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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    @Mephs: Go @DogmaiSEA: Go

    I appreciate your input. However, I find it funny on this site how instead of answering a technical question, people tend to give their opinion about design decisions without having a clue as to how I'm using a given feature in my map. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but design decisions have nothing to do with my question. Some insight on the technical aspects of this new feature is what I'm after. Thanks.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Multiple periodic triggers vs single trigger

    Let's say I have 3 triggers. One runs 1.0 second, one runs every 2.0 seconds, and one runs every 3.0 seconds. Performance-wise, is it better for these to be separated out into 3 separate triggers with conditions or combined into 1 trigger that runs every second with a check for "(Mission Time) mod 3 == 0" for example with a call to run the trigger that's supposed to run every 3 seconds?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    From the update notes:

    "Quitting out of a map will now cause the player leave trigger event to be dispatched before the player actually exits which will give triggers a chance to change the victory/defeat state."

    In my "player leaves" trigger, the Save Bank function does not seem to work for the player leaving (as before 1.4). I figured that would work now...anyone else have any insight on this?

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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    @Eiviyn: Go

    ...some smart people have thought about this a bit:


    Sorry for repeat URL...didn't read before I posted :)

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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    @Eiviyn: Go

    The system *should* give a warning for dividing by zero. That's not a Blizzard thing, that's a math thing.

    I'm also seeing many dialog warnings/errors...haven't delved into the specifics of them yet but they don't seem to affect functionality. I hate to turn off "trigger errors" flag because I still want players to send me replays with valid errors when they occur.

    EDIT: Most of the dialog warnings I have fixed by eliminating any calls to dialog items (such as Show/Hide Dialog Item) that were never actually instantiated (i.e. old code that was not properly cleared out). It seems that these calls would silently fail before patch 1.4 but now I am seeing the warnings. I also saw a warning related to a minimap not being a cImage. I changed this to Panel, and the error went away.

    I'm also seeing Camera Rotation issues...it's jerky. This is a big bummer and needs to be fixed ASAP.

    It was nice that Blizzard updated the editor and fixed some bugs, but this is annoying to say the least.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace questions

    Thanks to all except Hobrow with his F- post.

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    posted a message on Map Marketplace questions

    Three questions about the upcoming Map Marketplace in Battle.net. If anyone knows, please share:

    (1) Will you be able to sell in-map upgrades (such as a Hero's weapon) or only whole maps? The only method to do this now would be to create a new SC2Bank file and send to player...would need in-editor support for marketplace upgrades otherwise.

    (2) Will you be able to take a map that was previously free (already having a community), then ask them to pay for it?

    (3) Will map purchases be subscription-based or one-time fee? I'm trying to figure out how version upgrades will work...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Who does the processing?

    @Ahli634: Go

    Okay, so how about this scenario:

    Let's say there are 3 players. I have a pulldown menu that appears onscreen for all players. I have a Trigger that runs some code when the pulldown selection is changed by any player.

    Let's say I use some code in the Trigger Editor to Select Item 1 of Pulldown X for (All Players). I'm assuming this would launch the Trigger I mentioned above once for Player A, once for Player B, and once for Player C. I'm also assuming that every machine would be running all 3 of those threads, meaning we have a total of 9 threads running when considering all machines.

    Can anyone correct those assumptions? If they are correct, does the system count this as 9 threads, or 3 threads?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Who does the processing?

    I have run into Too Many Threads errors recently (see http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/triggers/25946-too-many-threads/) and it got me thinking about why sometimes when 5 players play my map, it crashes (due to Too Many Threads), and for others it doesn't (still with 5 players). Then I got to thinking: what machine is actually doing the processing for the map? The host? Is it distributed across all players' machines? Based on evidence found in replays, I started thinking that the error has to do not with an absolute number of threads running, but with the processing power available.

    Does anyone know how processing is distributed to battle.net vs host vs other players in a multiplayer map?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Too many threads

    Thanks to all posters - valuable info here!

    My problems are happening only at beginning of the game. I have quite a few UI elements and generally have 1 Trigger for each element. So when you click "Button X" the "Button X" trigger will run. As I'm going through creating all the dialogs and dialog items at the beginning of the game, it seems that having the system automatically Check and Select things for All Players is essentially running all of these triggers at once. I'm assuming that when I Select Item 1 of a Pulldown for (All Players), this runs the associated Trigger n times, where n is the number of players. I've tried to alleviate this by looping through each player and selecting things one at a time, with a wait between. This has gotten me a bit further, but I'm still seeing issues, so I just have to keep at it.

    I am *not* seeing this behavior when I'm using computer players...I'm assuming the system is "smart enough" to not launch Triggers based on "Dialog Item is Used" event for non-human players. If someone could confirm, that would be appreciated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Too many threads

    I've got a map that supports up to 14 players. Every time I've tested with 4-6 players, everything works fine. With more than that, I start to get "Too many threads" errors. I have two problems when it comes to troubleshooting this:

    (1) I can't create these errors without getting more than 6 players in the game...I never see the errors when running the Test Document on local machine. It's tough to get 6 players to want to test your map.

    (2) Since the Error Display seems to display only 4 rows at a time, I'm not sure if I'm seeing the end of a longer list of trigger errors when I view a replay...the errors happen on map start when banks are being loaded, UI items selected, and everything is getting initialized.

    Is it possible to simulate players to see these errors? Is it possible to get a full list of Trigger Errors from a Replay or during runtime in battle.net? I feel like I don't have any tools for troubleshooting this issue. Any ideas about how to fix "Too many threads" errors would be much appreciated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    @Trieva: Go

    It looks like that worked...although the Locale said enUS, it does appear to have published to SEA. Strange...thanks for your help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    @Trieva: Go

    I was able to set Oceanic in Preferences > Battle.net. However, I can't seem to get the Locale dropdown in the Publish window to display this option...it always just says English (US) <enUS>. I've tried logging in, logging out, restarting, etc. Any ideas on what I am missing? Thanks!

    @Siretu: Go

    I don't have multiple installs on the machine in question - just a single SEA install.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    Sorry if this is off-topic but I am trying to publish to SEA. I bought an SEA account, downloaded SEA installer on my Mac, and can connect to SEA or NA no problem in the game client. My problem is that I can only publish to NA locale in the Editor. Blizzard refuses to give me any support on this...can anyone tell me how I can enable publishing to SEA within my Editor on a Mac? Thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Limit on <img> tag width

    @StragusMapster: Go

    Yes no matter how big the image is, it still is limited to 160. Tried on several different images and same results.

    I guess I will have to try cutting them into multiple sections as you suggest.

    Posted in: Triggers
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