Mine Bombers Working Text

(In progress) (Based on the current SC2 Arcade Beta format)

  • Mine Bombers
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  • Genres - Action, Strategy, Puzzle, Maze, Diplomacy
  • Players - 4
  • Description - Mine Bombers is a top-down game. Your character can dig a path through a grid of dirt, rock, sand, and movable boulders to reach various kinds of treasure. Use various bombs and equipment to clear a path quicker or easier. Set pitfalls in the maze for your enemies, or simply trap them between hard-to-dig rock and a newly dropped large bomb, or use a flamethrower, or just ram into them, slowly eroding their health. Based on the old freeware dos game 'Mine Bombers' by Skitso Productions.
  • Basic Instructions

1. Choose a character. The gameplay is quite similar with each character.

2. You have 60 seconds to buy various amounts of tools and weapons, or not. Buying the basic small/large bombs or upgrading digging speed are most often useful early on.

3. When the game starts, right-click to move your character. If there is something in the way, they will dig through it. You can also place bombs to get through obstacles quicker - just make sure you get out of range of the explosion before they go off.

4. Collect treasures (different treasures have different value). Kill enemy mine bombers to get half of their accumulated treasure. The round ends when all treasure is collected, time runs out, or only one mine bomber remains.

  • How To Win

The round winner is the one with the most total treasure or the survivor. Win the most rounds to win the game. There are a lot of strategies to win a round. Consider your starting circumstances (your start location, the terrain, & treasure placement). Use that it is a social game to your advantage (hint - if you win every round everyone will start targeting you). Certain strategies are more effective when playing a certain character type.


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