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    posted a message on How do I add 'Resource Drop-off' parameter to Refinery?

    Go to detail view, find behaviors, add a behavior , add the one that is the resource drop off from the command centre?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Test Document = = Crashing SC2 [SOLVED]

    Hey guys, i am about to punch a hole into my coomputer, now, IT WONT TEST!! I turned off the editor deebugger and it still crashes. Just when i think it is goping to load, it doesnt,.

    EDIT: i can still; access SC2 without the test function with out a crash

    EDIT 2 : I can open other maps with the test map function, but not this one? any guesses as to why?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Building on Units

    like attaching stuff, like in the custom game cortex?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Well, i did that and i think it is working fine, still the problem is, the flag wont attach it self to the probe, or even get picked up, i am not sure why, in the flags, i have excluded self, so because only probes are meant to be able to pick up the flag, do I allow workers or require?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Function for "CreatING Unit"

    I would play around with the "picked unit" until you find something, i am not sure have never had to do anything like this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    You can duplicate the one that is the closest to what you want, or you can create one from scratch. You need an Ability - Target. You need to set the 'autocast' and 'autocast on' flags for it. In the Autocast filters you need to set what type of unit will be able to gather it: check 'self' so only the owner will be able to gather and you can exclude some unit types to avoid losing your flag to a structure or even a missile. Make it have a short range so it can only be activated when there's a unit next ot it.

    When the ability is all set up and running you need to create the effects for it. I guess there are a few options to do what you want, I'd simply make it remove the flag unit and apply a behavior to the targeted unit. This behavior can have some different effects to make it look more real. You can make it so the unit drops the flag when killed, you can make the flag appear on the unit and so on.

    Then you need to create the effects, or maybe triggers, I don't know which one will work for your case, to remove the behavior and revive your hero under the right circumstances.

    I cant find the ability - targer, to add to the mineral pallet ability because the mineral pallet aint working on the flag but works by it self.

    Quote from patrickwobben: Go

    Just to be clear what u want. You want a unit that can carry the flag in like capture the flag?

    Take a loot at the attachment below. You can capture the flag with the marine. The only thing I haven't included is that the flag won't drop, but this is just a test I made so you can see how its done. =3

    (EDIT): I uploaded a newer version with flag drop on death.

    How did you make the unit drop the flag?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on New HotS Protoss unit revealed (Finally)

    Wow nice pics!!! Now we all know :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    ok i did that, but now that i do that, i changed every third number to 2 and made everything else 0. Now though, you can still walk through but at least now you can place the pylons. I want it so the pylons can be in a 2x2 formation eg OO while being able to be walked through the middle with a probe. OO

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    i am abouit to test the autocast on the flag but the shape borders for the pylon is stuffing me up. I found it in Movement > pylon > Shape- borders. yet i cant change it to what DrSuperEvil said on page 1

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on help with first person camera view

    okmaster go on the website

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attending BlizzCon?

    I'm not but the picture in the classified portrait given in the goodies bag, looks a bit like Artanis from sc1, or a high ranked toss person. Possibly Fenix is back?? Good Luck to all going and go Mapster :))

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    Ok ill try that now..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    OOOOOk i found the autocast, do i make "self" as excluded allowed or requireed. And i am not sure how to remopve the effect of remove flag and gain money (i copied the mineral pallet)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a unit gatherable

    And how do you do that!!!?!??!?!?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unstoppable unit

    nope didnt work. I am not sure!!! sorry i cant help

    Posted in: Data
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