ive been working on a map and i can say I put HOURS apon HOURS on it almost to the poitn where i should get paid for it LOL or altea put it on my CV!! haha
but evan witht hat said if Blizz adds a pay option to the maps <sub><sub> im reverting to sc1! cause thats thwe dumess thing ive hurd!"!</sub></sub>
people put hours apon hours in creating new APPS for cell phone and they barely sell for mroe then 3$$ and i can tell you we put ALOT mroe time on a cellphone app then a SC2 Editor that basicly has every thing done for you . ( triggers = noob rpograming ) data = data entry.
the galxie editor ( evan doh you can do SOOOOO much with it ) its like a Game maker for newbys (prety much all the lines of codes are done for you and you chose the right templates. ) Also they have Debuging programes that basicly fixes your polish programes . honestly peopel take way mroe time they need to make maps some times , just cause they lack the proper tools.
with that said . i would NEVER pay for a map on SC2 , id recreat one similar to it befor paying , LOL!!!
ive been playing with the data editor ( with no experiance ) for the last 3 months , ive learn how to use the DATA part VERY well , but i have NO idea how trigger work
im making a map i did all the data and a helper did all the triggers , i would of loved to know how to do it my self , but i have zero understanding of triggers .
if some one made a map ( evan if its NONE FONCTIONAL ) but just have a trigger template for , waves , banks , UI , builder respawn , start triggers ( when game starts camera mouve to player and spawn the builder ) w/e basic triggers u can think of all sumed in in ONE MAP! that way we can use it for reference.
What you want to do is both actually ^_^ Have your tower spread creep, and add a Search Area effect that has a validator on it which makes sure the units are on creep (and has a range of how far your creep can spread) that applies a Set effect for all of the effects your unit does. Shouldn't be that hard, lemme whip up an example map...
Edit: here ya go! Notes:
To test the effect, start the map, spawn a "creep tumor" on the patch of creep via the Queen, then use the varied and sundry units to test the effect by running them onto the creep as it grows.
To examine what I did, set the data source to the map. You want to look at the Behaviors, Validators, and Effects.
Annoyingly, the On Creep/Not On Creep validators apply to "source unit" (which just so happen to be the creep tumor), so I made a custom validator. The only difference over On Creep is that i changed the Target to Target Unit instead of Source Unit.
I'm assuming you're familiar as to how to make auras; the only difference here is that the effect applied uses the Target Unit Is On Creep validator to disable itself if your units aren't on creep. Just apply this to whatever effect that the Search Area uses.
In order to make a custom creep footprint, you need to modify an existing footprint (say, the Footprint 2x2 (Overlord Creep Source Grown) ). Open it, select layer Placement Apply, and switch to Set Two (None will let you erase creep), modify the creep footprint, and then switch to Placement Check, Set Two again, and make sure it matches Placement Apply. II only suggest modifying a footprint because making a new one never seemed to work for me :)
When an ENEMY unit walks on your creep , it slows them down and does damg
i added the Mouve creep behaviour: i whent to Modification + : mouvement : change the deceleration bonus to 5 ( figuer it would slow them down ) and changed the mouvement speed bonus to -3 ( the numbers are just rando number i put to test )
I want the creap to do damg when you walk on it so :
i whent to Modification + : Unit : whent to Vital max bonus : changed it to -10 ( figuered it would take off 10 hp )
I also change the search to be Enemy only but that doesnt work ether.
none of this seems to work . infact , after all that my lings still runs faster on enemy creep, any ideas on what i should do ?
so im working on a Tower deffence game and i need to do this:
one of the towers spawns CREEP that will have an Effect to slow down and or Do damg to UNits that walk on creep.
what i need help with is: how do i allow OTHER towers to ether be able to be build ON *and*! OFF creep .
basicly i dont want the creap to limit your Tower Maze building by not being able to build on or off ( or haff on haff off creep ) i dont want the creap to effect building AT ALL!! but i still want it to show up .
now i dont just want a creep actor cause that wont alow me to add an effect to the creap , im gona need to use a SEARCH effect like an AUra for the range , witch i DONT wana do. cause i want the range to grown with the creep. ( like how zerg unit move faster on creep )
This would be easier to do... yet may cause more trigger lag.
And youd be missing out on some good practice with the data editor and persistent effects...... (which IMO once you figure them out a little... it opens alot of possibilities to you as a data editor. It makes you go HOLY FUCKING SHIT !!!!)
just make it so yourt NPC search flags cant detect Hiden or cloacked units.
if thats what you mean .
if your trying to make an ENEMY just be FADED ( sorta invis ) you need to play with actors , or models. but then that would not work witht he cloack flags.
I want my unit to NOT auto attack a unit unless i right click on the attack button and then begins the auto attack.
sorta like REPAIR on the SCV , once you right click it, it auto repairs but i also want to be able to REclick the attack button to stop the auto attacks.
basicly trying to have a ABILITY that alows me to turn on and off the auto attack.
for the Sentry , how do i set a COOLdown? is that in the ability info + ???
but how do i set it to auto cast with cooldown if i dont use Validators to see if the cooldown is done?? ( i dotn wana use triggers )
maybe u can show me witch Fields i need to EDIT? please :)
and for the units spawning 9 types of units: needs to be AUTOCAST one of the 9 units at RANDOM ( its liek the brood lord but insted of spawning broodl;ings , it spawns 9 Unique unit that i have made with unique abilities. Maybe i can use to broodlord abilitie and set to spawn does 9 unist 1 at a time?? that possible? )
( none of my units has the abilities to be selected , in other words all the units are AI ( like in TUG OF WAR Games )
im not 100% sure cause i havent done it yet but i plan to . but i think you need to Creat your Own Custom Footprint.
look this up it should help: http://wiki.sc2mapster.com/galaxy/data/footprints/
HMM , if they do that im reverting back to SC1
ive been working on a map and i can say I put HOURS apon HOURS on it almost to the poitn where i should get paid for it LOL or altea put it on my CV!! haha but evan witht hat said if Blizz adds a pay option to the maps <sub><sub> im reverting to sc1! cause thats thwe dumess thing ive hurd!"!</sub></sub>
people put hours apon hours in creating new APPS for cell phone and they barely sell for mroe then 3$$ and i can tell you we put ALOT mroe time on a cellphone app then a SC2 Editor that basicly has every thing done for you . ( triggers = noob rpograming ) data = data entry.
the galxie editor ( evan doh you can do SOOOOO much with it ) its like a Game maker for newbys (prety much all the lines of codes are done for you and you chose the right templates. ) Also they have Debuging programes that basicly fixes your polish programes . honestly peopel take way mroe time they need to make maps some times , just cause they lack the proper tools.
with that said . i would NEVER pay for a map on SC2 , id recreat one similar to it befor paying , LOL!!!
ive been playing with the data editor ( with no experiance ) for the last 3 months , ive learn how to use the DATA part VERY well , but i have NO idea how trigger work
im making a map i did all the data and a helper did all the triggers , i would of loved to know how to do it my self , but i have zero understanding of triggers .
if some one made a map ( evan if its NONE FONCTIONAL ) but just have a trigger template for , waves , banks , UI , builder respawn , start triggers ( when game starts camera mouve to player and spawn the builder ) w/e basic triggers u can think of all sumed in in ONE MAP! that way we can use it for reference.
i think this is a GREAT idea + 1 for me , i
how do i make a building give + to supply and remouve it?? sorry i cant seem to find the freaking option that would do that.
thanks soo much!!!
@SouLCarveRR: Go
oh! thanx thats helpfull
Edit: Neve mind , sorry for bump
Im trying to make it so ,
When an ENEMY unit walks on your creep , it slows them down and does damg
i added the Mouve creep behaviour: i whent to Modification + : mouvement : change the deceleration bonus to 5 ( figuer it would slow them down ) and changed the mouvement speed bonus to -3 ( the numbers are just rando number i put to test )
I want the creap to do damg when you walk on it so :
i whent to Modification + : Unit : whent to Vital max bonus : changed it to -10 ( figuered it would take off 10 hp )
I also change the search to be Enemy only but that doesnt work ether.
none of this seems to work . infact , after all that my lings still runs faster on enemy creep, any ideas on what i should do ?
so im working on a Tower deffence game and i need to do this:
one of the towers spawns CREEP that will have an Effect to slow down and or Do damg to UNits that walk on creep.
what i need help with is: how do i allow OTHER towers to ether be able to be build ON *and*! OFF creep .
basicly i dont want the creap to limit your Tower Maze building by not being able to build on or off ( or haff on haff off creep ) i dont want the creap to effect building AT ALL!! but i still want it to show up .
now i dont just want a creep actor cause that wont alow me to add an effect to the creap , im gona need to use a SEARCH effect like an AUra for the range , witch i DONT wana do. cause i want the range to grown with the creep. ( like how zerg unit move faster on creep )
LOL word ;)
just make it so yourt NPC search flags cant detect Hiden or cloacked units. if thats what you mean .
if your trying to make an ENEMY just be FADED ( sorta invis ) you need to play with actors , or models. but then that would not work witht he cloack flags.
ur best bet i think would be to set the spawn point with trigers and use REGIONS. thats how i did it .
ok so what im trying to do is this :
I want my unit to NOT auto attack a unit unless i right click on the attack button and then begins the auto attack.
sorta like REPAIR on the SCV , once you right click it, it auto repairs but i also want to be able to REclick the attack button to stop the auto attacks.
basicly trying to have a ABILITY that alows me to turn on and off the auto attack.
for the Sentry , how do i set a COOLdown? is that in the ability info + ???
but how do i set it to auto cast with cooldown if i dont use Validators to see if the cooldown is done?? ( i dotn wana use triggers )
maybe u can show me witch Fields i need to EDIT? please :)
and for the units spawning 9 types of units: needs to be AUTOCAST one of the 9 units at RANDOM ( its liek the brood lord but insted of spawning broodl;ings , it spawns 9 Unique unit that i have made with unique abilities. Maybe i can use to broodlord abilitie and set to spawn does 9 unist 1 at a time?? that possible? )
( none of my units has the abilities to be selected , in other words all the units are AI ( like in TUG OF WAR Games )