Guitar Hero Bound

I'm not sure why I haven't mentioned this previously, but IronManSC's Melee map, Ohana, became the fourth? user-made map (the first few being Tal'Darim Altar, Cloud Kingdom, and Korhal Compound) to enter the official Blizzard Ladder map pool. That's huge for the community in so many ways, regardless of the fact that it's simply a melee map. If you'd like to participate in melee development, check out our Melee Dev Forums!

Also, Renee updated his GAx3 Editor Enhancement Mod with some new features and bug fixes. I highly recommend checking this out.

Guitar Hero Bound by Bounty

OK, so it's not called Guitar Hero Bound, but that's the best way I'm able to describe Bounty's map concept. The music syncs up with each obstacle and the explosions "move" to the rhythm and beat.



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