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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    Yes! Nice work Blizzard.

    Fixed an issue where camera rotation behaved improperly when rotation was modified by positive values.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Disabling Message Log

    @DarkRevenantX: Go

    I did that, but the Esc key is the problem. Also, you can't actually bring up the Game Menu via Triggers (unless you know something I don't)...you have to bring up a Custom Menu and add Menu Items to it (which are strictly controlled and you cannot actually duplicate all Game Menu items).

    @Enexy: Go

    Thanks for confirmation. So, visually, is there any way I can hide the Message Log by making it 100% transparent or something like that? Via layout files?? I *must* display Menu Bar because Esc opening Game Menu is not acceptable.

    @yukaboy: Go

    Wow. Just wow.

    I'm afraid what I'm after is simply not possible...seems like an overly restrictive feature on Blizzard's part.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Disabling Message Log

    I'm working with a custom chat system. I have removed the output of chat and instead pipe it to a dialog. All chat messages still show up in Message Log (F11), however. After some testing, it seems I have two options:

    (1) Hide the entire Menu Bar, in which case pressing the Esc key brings up the Game Menu. Unfortunately this is not acceptable.

    (2) Show the Menu Bar, hiding Help and Achievements. There doesn't seem to be an option to hide Menu or Message Log. Also unacceptable since players can still get at Message Log, although it fixes the Esc key issue.

    So is there a work-around for either of these scenarios? I just want to make it so that players can't access the Message Log (by clicking or pressing F11) and *also* not have Esc bring up the Game Menu. I can't seem to have both. Thanks!

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on TriggerAddEventKeyPressed() ("Enter" Key is Pressed)

    Bump...has anyone been able to verify whether or not using KeyPressed event generates traffic for every key press regardless of key specified?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on iTS a rANT tHREAD!

    @grenegg: Go

    Tune in. Drop out.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Okay. There's a lot in your post there. I think you've made some assumptions and talked a lot based on those assumptions. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't personally need a lecture on importance of design decisions or a detailed explanation of a scenario in refactoring. Seems you have sized me up pretty well based on my posts...I know very little, I have a poorly designed map, and I don't know how to program. Also, it's clear from your post that Tofu is incredibly awesome and so is the author.

    Back on-topic: Has anyone else been having Camera Rotation issues and is there a simple fix or work-around to mitigate the jerky effect?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Bugged terrain or bugged user?

    @Exaken: Go

    Thanks. I had to go to Layers menu and choose a different layer.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on TriggerAddEventKeyPressed() ("Enter" Key is Pressed)

    There have been several discussions about this, but so far I have not found a definitive answer or an answer that provides some mechanism for testing the solution. So I'm posting this again.

    If I use TriggerAddEventKeyPressed() and have it listen only for "Enter", then will every key pressed by every player generate network traffic? It would seem logical that the game client would handle which key was being pressed and only send those. For example, if I set this up to only listen for "Enter", then it seems reasonable that only "Enter" keypresses would generate traffic. Does it work that way or does it indeed send traffic for every key? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bugged terrain or bugged user?

    Hi I just opened Antiga Shipyard and the terrain is showing me purple and green blocks...see attached. I can't seem to select debris units...I'm not experienced with terrain editor so I imagine I'm just doing something wrong. Can anyone tell me how to get this into a "normal" view mode? Same on Mac and PC, but only with Antiga Shipyard so far.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Multiple periodic triggers vs single trigger

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Starcraft 2 runs "one single game loop" because it is modeling a time-sequential game world. Not sure what you mean by "what it needs".

    Let me be more clear: There is a given number of If-Then statements for the system to go through when evaluating the conditions for a group of triggers. Whether these are run sequentially in a single "thread" vs in separate "threads" (and I think we can assume Blizzard "threads" are not actually processor threads but are instead handled more like a unix timesharing system), there is still a set number of operations to complete. It seems to me that either configuring these in a single trigger or multiple will result in the same exact operations being run at the lowest level of operation, thereby resulting in equivalent runtime (ie equivalent performance). Of course, I don't know enough about the underlying SC2 engine to be sure, but this seems logical to me. Can you explain where I am wrong?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Too many threads

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    This should work fine for time-based triggers but for triggers fired from a button press, for example, they sometimes need to get at context such as (Triggering Player). Unless there is a way to capture this info and pass through using TriggerAddEventDialogControl() on a dialog item, then I must continue to use triggers instead of ADRs for my dialog elements.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Too many threads

    @SBeier: Go

    I began taking this approach and I'm finding that any trigger mentioned in any TriggerAddEventDialogControl() call will fire when any button in the game is clicked.

    EDIT/SOLUTION: I needed to place these *after* the dialog items were created...seems to be working now.

    Also, it seems in your post when you say "trigger" you sometimes mean "thread". For example, in the Debug window, I don't see 50 triggers running when I click a button. I only see the correct trigger. The threads window does not display output long enough for me to see anything, but I'm guessing that it's displaying 50 threads. I understand your point, but wanted to clarify the vocabulary. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiple periodic triggers vs single trigger

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Just because it forms one thread, why does that necessarily mean it is better performance? I realize that reducing threads will mitigate concurrent thread limit error ("Too Many Threads"), but performance-wise can you explain why combining triggers is better? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace questions

    @Aenigma: Go

    I'm *guessing* that there will be a separate Marketplace Publishing route that is separate from your account. When publishing, you basically have to agree that Blizzard will leave the map up for a given period....or if you try to take it down at least they will keep a copy of it on the servers so that those who have already purchased it will be able to enjoy the content that they purchased from the Marketplace. Not sure how version updates will work...it's gonna be interesting to see how this all unfolds. Thanks to all for input. I realize we don't have any definite answers at this point.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Too many threads

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Is there any issue with keeping all the triggers separate and having one master trigger that calls all the other triggers (removing the Events from all the sub-triggers)? Or is it best to move all the code into one single trigger?

    Also, what's the difference (threads/computation-wise) with specifying in the Run Trigger event that you want to Wait vs Not Wait for it to finish?

    Posted in: Triggers
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