Data Manager Tool

Starcraft 2 Data manager by MaskedPoptart

Tired of duplicating data, forgetting to link all your duplicated stuff together or having actor fields improperly renamed?

There's an app for that now... and it's called the Starcraft 2 Data Manager (SC2DM). It allows you to make Templates for XML data, so that the only thing you have to do to create a Hero, for example, is tell the program what stat points that hero needs to have. In fact, you can see me doing just that in my video.

The Starcraft 2 Data Manager:

  1. significantly decreases map development time
  2. decreases the amount of errors
  3. most importantly, allows mappers to create complex abilities/units/items without needing to understand how they actually work.

For more information and a chance to check out the beta version, head over to his project page.



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