Galaxy Tools

As we all know, the GalaxyEditor is pretty damn powerful. With that great power, comes great responsibility... Just kidding, but the power of the Editor makes it pretty complex. That means there are eventually, tools will come out that simplify things, or even allow us to do things not possible in the Editor.

Map Obfuscator by StragusMapster

By far, one of the most sought out programs, because this will help people with protecting their maps. Currently, it only works for obfuscating Galaxy scripts as the obfuscation of Data is much more complex to do. However, those of us that want to protect triggers or scripts, can now do so...

Galaxy Script Editor by SBeier

This is an editor to write galaxy code in. It features syntax highlighting, autocompletion (including definitions made by the user) and error reporting. If you want to use it with some GUI functions you have made, you can copy the script from your map (Data->View script), then write on the function you want to implement, and copy that portion back into the map as a custom script. Beier is also working on a Galaxy++ Language/Editor that will extend the language.

Galaxy Parser by xDSchurke

This is currently just a simple Galaxy Parser, that will validate your syntax. However, this is just a precursor to what Schurke has planned in the future: his own language extender called GalaxyX, as well as a full blown Galaxy Scripting IDE.

Notepad++ Galaxy Package by grim001

Those of you who primarily use NPP, I recommend using grim's package to do so. It includes syntax highlighting and autocomplete on Galaxy and is up to with brand new patch 1.3. He has also included a pretty spiffy dark-looking theme for NPP if you prefer that!

We also just reopened our Twitter account, so follow SC2Mapster on Twitter!



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