Just add your Wander type behaviour to the interceptor units and use a behaviour on the carrier that uses a Search Area effect to launch them. Else make it an external magazine. You must also remove the Attack ability from the carrier.
Use a Create Persistent using an Apply Force effect? Else make them have a constantly active Strafe type weapon?
Do like the diamond back and have most weapons as turrets while one is a dummy strafe? Also check out my demo map for side turrets if that fits into your vision.
Leash range of the Arm Magazine ability combined with the target of the Attack ability of the host carrier.
The carrier interceptors use a Strafe type weapon that determines turning distances between bombing runs (combined with actual unit turning).
If the host has an Attack type ability and a weapon all ammo units from an Arm Magazine ability will be ordered to attack that target. Using a Wander behaviour on ammo units can be used to cover the full leash range but if the host has a target for the Attack ability all ammo units are ordered to attack it and even using a periodic Issue Order effect to make them do other stuff is quite annoying (0.016 duration).
As you stated the Progress type actors determine the animations played at each stage of the equally divided duration. In short try the Zerg Construction Progress actor as a starting point.
Up the spawn rate of the Arm Magazine ability. The broodlord works by spawning broodling units that do not attack by themselves. They however do attack the target of the dummy weapon on the broodlord using the scope of the Attack ability of the host unit. The broodlings then use a Launch Missile effect with no ammo unit launching them as a missile.
Could you be more precise as to what you mean by custom unit values? Sure you cannot remove some decimal places? In order to have the attributes you would need buff stacks and those becomes laggy at over 40k. Using triggers to do all the calculations as variables and use text tags is probably the easiest solution. Alternatively you could use Text actors and use actor messages to change what they say.
4.1. Give me a list of the symptoms and I could tell you in more detail what is not working. Not appearing can be because it is inheriting the opacity of the host model or you forgot to create the attachment model under the events. Appearing as a ball is if you forgot to set the model under the Art: model field. Not holding onto the host actor means you messed something up in the hosting fields.
7. It is called Colossus_SwarmAnims.m3a and ColossusOptionalAnims.m3a and are part of one of the campaign dependencies. Just type in .m3a in the search to find it pretty fast.
1.1 Under the Unit actor for your hatchery the UI: Status Harvester Data fields.
1.2 For the worker count read 1.1. As for being used as a resource drop off go to the Units data type and modify the Behavior: Resource Drop Off field.
2. The first persistent has as many periods as you want the number of crashing debris per wave. You may want to give the first ones several random durations so that the debris appearing is not simultaneous. With the remaining 2-4 persistents have them only use one period. All persistents are to use the maximum possible number of period offsets that are in circles. Experiement with different radii.
This image shows the sort of area that can be covered using only two persistents:
And 4 (although this pic shows the intersection density when using halved radii mainly):
Where the edges of the circle intersect results in a point of higher probability that cascades down to the intersections of downstream persistents. The combined radaii of all the persistents must equal your total range (36). I recommend each persistent has a smaller radius than the previous with the final persistent having a large radius again. For the second persistent make it the radius of the first minus the radius of your structure. I cannot give you exact values.
3. Odd. If you are making completely new units they should not be affected by skin options of the player. I do not know of a solutions other than triggers that detect if it is not the correct icon/skin and changing it back on map initialization.
4. Sounds more like the Effect: Spawn Owner - Value of the Create Unit effect needs to be set to caster.
5. Look at the Power type actor also called Power. That uses two Splat type actors called UnpoweredVisual and PowerVisual. Splats are however very resilient when it comes to modification through events. An alternative is to texture swap Model actor using a splat model like the zerg aoe cursor and then use that instead. One downside of using the Model actor is that it loses the ability to autoscale to the behaviour/effect radius so needs to be scaled manually.
Under the Animation Bracket Start event action try the Play Forever flag?
By the shield not coming back on it is clear that your buff is not having periodic lapses in duration so that can be removed as a possible cause.
Just add your Wander type behaviour to the interceptor units and use a behaviour on the carrier that uses a Search Area effect to launch them. Else make it an external magazine. You must also remove the Attack ability from the carrier.
Use a Create Persistent using an Apply Force effect? Else make them have a constantly active Strafe type weapon?
Do like the diamond back and have most weapons as turrets while one is a dummy strafe? Also check out my demo map for side turrets if that fits into your vision.
Leash range of the Arm Magazine ability combined with the target of the Attack ability of the host carrier.
The carrier interceptors use a Strafe type weapon that determines turning distances between bombing runs (combined with actual unit turning).
If the host has an Attack type ability and a weapon all ammo units from an Arm Magazine ability will be ordered to attack that target. Using a Wander behaviour on ammo units can be used to cover the full leash range but if the host has a target for the Attack ability all ammo units are ordered to attack it and even using a periodic Issue Order effect to make them do other stuff is quite annoying (0.016 duration).
As you stated the Progress type actors determine the animations played at each stage of the equally divided duration. In short try the Zerg Construction Progress actor as a starting point.
Up the spawn rate of the Arm Magazine ability. The broodlord works by spawning broodling units that do not attack by themselves. They however do attack the target of the dummy weapon on the broodlord using the scope of the Attack ability of the host unit. The broodlings then use a Launch Missile effect with no ammo unit launching them as a missile.
Alternatively you could use Ref Equals.
Could you be more precise as to what you mean by custom unit values? Sure you cannot remove some decimal places? In order to have the attributes you would need buff stacks and those becomes laggy at over 40k. Using triggers to do all the calculations as variables and use text tags is probably the easiest solution. Alternatively you could use Text actors and use actor messages to change what they say.
3. ??? Could you please rephrase the problem?
4.1. Give me a list of the symptoms and I could tell you in more detail what is not working. Not appearing can be because it is inheriting the opacity of the host model or you forgot to create the attachment model under the events. Appearing as a ball is if you forgot to set the model under the Art: model field. Not holding onto the host actor means you messed something up in the hosting fields.
7. It is called Colossus_SwarmAnims.m3a and ColossusOptionalAnims.m3a and are part of one of the campaign dependencies. Just type in .m3a in the search to find it pretty fast.
1.1 Under the Unit actor for your hatchery the UI: Status Harvester Data fields.
1.2 For the worker count read 1.1. As for being used as a resource drop off go to the Units data type and modify the Behavior: Resource Drop Off field.
2. The first persistent has as many periods as you want the number of crashing debris per wave. You may want to give the first ones several random durations so that the debris appearing is not simultaneous. With the remaining 2-4 persistents have them only use one period. All persistents are to use the maximum possible number of period offsets that are in circles. Experiement with different radii.
This image shows the sort of area that can be covered using only two persistents:
And 4 (although this pic shows the intersection density when using halved radii mainly):
Where the edges of the circle intersect results in a point of higher probability that cascades down to the intersections of downstream persistents. The combined radaii of all the persistents must equal your total range (36). I recommend each persistent has a smaller radius than the previous with the final persistent having a large radius again. For the second persistent make it the radius of the first minus the radius of your structure. I cannot give you exact values.
3. Odd. If you are making completely new units they should not be affected by skin options of the player. I do not know of a solutions other than triggers that detect if it is not the correct icon/skin and changing it back on map initialization.
4. Sounds more like the Effect: Spawn Owner - Value of the Create Unit effect needs to be set to caster.
5. Look at the Power type actor also called Power. That uses two Splat type actors called UnpoweredVisual and PowerVisual. Splats are however very resilient when it comes to modification through events. An alternative is to texture swap Model actor using a splat model like the zerg aoe cursor and then use that instead. One downside of using the Model actor is that it loses the ability to autoscale to the behaviour/effect radius so needs to be scaled manually.
Tried the UI: Equipment Array - Icon field under the Units data type?