The most dynamic approach would involve triggers where the weapon does a dummy Damage effect for launch/impact visuals and then triggers do the actual damage.
For a pure data method you would need the weapon to use a Switch effect that uses several Combine validators that use pairs of Location Range validators. Based on which range bracket the target is in the switch can then use different Damage effects with incremental damage.
So even when the behaviour is removed from the unit for some time the marine model actor still persists?
This means you need to go to the Cutscenes editor and look more closely at the animations of your shield model. Some models have a dead section to their animations near the end so need timers to manually reset their animation to the beginning.
What is the difference between the ShieldGenerator and ShieldGeneratorOn behaviours? You seem to be using one for the creation of your shield and the other for the destruction sequence.
Under Map Options there is also a field affecting the fog of war used by the map.
Hidden means the terrain becomes hidden again once out of sight of player units plus the Reveal Radius. Expand means the vision of the terrain is not instant and it slowly grows determined by the Blend Speed. Color is the colour of the unexplored areas while the alpha is the brightness.
Also do not forget the Fog of War Color field under the Terrain Types data type.
Under the Veterancy behaviour is the Behavior: Share Filters field. Under Gameplay Data there is the Stats: Veterancy Search Filters field.
In the cutscene editor right click the blue bar near the bottom and select Change Animation to see all the animations the model has.
Instead of applying an animation bracket, maybe just use a Play Animation action?
The most dynamic approach would involve triggers where the weapon does a dummy Damage effect for launch/impact visuals and then triggers do the actual damage.
For a pure data method you would need the weapon to use a Switch effect that uses several Combine validators that use pairs of Location Range validators. Based on which range bracket the target is in the switch can then use different Damage effects with incremental damage.
So even when the behaviour is removed from the unit for some time the marine model actor still persists?
This means you need to go to the Cutscenes editor and look more closely at the animations of your shield model. Some models have a dead section to their animations near the end so need timers to manually reset their animation to the beginning.
What is the difference between the ShieldGenerator and ShieldGeneratorOn behaviours? You seem to be using one for the creation of your shield and the other for the destruction sequence.
You would have to email blizzard asking permission. Also I think someone already wrote a plugin to 3d print SC2 models.
temporarily swap the shield model with a marine and see if that shows the same problems.
Ok make sure the duration of the buff is slightly longer than the period being used to apply it (0.1secs overlap is enough).
Maybe the lapse in buff coverage is too short for the death animation to have finished so it is not creating a new one.
Do a test where the unit has the buff on permanently.
Under Map Options there is also a field affecting the fog of war used by the map.
Hidden means the terrain becomes hidden again once out of sight of player units plus the Reveal Radius. Expand means the vision of the terrain is not instant and it slowly grows determined by the Blend Speed. Color is the colour of the unexplored areas while the alpha is the brightness.
Also do not forget the Fog of War Color field under the Terrain Types data type.
Try the Fog Of War data type and the Terrain Types data types.
That or you have been spending too much time on discord and not enough time here.