Retribution 2015
Retribution 2015
The object of this game is keep the monsters that spawn at designated locations from getting to the Temple of Retribution. In order to do this, you construct structures (towers) that will attack the monsters on their way to the Temple. The monsters attempt to follow a set path on their way to the Temple. They will attempt to touch each glowing hexagon on the way from their spawn point to the Temple. If you completely wall off the hexagon, then the monsters will go around it. The most advantageous way to build will be to set up some sort of "maze" that the monsters will need to follow on their way from one hexagon to another. If you don't have a good idea for a maze, just start building a spiral around one of your hexagons.
Speed Bonus == (BUGGED)
If your team finishes off all the monsters on your side before the other team, you will start a speed bonus timer which will provide bonus minerals based on how much quicker you killed the monsters than the other team. Starting the speed bonus timer also enables building / selling early. If you are the only team left and have chosen to continue the game, than this bonus becomes a "survivor" bonus and is awarded every wave.
Tower Types
Energy: Focuses on slowing down the enemy while 1 target lasers take the out. Munitions: Faster single target shots or slow high/splash damage shots. The railgun chains have a huge range being able to cover most of the map. Bio: Mostly painful splash damage with low range.
Monster Types
Monsters come in various types, defined usually by their armor type. Certain towers do bonus damage vs. certain armor types as seen under tower types. You should cooperate with your team and make sure you have all armor type bonuses covered!
Your team's Retribution meter fills when you let monsters though to the Temple. The higher this %, the more likely the Temple will have its Retribution on one of your team's towers when you leak. The Temple may also decide to donate minerals to your enemies when you leak, so be careful!
Nuke Meter
When you leak monsters to the Temple, your team's NUKE gauge will fill. When it reaches 100%, the Temple will nuke one of the tower's on your team causing extensive damage! As the NUKE meter continues to fill over and over, it will raise the NUKE multiplier. This multiplier will cause more nukes to be launched when the Temple attacks.
- Hathoron (Sgat from sc3 mapster) for his valuable QA work
- Raithwall for getting this map published on EU servers
- Ciopo for his awesome "skills of a programmer"
- Crypto on Bnet (And his wife!) for QA work
- Meeko on for map suggestions
- OneTwoSC on You Tube for your awesome tutorials
- Molsterr from sc2Mapster for his help with turrets and campaign models
- Diablito816 from sc2Mapster forums for posting a way to fix Blizzard's inability to make the lobby work correctly
- Vexal from for hotkey and armor type notification suggestions
- KOGuyThingy, TheVedis, and Kyreth from BNet forums for their insightful comments
Next Version Ideas / Concepts
- More things to do, especially in later levels
- Multiple upgrade paths for each tower
- game mode: reverse, mobs spawn from temple and moves toward top, shared income
- game mode: pure TD, builders not allowed to build "in lane" ( the energy track, basically)
- game mode: relentless, top spawn shared income, as soon as a team finish killing all mobs of a wave the next wave start immediately for both teams,
- game mode: solo,individual spawns, mobs are considered leaked at the end of it's spawning "zone", thus no "pick up" from middle/bottom, on boss 4 are spawned with the hp/shield they would have if a team was a solo player
Need to create a cool ending
Unit upgrades
Problems/To Do
- Many upgrade actors are not changing to the new actor.
- Some prices are not reflecting the correct value.
- Currently working on a method to send units against opposing team.
- Frequently adding new towers.
4.44 just went live:
Fixed boss bar HP displays 30+
Fixed missing bridge chunk on right side
Vespine gas no longer left when player leaves
Made air waves a TAD slower
New "Vanguard" bonus for being in one of the top spots.
I agree with Aceykid.. 49 is a huge leap between 39. after three tries only on easy with a whole slew of implosions towers was i able to only leak a few.
The issue with the boss health bar when only one team is playing still exists. Produces an error and does not show at all.
See previous comment for message error.
It seems when players leave their vespene gas is always going to Red(Top Left).
Graphical Error with top left bridge still exists, there's a small sliver where the bridge doesn't show at the bottom of the cliff.
Also I've noticed that the Spore towers Area of Effect damage over time stacks, I'm currently playing a game with nothing but slow towers and 4 spore towers and monsters die in a few seconds. Also the spore clouds don't appear to be sticking to the boss, they stay where they were shot.
Not sure what the circumstances are but I am alone, I 'had' 7 vespene gas,I built a Shield Purge Center and I noticed it's not attacking and when I tried to focus fire with it I got "Trigger error in 'auto_lib_gf_BB..." This was on boss round 20.
I want to play retribution TD. However I can't find it anymore. There are billions of NEXUS WARS. Is it a hack? Someone hack blizzard to show NEXUS war?
Anyway, I tried creating my own Retribution TD game but MAP IS NOT FOUND. WTF? Creator took it off the server?
By the way, there is serious bug where one can not slow down any leaks from the top players if the other Team got the speed bonus. This bug really killed my game last night. I was playing version 4.40 Retribution TD. I was the top player who leaks. My friend who play middle can't slow them down even with the Imagined burden. The monster get super charged up when other team got the speed bonus.
Ok, I have to second with a few people's comments. One, I totally agree with Sgat8516. Top player positions suck. I personally refuse to play them. Two, soulreaver0814 is spot on, wave 49 is some rough stuff. Played a game on easy, had just me in it in the bottom position, my favorite. I had about 4 or 5 implosion towers a liquifier and a nuke. Figured, oh ill leak a few with this like usual. WRONG. I leaked all of them. Still survived, one, cause I'm awesome and hadn't leaked any in the rest of the game, and at bottom position you don't get many spawns so it wasn't enough to nuke me. As for the difficulty of everything else, I personally hate the regen wave, but it isn't a big problem really. If the bottom player is good they can finish them all off, except maybe the first regen wave when people still don't have a ton of stuff. Liquifier seems to not be totally raping the crap out of stuff now, which is good. But it is still the best unit in game to me and will make regen waves a cake walk if your maze isn't stupid. Love the new look, and have not played ver. 4.41 yet.
ok i lied. wave 49 needs some serious tuning. i had five implosion towers, two nuke towers, seven burst missile launchers, and a liquidator, and i still couldnt down all of wave49 on normal mode.
I should have the replay still, or at least one of them, let me take a look. If so I'll attach it to this comment.
I added the replay and at around 10:15 orange has a tower get destroyed from blue blocking and at around 12:30 pink has a bunch of towers destroyed from me blocking(for testing).
Also I'd like to note, Regen are a tad too powerful. I can go from waves not even reaching my 2nd waypoint to leaking 1/2 a regen wave.
errors after the game is continued are known and I will put them on my list.
The blocking thing destroying the other teams towers, I just dont see how that can happen, can someone send me a replay when this happened?
Just played your new map the 4.41, After two games one on normal and easy I found a couple issues:
After a normal game continued when the other team left we would get trigger errors for Boss health meter. TriggerError in auto_libNtve_gf_BB. On easy with a full game the Boss meters were showing negatives and were reacting in giving positive to their health.
I love the new map and look, the night switch for boss was a very nice touch. It seemed the later waves were really tough and if people have left even if you want to continue there is no point cause the game is more team oriented. On normal with two people top and mid we were leaking like crazy from 41 on. It seemed that all the 1's from 21 or 31 on were really tough were I was able to kill a boss almost by myself to this mob that doesn't want to seem to die at all.
A permanent display for the wave order would be awesome. Something that showed maybe four waves ahead for easy and less for harder difficulties.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Vash
Just played a game of 4.41, one of my team mates kept blocking and it was destroying the other teams towers. As a test I tried continually blocking about 100 times and ended up destroying about 15 of the enemies towers. Also graphical glitch, on the boss levels the West` Top Right Bridge and the East` Top Left Bridge get a rectangular portion of them cut out.
Love this map and decided to start contributing!
Xpletive : the design differences are intentional, thanks!
Just uploaded 4.41 with sycophant changed to a new kick ass tower, acid spore. Also fixed the nuke on continue thingy for real this time.
@ sherm too many implosions, not enough burst rocket launchers. implosions are 861 dps to air for 150 minerals or 5.7 dps per mineral. burst rockets are 5008 dps vs air for 750 mineral, comming out to 6.6 dps per mineral, which is almost a 20% increase. you only need enough implosions to slow the air enough.
as for the nuke thing i mentioned, play a game with all computers and you should be able to recreate it.
Love the new design but it seems like the top inner players have their path off center as opposed to the top outer players.. This creates some variation in mazing possibilities..
Just beat the newest version on 2nd try, but level 49 was ridiculous. I had 12 Implosion towers in the middle of path of the bottom east with 2 immortals and the slowing unique tower, but 1 made it thru my wave and the other 2 top players leaked all of theirs which made them all come at once. 12 imlposions is a crazy amount and I thought was overkill for the motherships, but it was way underpowered to the motherships. Needed the Implosions and Immortals with the beginning nexus to attack the levels jsut below level 49 to kill them. Even with a great maze. Until level 45 or so, none made it to my first checkpoint and then al lof a sudden, they were way too powerful. I have the replay if you want to take a look and see what I speak of. Still a great mod. Best Tower defense game I have played, but might want to check the power of the motherships and/or make something to balance it more with the motherships. Maybe something that can change the timing so that al lthe motherships dont come to the bottom at the same time. All in all, we had 18 implosion towers and I was only able to take out about half. Again, I have replay if you would like to see the setup and how it happened.
No one likes being Top... which is why people leave..
Even if its a good top player, that catches 99% of his adds, its still depending on 2 other players to not suck at their job. Given the average suck:skill ratio on, the probability of getting 2 non-suck players in the slots further behind you (which you can't do much more than offer morale support to..), is like 99.7% guaranteed....
IMO gives a 5-10mineral bonus to Top players, as an incentive for staying up there :P thats the only slot people automatically quit when they see they have...
I'm looking into these issues
I tested the hell out of the nuking thing and never saw it happen
Also, I have found the problem with the Sycophant and trying to correct atm
So the Zerg special - sychophant - is still a big wonky (better than before though). When it MC's something it will actually bug it out and once the MC/stun wears off it won't move. It will actually attack the nearest tower but do no damage. Makes it worse than the other two specials for normal waves and terribly OP for boss waves.
If it were to MC something and force it to run AWAY from the current point then, wear off after 5 or so seconds that would be pretty decent.
Great map btw, play it with my roomates regularly.
just played 4.40. wave 20 leaked one boss, middle guy killed other boss. wave wont end.
also, your team getting nuked if a nuke is launched while the other team has no towers left is still in.
edit: expanding.
just did a solo game where i killed both lvl20 bosses and it proceeded as normal. i guess leaking one boss bugs it out? as for wrong team getting nuked, i did it solo with all computers in the game. the retribution leaks killed all the other teams towers then nuked my team mate.
Thanks for the comments! I know the tumors are attackable, I kinda like that :)
Gives people somehitng to do.
I just uploaded the 4.40 with revamped boss fights, make sure and turn on your music !
Just played through round 20 before everyone else decided to leave. Then I left because playing by yourself is boring LOL. While playing I noticed some things with the changes. The creep tumors are attackable, which makes the creep go away. You can hit it easily from a few spots. I also read in someone's thread that it is possible to make them invisible so you just get the creep without the tumor.
The new look is awesome I can tell you spent a good amount of time on it. Some of the tower look changes are awesome (only saw the gravity monolith). The new pathing made me have to completely redo my strategy which is good because it makes the game feel fresh again :D
I was thinking it would be cool to have something unlockable for the people that beat your map, like an extra game mode or an extra tower. Maybe a speed mode that adds 200% to the units speed but takes away 30% of their life. I know the game can be kind of slow in later levels when people concentrate on making their whole block a maze instead of on DPS. Maybe a mode where you limit the number of towers people can build to see how good of a maze they can make with few towers :D