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    posted a message on Desert Tankbattle open BETA
    Quote from narkaska: Go

    It usually happen in the late game to combined lazers: blue and green burst lazers and rainbow lazer.

    Can confirm that, happened to me often before. I don't know for sure, but I think it also happens with other combined items (the combination of armor/speed and hp/regen pretty sure)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #155: The Mixer

    Took Nr. 30 (Two-tone) and Nr. 45 (Haunted Forest). Played around with the lighting a little bit, hope you like it :D (please dont judge me, first WTE)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How to change the creep-colour on the minimap?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to change the creep-colour on the minimap?

    Pretty much what the title says. I changed the creep-texture to be green (just changed it to the "Assets\Textures\aciddeath2.dds"-texture), but I have no idea how to change the purple colour shown on the minimap into green, too. Is it even possible? Some help would be nice :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Desert Tankbattle open BETA

    Hi Freddy

    Been watching your progress with the map for a very long time, and I have to admit that it's pretty impressive what you've made out of this map. It's becoming more and more a competitive, deep map like the original of wc3, I like that :D

    But the reason of me writing to you is another: With the new version (4.55 I think), there have come some pretty heavy bugs which makes the map almost unplayable:

    - whenever you conquer an outpost, there arent spawned any turrets anymore. In fact, they arent even registered as captured (since you dont get any additional income for them anymore), despite the fact that you get vision in that area. Other than that, an outpost cant be re-captured once anyone has captured it (at least I experienced that at the northern base, when the capture-timer has expired, but nothing was happening)

    - some cominable weapons (minigun and tesla cannons for sure) cant be combined with the weapons of their description anymore, you just get a message that you "dont have the right items" in your inventory

    some bug which also happened before the patch:

    - with some weapons (with laser mk1-mk3 for me), it can occur that, if you kill an enemy marine, you wont get any kill-reward. I cant say for sure, but I guess it's caused if the enemy already was damaged or not (most times I get money if the enemy already was damaged by other units). This doesnt happen with units other that marines.

    I hope that you fix the first two bugs as soon as possible, and that you also find some solution for the last one. Good luck with this project, hope to see some more content in the future :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Unused HotS models

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Well, actually there is an animation by blizzard (as you can see ), but I can't find it in the editor either. Nevertheless it wouldn't be logical if blizzard did include the infested bunker without the already existing transformation anim.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Creating the Heroes!

    Well, I'll give it a try ^^

    Name, Skin & Role

    Hero Name: Charger

    Skin: Zealot

    Role: DPS

    Ability List, excluding invulnerability:

    • Charge: Charges up to a maximum distance towards a selected point (having greatly increased movementspeed). Every enemy near to the charger while using this ability will be damaged and stunned for a short period of time.
    • Battlecry: Applies a behaviour to every allied unit in a range of X for a period of Y seconds. Behavior: Damage and attackspeed is increased
    • Flee: Applies a behaviour to the caster for a short period of time. Behavior: Increases the movementspeed by X, but decreases the damage by Y
    • Breakdown: Damages a target and slows it's attack- and movementspeed down for a short period of time
    • Double Slash: Damages the target 2 times by X
    • Passive - Frenzy: Everytime the hero is attacking, there is a chance of X that one stack of this behavior is granted to the hero. Behavior: Every stack increases the attackspeed of the hero. All stacks vanish when the hero is being attacked.

    Hope you like it, was just a little brainstorming I did. And if you would like to have any help with your map (at least with triggers), I would love to assist you :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Concept: Boss Fights

    @Velkydia: Go

    Well, the concept of your map sounds fun, I hope it will be able to recreate the "impossible bosses"-feeling from Wc3 :D

    Actually, there is already a map on EU of a similar style (but still different to impossible bosses) called "In Development" (not joking, thats the real name) It has a couple of heroes, abilities and bosses, but in this map the level of each hero is saved between games, and you can also choose from various weapons for your unit. Additionally, there are also unlockables and such things, but you should check it out yourself.

    Nevertheless would it be cool to have a map more similar to the original, therefore good luck with your project!

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Marine variations

    Checking the links I experienced the same problem. Fortunately I downloaded them some time ago (when they where working), so I did send you both of them. Hope they are still functional.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Request] Mario style game or a tycoon style one.

    For the first idea: Actually there is already a map trying to recreate a mario game feeling, but it seems to be inactive (since the last post was made 2012) and it has big problems with the input latency.

    The second one sounds pretty good to me :D

    Some general question at the end: Do you search for people helping you with these maps or do you want other people to do them on their own?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on BiO-WARFARE ("Call of Duty" like shooter game)

    wow, the best shooter i've seen so far in Sc2 :)

    It has pretty much content, nice models, and a good gameflow. The idea of the game is very nice, but the execution is even better.

    But you should fix the hotkeys (for example the single shot hotkey is the same as the normal attack) and maybe you need to rework the auto-aim system, because this way you can easiely dogde every bullet while killing everyone with a shotgun. Auto-Aim is also a bit boring, maybe it would be better when the hero shoots to where your mouse is, but that's just my opinion.

    Here some little bugs I found

    -While picking your model, next to every model in the list it says locked, even though you did already unlock them

    - The portrait of the echo model has no texture

    - When an enemy has a heartbeat perk and is near to you, you see the "Enemy" writing above yourself

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Co-Op Horror] Haunted Forest (Inspired by Slender)

    wow, finally somebody is able to make a very good combination of horror and first person in Sc2, really nice work :)

    I wonder how you combined such a big map with a fluent first person system...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Desert Tankbattle open BETA

    Hi again^^

    Well, I played the map some times now and I have to say it doesn't get boring :) Since I already said everything about the game overall, I just want to report some bugs and balance suggestions now.

    Bugs: - The quadpod can't use his abilities requiring a target and can't build any houses. The error message says "can't turn to the target". Maybe it has something to do with it's thermal lances ability.

    - The first ability you can upgrade at the quadpod (The one which reduces the shield) disapears in the ability learn section, just after the first time you upgraded it (so it can't be upgraded further)

    Balance suggestions: - the fourth version of the autocannon is a bit too strong in my opinion.

    - you should make tuning, shield and armor items stackable, but reduce the amount of bonus they give. That should offer some more interesting combinations in the game overall.

    - you should really add some endgame weapons and the possability to manually upgrade the forces of your team. especially at the end of the game you have almost nothing to spend your money on.

    That's it for now^^

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Desert Tankbattle open BETA

    @Freddy2287: Go

    I hope you dont mind me replying that early :)

    Since I posted yesterday, I don't say much to the game itself (cuz there weren't many changes), but I found some bugs:

    First of all, when I was playing a map today (1on1), neither me nor my opponent was revived. Both of us were killed by the computer, and when the revive-timer hit zero, both of us weren't revived, and the timer kept on staying zero.

    The second (and last xD) bug I found was that at the top left and lower right side, marauders sometimes get back to the region where you can capture the outpost, and stay there. That's pretty annoying, since you can't push computer units away.

    And by the way I was noticing, that most of the usable spells have a very high cooldown. That should be balanced in the future.

    Well, that's it for now :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Desert Tankbattle open BETA
    Quote from Freddy2287: Go

    thx for feedback!!

    When you say there is not much variety, do you mean that the tanks/weapons in the game do not differ enough or there should be more tanks/weapons?

    I mean, that there are not enough ones. Refering to the original, there were tons of different weapons and also many different tanks with their very own skills. But I know that it is very much work to create all that stuff^^

    Quote from Freddy2287: Go

    I do not remember, but could you upgrade weapons in WC3 battletanks? Whatever, this mechanism is not implemented in the map so far and I thought of a sort of combining-mechanism instead. (there are already two combining weapons) What do you think about this? This mechanism is from wc3 battleships (and also other maps like dota i think) and i like the idea more than just these "click to upgrade" weapons!?

    Personally i think, that a click to upgrade would be easier to understand and also better in general. But it's your map, so it's your decision^^

    Quote from Freddy2287: Go

    The issue with the bullet not hitting the target: I know that issue, but I dont know how to fix it! (I'm really not that good in the sc2 editor..) Does anyone know? :) btw: on the other hand I think mayby its not that bad - some sort of realism!? :)

    I'm not really good in the data editor, too, but I think this issue could be solved if you create a bullet, that is updating its destination(place). Sounds complicated, but I think the marauder-weapon has this too, so you could just copy it.

    Quote from Freddy2287: Go

    regarding balance: please post what you think is not balanced - I dont have any experience in balancing games and I appreciate any help! :)

    First of all, the abilities are pretty unbalanced. For example the overdrive ability of the walker: even at lvl 5, the buff is pretty low for an usable ability, while the cooldown is very high. I'd rather suggest to convert it to an passive ability with some higher values for each level (+4% at first lvl, +8% at second...)

    The Weaponprices are ok, but it's pretty "boring", that every weapon-stage has the same price (120 for first stage, 300 for second...)

    Same goes for other items and tanks

    But all in all I can say, that balance is ok for a beta.

    Well, thanks that you saw my review If you need help with editor or whatever, you can also contact me ingame. My acc: Ultragon, #492. I'll help you as good as I can^^

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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