Update: November 1, 2010 v1.18

Here are the changes to Dungeons - Guardians of Fire version 1.18. ENJOY!

- Egon Stetmann's Power Source 15 damage increase changed to 15% attack speed increase.

- Fixed an issue that caused heroes to lose current energy pool amounts when losing Egon Stetmann's Power Source buff.

- Players can now mouse over the party unit frames on the left of the screen to display the names of the players controlling the heroes.

- When controlling the Egon Stetmann hero, the player can now mouse over the Unit frames on the left of the screen for a list of usable commands to help in healing and shielding targets directly.

- Fixed an issue that caused threat to be handled incorrectly.

- Rory Swann's Taunt ability Level 1 Cooldown changed to 20 (up from 15.)

- Rory Swann's Taunt ability now reduces in cooldown for every additional level trained. (Level 1 = 20 seconds, Level 2 = 15 seconds and Level 3 = 10 seconds.)


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