Warcraft: A New Dawn by RoarMan
Has anyone been longing for a continuation on the War3 storyline? Have you been waiting for Warcraft4, even? RoarMan and his team of developers have been working hard on recreating War3 on the SC2 engine as well as creating campaign missions that take place after Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. They have a ton of race/hero information on their website as well as a cool teaser trailer below. If you want to leave them feedback, don't forget to drop by their project page.
"Cannot upload map: File size limit reached"
Is that in the video made in the SC2 editor ?
Somewhere lanscape isn't so sweet... but this idea is good. It more WoW than WC3 =P And btw... how about map size and mod size?
Hopefully this will become very awesome. I absolutely for one can't wait to play this when the maps come out.
Nice this is impressive. The amount of work it takes to do something that big is huge. I can't wait to see part of this online and i wouldn't be surprised to see this stuff in the future market place thats coming out.