Element TD


We're looking for a new person to run Triggering Thursdays from now on. If you're interested, send Mozared a PM with "Triggering Thursday" as the subject. Unfortunately, today's show has been cancelled due to some scheduling issues. Terraining Tuesday will instead take place this Thursday, after which the schedule will return to normal.

Element TD by Karawasa

After months in the work and countless delay, Element TD has finally been released. Karawasa, author of the wc3 version has kept the gameplay true to its competitive nature. With 30+ towers and upgrades, 60 waves of enemies with different attribute and special abilities, there are many different strategies to build your defense. The competitive multiplayer TD also guarantee a risk-rewards scenario for all player involved (for example, once a person cleared his way, the next wave start for everyone else regardless of their status.) You can visit its website for more information on tower, rules, etc ... Otherwise the map is published for NA and EU. Enjoy this remake of the famous TD map from wc3 that I once took part in its development process. See the video below for all kind of visual pleasure that you demand



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