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    posted a message on FastPass please?

    Hey guys, just like DIsneyland i would like a fast pass. I am trying to make a civilian to enter a region (there 4 regions) and it creates a unit a specified point. Only problem there is 8 players. is there a way to do this in one trigger or does it have to be seperate triggers? EG

    Unit - any unit enters region bait

    create ultralisk for triggering player?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Importing a lovely corsair model.

    Hey guys, i have downloaded a lovely corsair model, from some of our friends here at mapster, and i have gone to import in the editor, got it to the editor, saved closed, opened saved, cosed opened (u get the picture) and tried everything possible to find this model, I have tried to search for it with no results. I am trying to switch the scout model with this corsair model. Please help. (its all m3 i think (if that means anything))

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Ability not working?

    Ok, i can now use the abiltiy, but when i try and use it nothing happens... Its a picture of zealot charge, and its meant to be raynors chrono rift, but nothingn happens,it tells me where i want to place it and everything. thjen when i do place NOTHING happens... please help!!

    EDIT: is it possible via triggers to disable the command card if some uses a dialog?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability not working?

    Thanks guys, na i want people to be avble t o select so they can head towards etc, and the flag is going to have 1 abiltiy that can be used once, i think i ahve successfully dome that , about to test it AGAIN :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Ok, the problem is, is that my probe will not autpomatically pick up the flag when it is near the flag, nothing happens. I dont know what i am doing wrong, can you try adn make it a bit simpler to understand? (sorry im so nooby with data) So you remove effects from the detail view? not table view? I am not sure at all, any help will be greately appreciated .

    thanks crazy

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability not working?

    HEy guys, I have a question, i have created an ABILITY for the unit Korhal Flag. And when i clcik on it, it is owned by me but nothing comes up where i have it. JUst blank command Card and i have no idea why, sory i cant provide more info.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    I am basing it off the mineral pallet but the flag keeps dissappearing, how do i change that?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Ok, so i want it to only be able to be gathered by other probes, so when probe a dies, no ultralisk can pcik it up, but anyother probe can and when it reaches region start it revives and becomes a probe, that basically it?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [REQUEST] Corsair Model

    HEllo generous map makers of the map making community!!!

    I h ave no idea how to create a new model, but i have seen many corsair models in other maps, could some please create a corsair (or copy) model and teach me how to put it into mymap?

    thanks so much,


    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    ill try the foot print now, but i have no idea how to make an ability

    EDIT i have the foot print back to normal now thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Periodic Ultralisk attack

    Well, i am not really sure to most of those questions, but what i have done so far is this :

    • Periodic event every 2 seconds

    (before i did this ultralisk is added to unit group)

    • Order unit group ultralisk to attack move region start

    nothing happens.


    PS. Sorry I cant really describe this that well, but anyone who has played Mt impossible in sc1 knows what i mean of how the ultralisk changed its attack every so many seconds, At the bottom of that map it had a turret which kept getting blown up. you can see youtube videos about it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Periodic Ultralisk attack

    i wnat an ultralisk every 2 seconds to attack a certain place but sort of randomly do it, like MT impossible in BW

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Star Wars model


    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    In addition, can you give me a step by step way on how to do the auto - cast spell. I copied from the mineral pallet pickup100 minerals but not workiong thanks

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    while we are here, i also have an issue with my pylon, it is able to walked through. I am not sure why, i tried to change the footprint than this happened, probs really easy.

    Posted in: Data
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