CardCraft SC

You start with a Deckmaster, create decks of 32-64 cards having normal cards with a maximum of 3 per cardtype.
Play against other players with your preferred decks.

For SC2 it will be possible now to have team matches in any combination from 2on2 over 7on7 up to 14on1.
There will also be a tournament mode implemented.
These too functions are working already.

For the future it is planned to have a campaign mode later on where you can buy booster packs getting random cards and you can sell or trade them to get missing cards.

Since for sc2 you can save information in a file, which is not anymore deleted after the game you will be able to save your favourite decks into files and the whole campaign data will be saved without the need of any password!!!

Here comes the first video i have ever made! is the official website!


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  • Created
    May 7, 2010
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