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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai

    lmfao fog of war!!! yeah totally what i was going for :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Artwork Thread

    i was thinking we should be more diverse... if all of them look like freaky droids, none of them will be different... tell me how similar a zealot is to an immortal? how similar is a diamondback to a marine?

    we should make one humanoid, one animalistic, one a giant heap of wires/tentacles and junk, and some droidish

    they shouldn't be limited to one shape, but rather one theme

    yes, they should all be junky, but they shouldn't all try to have the same propulsion, shape, size, ect.

    also, we need an uber unit (which is obviously more fun to draw, as giant things with guns are more interesting)

    i was thinking some kind of massive snake like thing that could burrow, and emerge... remember the thing from transformers: dark of the moon? something like that with a giant multi-sectioned mouth that reveals guns that spin around (like a giant chaingun).

    sorry i can't draw this, but i'm busy on other threads, school, guitar, golf, bashing my head into a wall repeatedly, and with some other stuff that i forgot due to my head injuries

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on The Final Revolution (Unique Map)


    Wall of text removed by TheAlmaity

    thanks for lighting my computer on fire... and my hair... not sure how either of those happened, but i'm sure they're related by their nature of flames

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    help me out here people... need more links. so far, i only have 2 (one of them my own), and stealthsam has agreed to produce a workable vid in time.

    we can't make a good advertisement video without enough clips of the submitted maps, so please take the time to send me some vids...

    i already pm'ed a few people about it

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai

    @Stealthsam: Go

    what you actually needed to do was shrink the diamonds up top... having thin cracks or edges of glowing violet at the top is a good idea... it draws the eye without stealing attention, but the huge diamond always forcefully grab your eye for better or for worse

    i would add a few more and make em all smaller, taking a semblance of cover underneath the rock... that way they look like they're barely breaking through it, rather than being welded completely onto it from the bottom...

    what i mean is: do not place them as you would a tree in plain dirt, place them like vines growing through

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai

    lol i'd hate to throw this totally off topic, but i think you're right on the shade of blue...

    it needs more darkness, more deathyness

    i need to look at it and either want to shoot myself in the head or cover my nose and open a window

    possibly both... in that order... confusing eh?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai


    it's also missing the screaming, flames, and shards of glass

    i also believe there's an occasional black hole... but these windows errors are untested

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai

    nice... allow me to submit my map candidate :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Artwork Thread

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    it's not a candidate photo, just a proof-of-talent image :D

    wish i could help but like i said, not good with models for sc2, just with studio animation/modeling programs

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Cliff Edge Height Displacement? HELP!

    they only thing that confuses me is the "multiple floor buildings" because i've never seen anyone have a cliff above a cliff (like multiple levels of cliffing in one spot, so that you may go under roofs, or walk on the roofs you're under)

    i might be misunderstanding, but it seems like a new test of skill

    also BUMMMMMMPP!!!!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cliff Edge Height Displacement? HELP!

    @Apple4: Go

    oh it's possible to fix...

    people have made freeform cameras that defy these invisible planes (flight simulators)

    the only issue is if anyone visits this site regularly and knows how to do this

    they've also made third/first person shooter maps without this problem

    come to think of it, i've seen rodrigo working on a project with cliffs/first person shooting... maybe if you can find him you can ask him

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cliff Edge Height Displacement? HELP!

    try tweaking with the height displacement/height smoothing option... hope this doesn't lock it from following the actual unit

    i wish you could attach the camera as an object to the unit, (like with model/turret attachments). that way it would just move precisely with the given unit

    maybe you can hell idk but this is all the help i can offer

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cliff Edge Height Displacement? HELP!

    know it's kinda vague, but i remember this being a common issue. i haven't run into it as my maps aren't of this genre, but if i'm right, you can just set the camera's property as a trigger, lemme open my editor and check it out

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cliff Edge Height Displacement? HELP!


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #48: I'm blue, da ba dee da ba dai

    what if i just make a map that turns everything to a blue screen? would that be enough?

    ...oh wait windows already did that

    Posted in: Terrain
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