful, though.
Any chance we could get a version without the "artistic license"? Same for the Terran campaign.
Or at least a subtitle on the name, since this isn't actually a exact remake of SC1?
@Anterro: Go
Oh yes - there's no doubting the excellence of the overall creation! :D (which some of my raving previous posts on this and the Terran campaign can attest to) I was just adding to the bug report for a different quality setting. ;)
And to say that I'm eagerly looking forward to the Protoss campaign and the Brood War missions in a huge understatement! :D
@thecraggles: Go
Have that also on normal settings. The higher the setting, the smaller the bug. But i think its not a very big bug. I enjoy that the creator tried to copy the old attackgraphics. Excellent work. I know from my past map creatings how difficult it is to copy the old AI. And i love what you did! :-D
@Trilby21: Go
Hi - The same happens to me too but I have most of the graphic settings on ultra.
@Trilby21: Go
Yeah, that looks kinda silly lol.