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    posted a message on Wow, 60 bucks just for this game.

    I'm not freaking out. :-/

    Anyway, so the beta + campaign = this product?

    And then the expansion packs have more units that aren't in the beta?

    Edit: Oh and I'm not agonizing :D I just want to know if I have to pay more than 60 dollars this year alone.

    Edit 2: Oh and one more thing. I thought they made a final product and then plan to split it into 3 expansion packs. From what HamsterBallz say, they won't do it like that. So I guess there's nothing to ask anymore.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Wow, 60 bucks just for this game.

    I realize just now that I buy my PS3 games with that price too, but I've never had my jaw drop from a price like that because I really don't buy PC games.

    So to be honest, this is going to be one of the first PC game I'm actually going to buy.

    I saw a Starcraft II poster with the sign: Now Reserving! I went to ask them how much it would be, and there they say, it's 60 dollars. (It's really 3000 bucks locally, but just to Americanize this post)

    So right now, I'm starting to collect money (And get more than the usual lunch money I get from my mom). I'm also going to be selling copies of games and movies to my classmates now.

    Then something went in my mind. This game has three/two expansion packs. I heard that they won't be released at the same time. So are you freaking saying that I'm going to be buying 1/3 of the actual game?

    I'm saying 1/3 because they'll be finish with creating this game as a whole, yet they'll be splitting it into 3/2 expansion packs.

    So, am I really buying 1/3 of the actual game?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Civilization Wars

    Honestly, I made something like this in WC3, and the game structure worked, but the gameplay was real shit in multiplayer.

    The only thing I didn't have that your map has are the god abilities.

    I don't know about yours though. I really have a short sight when it comes to making games.

    PS: First game of this kind is Phage Wars, I believe.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Ok so WASD multiplayer maps lags too much on bnet...

    @Sephiex: Go

    Lies, hairy man. The only way to use WASD system is by doing that event that creates a lot of latency.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on ArrayIndexOverFlow?

    The error was something like that. It was red, and it popped up on the side of the game.

    It seemed harmless, but it's still an error I want to know.

    What was it?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Fetch Damage Amount of Effect
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) image to CatalogFieldValueGet(c_gameCatalogActor, (gv_trainUnitType[gv_playerRace[gv_selectedPlayer]][gv_playerRole[gv_selectedPlayer]][IntLoopCurrent()]), "UnitIcon", c_playerAny) for (Player group(Selected Player))

    Let's say your goal is to fetch the file path of the Marine's icon so that you can input it to the Dialog action which asks for an image file path.

    Use the thing called Catalog Field Value Get in anything that uses String value, like UI - Text Message

    In the Catalog part, you put in Actors. This is because Actors has a field with the unit's icon path.

    In Entry, choose Marine. This is just a text box where you really have to type Marine, but you can also choose to convert the text box into a game link (where Data objects like Units and Abilities exists) so you can use variables and such.

    Then in Field Path, you type in UnitIcon. If you go to the Marine's actor data, and then look for UI - Unit Icon, press Control - D to turn UI - Unit Icon into CActorUnit_UnitIcon. For some reason, you only need to grab UnitIcon from it. This goes for any other field data like HP Amount and Model Path.

    But the thing is... If you use the action: Dialog - Set Image of Dialog Item... You are only allowed to type in a file path. No strings. You cannot use the Catalog Field Value Get in some actions like the one I just gave.

    To fix this, you'll need to use use the raw script of

            UI - Display (Game text for (Value of Actors "Marine" "UnitIcon" for player Any Player)) for (All players) to Subtitle area

    so you can get (Game text for (Blah)) and turn it into "CatalogFieldValueGet(c_gameCatalogActor, (gv_trainUnitType[gv_playerRace[gv_selectedPlayer]][gv_playerRole[gv_selectedPlayer]][IntLoopCurrent()]), "UnitIcon", c_playerAny)"

    Then in the action, choose Custom Script and paste it.

    If you're still confused, just tell me. I'm too tired to perfect this.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Lights Out (dialog style)

    Question. Are you going to make a Real Life for Morons map when you're ready?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Is streaming media files going to be possible?

    I think I've heard about it.

    Anyone know about it?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on I'm thinking of Over/Under Clocking my PC

    I was thinking of under clocking my CPU so I can leave the computer for long hours without worrying about the temperature.
    Maybe over clocking, but I am more happy with under clocking if it is a safe, reliable and simple procedure.

    I was looking for some programs that gives me control over the clock speed, and I was wondering if you could recommend me one.
    Also, some things you know about changing clocking speeds. (Any information would be nice)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Make water unpassable by ground units?

    Seriously? That's the only way to do this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Make water unpassable by ground units?

    How come marines can pass through the water>!?!??!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on So how bad are WASD movement in SC2 online?

    I heard it's pretty bad. Can you tell me what were the usual results in playing WASD games?

    PS: Games are hosted in dedicated servers right? So the host's connection isn't really required for a smooth game for other players right?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Hi everyone!

    Oh, now I know why some people here don't know what loops are in Triggering.

    Do you know what loops are?

    By the way, just to mention it, I was also going to recreate my own map that came from WC3. But I soon realize that I don't like creating a map I already did in WC3.

    Now, I've been making maps that used to be impossible to do in WC3.

    I was never an editor of SC1, but I did make melee maps when I was a bored 7 year old.

    Welcome to the Community.

    Right now, this is the best place to ask a question and feature your project.

    Soon enough, there'll be more SC2 sites that will turn this website into nothing.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on looking for a few good you

    Yeah, good luck with that too :)


    Instead of just mocking at how vjeux just comes by this thread just to say such a useless reply.

    I'm getting a little interested at this. I guess I will say... Count me in?

    Edit 2:

    And it's interesting how you're not just some 11 year old kid who opened up a forum so 3-5 members, 2 of them are your friends, will start posting in a hopeless pit of pure silence.

    I saw the forums that you boasted about, and it's pretty good :)

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on I give up with B.Net, it's an insane piece of crap.

    I don't really give a crap about voice acting.

    Also, beta is supposed to mirror the final release. The only thing we don't have that is in the final release are the Campaign and its assets.

    Of course Blizzard wants us to test out their LATEST Battle.NET, and not just some crappy one where they'll replace with an awesome, unbuggy BNET by the time they release their final product.

    So the beta mirrors its final release, and it looks ugleh. I'm not saying BNET 2 will forever be a mistake. Maybe they'll update it until it's acceptable to the majority.

    I think Blizzard aimed for a TEEN rating to broaden the potential buyers. (That doesn't matter in my place. I can buy a sex-sim or GTA IV and they won't say, HEY! You're not old enough to buy this!)

    In turn, they require all maps to be uploaded to their servers, where it will be searched for MATURE content, and only then can we play it online.

    This means that no one can make a map where the preview image is a nude girl or something sick (Use your imagination for that one) unlike in WC3 where anyone can host that and Blizzard will be unable to stop this because they don't have time to.

    Posted in: General Chat
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