SC2 Patch 1.5 Mod Warning!

During the patching process of StarCraft II 1.5, the StarCraft II<Mods folder is being completely wiped of all mods not native to installation (i.e: any custom mods). The StarCraft II/Maps folder is not affected though.

To be safe, map creators should back-up all mods in a folder outside of the StarCraft II root directory prior to patching.

Default for 32-bit Windows OS: C:\Program Files\Starcraft II\Mods
Default for 64-bit Windows OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft II\Mods
Default for Mac OS: %USERPROFILE%/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/Starcraft II/Mods

And speaking of Mods, it appears as if some of the Developers will be regularly posting in the Custom Maps Forums!


With the launch of the Arcade in 1.5.0, a few of the nearest and dearest from the StarCraft II development team will be joining us on the forums and focusing on answering questions about custom map development. If you have any technical questions about the editor or the publishing process, these folks should be able to provide you with some help and guidance.

Please give a warm welcome to Deletarius, Revilloso, Artestru, Xuzaca, Rotidecs, and Tenarsis!




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