Hard Counter
Unit Tester and Micro Trainer. Find the perfect counter for any opponent force and learn how to micro.
Build two armys (manual or random) and let them fight. Watch cost efficiency.
You can get all units and upgrades instantly in the main. You can build all structures instantly with workers. You can use different terrain for fighting positions. Just play and feel your skill boost.
Solo or 1v1 training with a friend.
Play it online on the EU Server: Create a game using the custom map "Hard Counter"
I wanna mess around with the planetary fortress but my CC doesnt allow me to upgrade.
dude... i like this map but whenever you upgrade, i always go back to the building units command card. i usually want all upgrades to be on but i just get lazy to keep going bak to the upgrades command card...
also... not to offend you but i dont find the "swap forces" useful. i tried it in every way. the thing that i recommended earlier (copy enemies force) was for me to practice my micro. since you did put this map in the "training" catgory.
so far so good though...
I love this level! It's a very good level for betting on who's better. GJ
thanks for further feedback.
"copy enemy's force"? i want to keep this map slim, so i resist to implement unnecessary buttons. and who needs to play mirror army vs stupid AI? but now... i am thinking about a button "swap forces". that could be more useful, or?
nice map!!! how about create a button that says "copy enemy's force"?? im a total noob at editing maps so i cant put that up.
EDIT: by copying enemys force that means to copy enemy's force.
It works... and its awesome! Good job.
thanks for feedback. i will further work on localization asap (i used enGB).
instant upgrades: use the main (!) buildings second command card. you can get there by clicking the upgrade icon at the bottom right. (okay its not obvious, maybe i should have used an extra upgrade building...)
edit: i tried to fix localization again. please let me know if it works now. thanks.
I'm still getting the errors as well. Also, the building is instant, but the upgrades are still at normal time.
other than that, rly good idea. I can rly see the potential
Hey dingoo great map! I was just thinking it would be usefull to have a map to just throw different unit combinations together.
Unfortunetly it looks like the enUS localization is not working. I still get all those param errors. I'm playing with the latest patch from bliz for sc2 (the one they did the day of the end of the beta that fucked all the replays) so dunno if that might be why. Anyway thought you'd want to know. I can still kinda use it because I can guess what most of the buttons do. Thanks for this amazing map!
thanks for comment. you can build all buildings with the workers (scv, probe, drone). you can get all upgrades in the main buildings (upgrade icon bottom right).
param errors... do you have the english version? i try and fix this.
edit: localization should be fixed now for US
I've got alot of param errors. Also, you should add the ability to use defensive buildings (bunkers, cannons turrets) and upgrades