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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    what do you mean picked unit? i want the flag being picked up to sti;ll the playeer that died, and when it is returned, it spawns the unit as it was before it dieed

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    I want it so the flag is a players flag when the person dies, but you can pick it up and take it back to a safe zone and it revives him making the hero and getting rid of the flag, but im not really sure how to do that

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Hello everyone, I have tried to make the Korhal Flag gatherable to no avail. I have tried copying the same things as on the mineral field. But with no success appreciate all help

    thanks crazy

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Force field unlimited duration

    thanks, what about the size of the force field?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Force field unlimited duration

    HEllo guys, i know how to edit the duration of the Force Field, but how do you make it so that it never ends?

    EDIT - Also how do you change the size of the forcefield? maybe 2 squares bigger on each side?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    well i think this is a good idea!! i Like it :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    my friend and i had this problem, i havent tried this but he said to go to the battle.net site and log into the NA server on there or the NA site, so when you log into your acdcount in the editor it should work, let me stress that i have not tried this, so please tell me if it works :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Star Wars model

    Well i just read over my post then, and i realised my text wasnt there, i frogt that was on a different post;... Damn my bad... well basically i would like someone to convert or what ever they have to do a starwars the clone wars model (the clone trooper) This is for my newly started star wars map, and i was wondering if it was possible.

    I am putting a Jpeg below so hang on :) thanks for looking at this and I hope you help lol :)

    In regards to Where to find it, Jaxter mentioned there was already WarCraft model of it. so i guess thats where (i dont have Warcraft)

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Mt Impossible

    hello everyone in the mapster community! Well, i have started on the Map of Mt impossible. For those of you who did not play this epic game in sc1 then i am sad... any way, basically you have a probe and you climb to the summit using pylons as safe boxes and dodge ultralisks.. ill put down a link so you can see what i mean.. Any way i am just posting on here to tell you that i have started on this map, I may need some help for that every 1-2 seconds the ultralisks change attack.. So if you think i need something that i wont have feel free to post and let me konw. (or if you know how to do something complex that will relate to the map)

    Thanks crazy :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Star Wars model

    noone likes starwars??

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Disruption Web

    HEy guys can you give me a step by step way on how to make the disrutpion web from old starcraft 1? thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Radar Blip Question

    Cool so we sorta both worked it out, i hope i helped

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Radar Blip Question

    ah i see ur point, i dont think u need the unit group any more.

    • EVent any unit dies
    • IF - triggering unit is hero or what ever type or just not an if at all.
    • Then create radar tower at position of unit death

    then in the data editor you will need to get rid of the line thats the limit of the radar tower and edit it either in data or trigger editor to only show killing unit for triggering player. I dont realy know what you want how many units you have etc and not sure if this all possible but this is what i would try and do ...


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to hide everything?


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to hide everything?

    there lots of seperate hot keys like shift + R but no cxtrl + Blah = hides everything

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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