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    posted a message on Popular SC2 Modding Sites

    I'm keeping a close attention to other Mapping website and even if I'm glad mapster is the first website, it's quite sad there's not a more aggressive competition. Anyway that may come when SC2 will be released :)

    • HiveWorkshop: Was the greatest War3 mapping community however they didn't upgrade to Starcraft 2.
    • SC2Mod: Good forum about Andromeda: the Galaxy Language Extension.
    • Unconfessional Design: Small community but they are pretty cool there.
    • Starcraft Incgamers: Good discussion about SC2 Models.
    • StarEdit: Was a strong community on SC1 but quite small on SC2
    • The Helper: Not that active.


    Feel free to add more

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Prozaic's Data Editor Tutorials (Week 1)

    ProzaicMuze makes really nice tutorials, do not hesitate to give your input here :)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on New Game Type

    Do you have anymore details you can share?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Free Screen/Audio recording programs? Help!

    Fraps is by far the best tool to record ingame video.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Contest] Creature

    @BrotherLaz: Go

    Yeah, the goal is to have fun with the attachements and model combinations :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Data] The Uberlisk
    Quote from Eltonbrand: Go

    I just hope blizz fixes the variance rotation by launch, it's very frustrating to the point of being useless trying to attach anything using it

    Could you make a bug report about that, I'm not sure that they are aware of it :)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Break to outside of Critical Section does not relinquish lock

    Could you give us a small example?

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Contest] Creature

    Mounts (@dra6o0n), non-biological creatures (who said Terra-tron?) are more than welcome in the contest :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Mapster on Blizzard Facebook
    Quote from Dreathean: Go

    They also put up the Hydra Thriller Dance video lol =D

    The Hydra video has not been made by a mapster user unfortunatly, but they probably saw us from mapster as they news it 24 hours after I newsed it :p

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Forlorn Hope: 4v2 competitive attack/defense

    Nice :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Contest] Creature

    The primary goal of the contests is to give the opportunity to make many map makers work on a single subject for a week. Having people vote to me is really important as they are going to view the submissions.

    If you make the voting part in the hand of some judges, only them will see all the great work you've all done and will elect few submissions (top 3 for example). And people will only see the first 3, which is lame!

    Also, how would you elect the judges? I really don't feel good about having my voice count more than anyone else in here. And I wouldn't feel confortable making your work being judged by a few selected people. It's not really how I see fairness :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Mapster on Blizzard Facebook

    Mapster people stuff have been linked 7 times so far on the Blizzard Facebook.

    It means YOU are making a great job :)

    WoW Conversaion map by Glomby

    Metal Slug map by ArcadeRenegade

    Thaddius Boss Fight from the Spell Contest by rrowland

    Direct Mapster news

    Waterwork Deathmatch TPS by malu05

    Nucleomituphilia from the Cinematic Contest by Callex

    A polish site that made a compilation of videos from Mapster news

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Pathing problem

    Can you post the map so we can check this out?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Contest] Creature
    Quote from BrotherLaz: Go

    Looks fun, but not everyone can make videos (on high detail etc).

    Post the map, and i'm pretty sure someone will make the video for you :)

    Quote from BrotherLaz: Go

    Does it need to be a (biological) creature or is any unit acceptable?

    Any creature is good, your imagination is the limit :)

    Quote from XYZMuffin: Go

    Hmm, How will you judge?

    Same as all contests, people will be able to vote and the one with the most vote will win. I haven't decided yet how the vote is going to be done (forum limitations, number of entries ...), but it will be very similar to all the previous contests.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Contest] Creature

    This one is a fun contest and using one of the most exciting new feature of the Galaxy Editor: Attachements!

    What to do?

    You have to make a creature combining existing models. Do you remember the Uberlisk from Blizzard, well it's now your time to combine models together to make fun creatures. You can use any part of the editor you want (attachements, triggers, ...) but it must follow those rules:

    • The creature must not be static: it should walk and attack!
    • Custom models are NOT allowed. You can only combine existing models.
    • You can submit as many entries as wanted as long as they are all differents.

    What you have to give

    • You have to provide a youtube video
    • You have to attach the map used to take the video


    If you don't know how to start, ProzaicMuze made a step by step tutorial: How to make an Uberlisk. Don't be afraid by the length of it, it really goes into great detail to explain why things were done, it takes no more than 10 minutes to do the Uberlisk.


    You have 8 days to complete this contest.

    • End of the submissions: Wednesday, July 14th - Midnight PDT (Los Angeles) [Thursday, July 15th - 9 AM GMT (Paris)]
    • End of the submissions: Monday, July 12th - Midnight PDT (Los Angeles) [Tuesday, July 13th - 9 AM GMT (Paris)]
    • End of the submissions: Wednesday, July 7th - Midnight PDT (Los Angeles) [Thursday, July 8th - 9 AM GMT (Paris)]
    • A public vote will be held after the end of the submissions to decide who wins.


    The main goal of the contest is to further community development within GalaxyEdit. The rewards can be see as follows:

    • First: 1-year Curse Premium
    • Second: 6-month Curse Premium
    • Third: 3-month Curse Premium
    • Everyone else: 1-month Curse Premium

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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