
  • Below is the list of all functions currently in rPlusLib, and a few that are going to be added.
  • Due to the nature of this page and how long it could become, please route any requests or issues through the ticket system.
  • This page is still in the process of being changed for the better. In it's current state it will tell you what you need to know, but it is a bit sparce.
Math - Arithmetic0.2UnstableCycle DownDecrements an integer variable by 1, but keeps it within a given range. If this increment causes the variable to be lower than the Min value, the variable is reset to the Max value.
Region - Traceline0.2StableDraw TracelineTraces a line from the camera to the targeted point. Use Target Player to choose which player can be hit by the traceline. Commonly you'll want to set the Camera Position to the source unit, Camera Height to the height of the source unit + the camera height offset, and player to the player you want to be using the traceline. If used before using Set Traceline Source Unit in a TPS/FPS game, you could end up killing yourself. If you don't know what a Traceline is, you probably don't want to use this function. Traceline currently supports up to 8 players.
Region - Traceline0.2StableDebug TracelineDisplays the last XYZ and unit targets for the player to all players. Best used directly after the Draw Traceline function. Traceline currently supports up to 8 players.
Region - Traceline0.2StableSet Traceline Source UnitSets the Traceline Source Unit. This will prevent the Traceline function from detecting that unit for the player. Traceline currently supports up to 8 players.
Region - Traceline0.2StableSet Traceline RangeSets the Traceline Range. Traceline checks every 0.5 steps, so use intervals of 0.5 or it may not produce the desired result. Traceline currently supports up to 8 players.
UI - Boss Bar0.1StableDisplay Boss Bar (Modal)Creates and shows a boss bar that looks like the default Modal dialogs near the top of the screen.
UI - Boss Bar0.1StableSet Boss Bar Title and PortraitSets the Boss Bar Title and Portrait for the chosen players. Must use an existing Boss Bar. Not fully tested; recommend you use the player group you used to create the Boss Bar originally.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableCreate FPS/TPS WeaponCreates a custom "weapon" for use by any player with the chosen ID number. ID must be between 1 and 100. Useful for creating FPS/TPS style weapons.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableUse FPS/TPS WeaponUses the currently selected FPS/TPS Weapon for a player from the position of Unit_Control, checking the conditions of the target unit/area (Please note that the Target Alliance setting only works for Splash enabled weapons). This function makes use of the Draw Traceline function to aim the shot. Set the Camera Height to your camera's z offset. Will not work unless you have used the Set FPS/TPS Control Unit function to choose the source unit. Usually it's a good idea to set both the Traceline Source Unit and the Control Unit to the same unit for the player.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableSetup FPS/TPS UIHides the default game UI (excluding the Menu Bar and Tip Alert Panel) and creates a window that displays the Control Unit's health, the Energy Unit's health, and general weapon info. The Control Unit and Energy Unit settings will override existing settings for that player.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableSetup FPS/TPS CrosshairsCreates a Crosshairs Dialog at the center of the screen for the player. It is recommended that you use Crosshairs X/Y equal to that of your image.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableRefresh FPS/TPS PlayerInfoRefreshes the PlayerInfo dialog for the player. Useful in a trigger that loops every 0.0 real time seconds.
Custom - FPS/TPS0.2UnstableSet FPS/TPS Control UnitSets the FPS/TPS Control Unit for use in the Use FPS/TPS Weapon function. The Type parameter determines what type of unit it is setting.