Map Devs on Mapster

Top 10 Maps

13 of the 20 top maps of Starcraft II have been developed using Mapster and this is a real satisfaction. All the work we (admins: vjeux, Sixen, moderators: Bifuu, Hati, Grum, Skizot) put in Mapster was not in vain. We managed to gather the majority of you, map developers, in a central point and this makes magic!

If you are working on a map, here's a little recap of what we provide you on mapster:

  • Homepage for your project - You can have a long description, screenshots ...
  • Version system either by uploading the different files or by using a versionning system (SVN, Git).
  • User comments to get feedback from the players.
  • Totally free, you get the ownership and credits of your map!

Thanks everyone! It really means to us what you all did!

Top 10 EU
US Top 10

Day 7 - Machinima by spacegh0st

As you probably have seen, I try really hard to push machinimas made with the Galaxy Editor. This is a fantastic opportunity to see high quality videos :) Today spacegh0st presents us his movie called "Day 7". It's the story of a marine and its robot in a land full of zergling ...

Bullet time effect by malu05

Ever wanted to reproduce the famous Matrix bullet time effect in Starcraft 2? malu05 discovered the function that allows to change the game speed at anytime using a non-GUI function. You will no more see the following explosion the same way.



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