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    posted a message on 1000th post!

    @hawkerhurricane: Go

    300 w00t.

    100 posts in 9 days.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Ark[Working Title][Island Troll Tribes Remake]

    I'm currently working on Ark , an Island Trolls Tribes-inspired "survival rpg"


    Two tribes of players will face off on a wild, dangerous tropical island. They will have to build, grow, and strengthen before taking up arms against one another for ownership of the island.


    This map is currently in the planning stage. Terraining is currently underway. [Roughly 40% Complete]

    Follow it here: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/terrain/23160-ark-island-troll-tribes-remake-terrain-feedback-thread/#p21


    -Full inventory/crafting system, allowing players to use the resources of their surroundings to survive, and strengthen their tribe

    -Several classes, replete with appropriate abilities

    -Time environmental events, which affect gameplay for a dynamic experience

    -A variety of dangerous and docile wildlife

    Much more to come


    Something like this may be posted in the general forum at some point, but I'm going to leave this here for now.

    1. Do you prefer classes, or another system for determining player roles?

    2. What is your optimal number of tribes?[Current plan is two]?

    3. What are your feelings on NPC shops/ships for items?

    For those who played Island Troll Tribes in WCIII

    1. What did you like about ITT's resource/crafting system? What didn't you like? What could be improved?

    2. What did you like about the original ITT? What could be improved?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Zerg Wings of Liberty

    @Kueken531: Go

    I'm not surprised that Blizzard would not look upon that kindly.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How was the Custom Map Scene at this Point in WC3?

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    While I do think this likely would be valuable in spurring new mapmakers into joining the community, I think Blizzard has better places to direct their resources at the moment. I think a working marketplace or improved B.net custom map interface would do more for the community than n00b friendly editor

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ark[Island Troll Tribes Remake] Terrain Feedback Thread

    Worked through the volcano a bit more.

    Here are two pictures with/without rocks.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Eiviyn's Custom Map Review

    @Eiviyn: Go

    That review was good. As a whole, I liked watching it. I didn't mind the "small talk" at the beginning. My points:

    I. You mentioned some criticisms, i.e. income, but that was all really. It seemed more like a playthrough or explanation than a review.

    II. Towards the end it got a bit unfocused. It would be nice if you planned things out a bit better.

    As a whole though, good job.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Bill S.978
    Quote from Yeti434: Go

    The Bill won't pass as is. Once these major firms catch wind that they are going to loose a cut, they will threaten to withdrawal any campaign contributions they've made. Additionally, they could run a PR campaign saying something along the lines of, "we have a debt crisis, an economic crisis, and this is what you're talking about?" Some politician looking to rally his base will leap all over it, and we can assume that there will be at least several legal/constitutional challenges to this. This will probably get fishholed.

    Frankly, by the time this bill comes around, anyways, it will probably be shoved aside. We're already in the midst of the next tech bubble, (Facebook, Linkdin are all overvalued by a ridiculous amount) and as soon as the Fed ratchets up the interest rates, which they'll need to do soon, we can expect a big hit to GDP, more government bailouts, rising prices of all other goods, and a rise in unemployment.

    As for Obama, if you hated Bush, you should also hate Obama. Bailouts, stimulus packages, growth in G, destruction of the U.S. dollar, war, expansion of healthcare; they both did these things, the packaging was the only difference. Now we are doing all we can to shove Greek debt out of the IMF (ever wonder why Germany has recently been turning their backs away from us?), devaluing out debt via expansion of currency (ever wonder why there is so much tension between our government and that of China?), and systematically pissing everyone else in the world off by waging unjust and aggressive wars.

    There was no change in 2008, just more of the same. You want something to actually change? Vote for someone who wants sound money.

    Doth I smell a Ron Paul supporter?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Feel Really Bad Asking This...

    Sent le pm.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on How was the Custom Map Scene at this Point in WC3?

    @Vexal: Go

    I wasn't complaining about the editor. I was simply responding to Eiviyn's point. I have no problems with the editor, and what I've learned so far has not been particularly difficult.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Remove Tychus's chaingun?

    @thegameplayer: Go

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is any way to do this in data. What you are talking about necessitates model editing. The most one can do in the data editor(I think) is to attach models, and edit texture/size.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How was the Custom Map Scene at this Point in WC3?

    @Eiviyn: Go

    I don't think it's true complexity or depth necessarily has to be reduced to make Galaxy more user-friendly. I think most of the complaints derive not from the fact that it is complex, but that it presents complex information in a way that is difficult to understand at times and to manage. I think they could "streamline" things without reducing what a mapper could do.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Eiviyn's Custom Map Review

    I kind of agree with Bounty. Watching you play the game is fun and all, but more evaluation and explanation would be great.

    Also, be MOAR critical,

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Ark[Island Troll Tribes Remake] Terrain Feedback Thread

    Well, I've put a volcano together, but obviously there is still work left to do. I need to make sure I can integrate it into the terrain properly. Mozared, I think you're right - there were will be lots of ways to integrate this into gameplay. I was thinking maybe some rare minerals that can be harvested at a basin at the base of the volcano, with a periodic lava flooding.

    I was also thinking of putting in small lava springs throughout, where the magma has bubbled to the surface.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [SOLVED]What happened to the texture set contents?

    @iE4TM4PS: Go

    Thanks, I was freaking out lol.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED]What happened to the texture set contents?

    All the other terrain texture sets are like this too. :/


    Posted in: Data
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