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    posted a message on Forums gone silent?

    @LongLivetheTalDarim: Go

    You're a true protoss fan.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Requests: old immortal sound

    Next time, please make a single thread instead of 4 threads all asking for the same.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Have a look, there is my N-th model

    @Zolden: Go

    Make it dance when standing still ;)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Released] BoneGuard (Lord Marrowgar)

    Looks really great! :) Did you create everything yourself?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [EU/NA] Amira Tower Defence

    @zenx1: Go

    First of all, thanks for the feedback.

    I do agree with you, that after you have completed the game, it loses a lot of replay value.

    The updates I have done since release has mostly been balancing and bug fixing, but the future updates will bring new features to the game. I have many things in mind, such as new, unlockable towers and abilities for you to use. I have had a supply depot upgrade in consideration, however, it will not gain the player more minerals. It may either provide an aura, or have some other kind of effect. It will not increase minerals gained, because of the simple fact, that it will be way too over-powered. Future updates will also have more waves, so that you can play for longer.

    Amira will most likely not support PvP combat. There's already such a map around on Battle.net. But I will definately come up with new content to improve replayability.

    I hope I have answered your questions properly. Have fun playing! :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [EU/NA] Amira Tower Defence

    @IliIilI: Go

    Yes I did, but it has now been increased again, to fix the issue you described.

    I've also added a new and good looking loadingscreen.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on 12 Kingdoms to be publicly released: December 16

    This looks really great! Are the custom units from WoW?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on AI Won't Leave the Game--> Still Having Problems. Please come back ScorpSCII!

    @Terminatrix8686: Go

    You will need to add a victory action to the trigger. I dont know about the teams in your map, so I assume this will work.

    These lines will end the game in victory for Player 1 if an enemy player lost.

            Player Group - Pick each player in (Enemies of player 1) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Number of Living units in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked player) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)) == 0
                            Game - End game in Defeat for player (Picked player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)
                            Game - End game in Victory for player 1 (Show dialogs, Show score screen)
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Timer] Creating a Timer


    In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a visible timer using the trigger editor. The timer will have a countdown, and the timer window will disappear when the time runs out, or the objective is complete. The tutorial is made for people new to triggers, and will cover creating, formatting, and working with Timers.

    Reference Images

    Reference 1
    Reference 1 Shows the location of Point 001 and Point 002

    Creating Points

    This tutorial is using points as an example. When we're done, the timer will start when any unit comes close to Point 001, and stop if a unit comes close to Point 002.

    Points Tab in Top Menu

    Select Points from the top menu, and create two points with some distance between.

    Points Reference

    You should have the points Point 001 and Point 002 when you're done.

    Creating a Timer

    Points Reference

    Our first trigger is the one creating the timer. Right click the white field to the left, and click New Trigger (Ctrl + T). Give it a fitting name, IE Create Timer.

    New Event

    Now, create a New Event (Ctrl + E).

    Unit Enters/Leaves Point

    Click the Unit filter, and then select Unit Enters/Leaves Point.

    Event Fields

    You may now edit the Event as you like. I've set Distance to 2, and Point to Point 001 (see reference 1).


    Before we continue with the trigger, go ahead and rightclick the field to the left again. This time, select the New Variable (Ctrl + B). We will need our variables later on in the triggers. Name it Timer, and select Timer in the Type field. Create another variable, and name it Timer Window. Select Timer Window in the Type field. We are now done with our variables, and may continue to create our trigger.


    Select the previously created trigger. It is now time to create the Actions, which are the ones creating the timer. Click New Action (Ctrl + R), and search for "start timer". Select Start Timer and hit OK. You may edit the attributes, just like the Event we created. However, Timer and Repeating should always be set to New Timer and One Shot respectively.


    Create a new action, and select the Set Variable action. Set our Timer variable as the variable, and (Last Started Timer) as the value. This value can be found by clicking the Function radio button. Create another Action, and select Create Timer Window by searching for its name. Set Timer to the Timer variable we created, and type "Time Remaining:" in the Title field. This shows up beside the remaining time of our Timer. Create another Set Variable action, and set the Variable field to Set Timer Window. Set the value to (Last Created Timer Window), which again can be found by clicking Function. Now, the timer is created when a unit enters our point. But, to prevent multiple timers to start, create a new Action, and search for Turn Trigger On/Off. Leave the actions' fields as default.


    Create a New Trigger (Ctrl + T), and name it "Timer Expires". Click New Event (Ctrl + E), and search for Timer Expires. Set the timer attribute to Any Timer. In order to check, if the expired timer is ours, go ahead and make a New Condition (Ctrl + K). Double-click Value 1 and click the Variable radio button. Select our Timer and hit OK. Set Value 2 to (Triggering Timer). Now, Create an Destroy Timer Window Action, and set the window field to our Timer Window variable.

    Create our last trigger, by hitting New Trigger (Ctrl + T). Name it Point Reach, and create an Event. We will use the same Event as in our first trigger, however, the Point attribute should be set to Point 002 (see reference 1). Create a new action, and search for Pause/Unpause Timer. Set Timer to our Timer variable. Create an Destroy Timer Window action, and set the window field to our Timer Window variable. Create two Turn Trigger On/Off Actions, and leave the first Action as default. In the second Action, select our Timer Expires trigger.

    Now, go back to our Create Timer trigger. Create two new Turn Trigger On/Off Actions. Set the first Action to Timer Expires, and the second Action to Point Reach. Set both Actions' State field to On. Select our Timer Expires trigger, and create two new Actions, both being Turn Trigger On/Off. Leave the first one as default, and change the *Trigger* field to our Point Reach trigger. Both State fields should be set to *Off*.

    How It Should Look Like Ingame

    We are now done creating our timer. Launch the game, to check if you've made any mistakes. This is how it should look like ingame.

    Timer Layout

    Now that we have created our timer, it is time to improve its layout and add some formatting. This part of the tutorial is not required, and can be followed loosly if you want to. Strictly following the tutorial will give the result below.

    Final Timer

    Go to our Create Timer trigger, and edit the Create Timer Window's Title field. You can insert colors and text styles to change the visual of the text. You may insert below code, as an example.

    <s val="AchievementFrameName_Zerg"><c val="00FF00">Time Remaining:</c></s>

    To change the timers' color, create a new Action and search for Set Timer Window Color. Change the color to whatever you like. I've set the color to (100%, 50%, 50%) and set transparency to 0%.

    You may want to change the layout of the timer, like I did in the image above. Go ahead and create a new Action. Search for Set Style for Timer Window. Leave the Elapsed field as default, and change the Style field as you like. I've chosen Vertical Title and Time in the image above.

    At last, you may also want to change the time format. Create a New Action, and search for Set Time Format for Timer Window. This may be useful in some cases, where you do not need to show remaining Hours and/or Minutes.

    Working with Timers

    If you do not want your timer to trigger when a unit enters a set range around a point, you may edit the Events to match your needs.

    Here are some examples of events:
    Examples of Events

    It is also possible to make the timer repeat again and again, like an income/spawn timer. To do that, simply change the Start Timer actions' Repeating field to Repeating, instead of One-Shot.

    Final Words

    You should now have a basic knowledge of the trigger editor and timers. Screenshots of triggers are attached below, aswell as the test map.

    If you are looking for more trigger tutorials, click here. If you have any suggestions or questions to this tutorial, feel free to either comment or send me a PM.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on AI Won't Leave the Game--> Still Having Problems. Please come back ScorpSCII!

    Oh, I see the problem. (All Players) should have been (Active Players). The reason it spams the chat, is that it checks all 14 players, instead of the players actually playing only.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on AI Won't Leave the Game--> Still Having Problems. Please come back ScorpSCII!

    Wrong section.

    But, I'll help you out anyway.

    This trigger checks every 1 second, if any player has 0 structures left. If a player has 0 structures, the game will end in defeat for that player.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Rate the guy's avatar above you

    @Swagblanket: Go


    It looks good, but well.. it's made by Blizzard.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Rate my load screen

    Not very creative, but it looks pretty nice. I especially like the font.

    You could scale the portraits down, and make some kind of mosaic. That would be pretty unique, but also very time consuming.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Looking for Review - Amira Tower Defence

    Yep, thats right!

    I am looking for a dedicated person to give a detailed review for my latest map, Amira Tower Defence. I do have some requirements, but nothing major. I expect you to give a fair and insightful review of Amira. Giving the map a score is not necessary, but the review should explain the game to new players, and state the weak and strong areas of the game. You will need basic knowledge of the classic tower defences, and I expect you to win the game at least once before reviewing the game. A video review would be great, but not required. If the review is text-based, please provide at least one screenshot of the game. You should also remember to tell where people can find the map, who the creator is, and link to the official thread.

    You may want to check out Amira Tower Defence's Official Thread for more information about the game.

    The game is singleplayer, so you will not be in need of any other players in order to give a full review.

    Amira Tower Defence is available to EU & NA players. Search for "Amira Tower Defence" on EU, or "Amira TD" on NA.

    Please PM me if you take on the task, and provide me with a link to the review, once it is done.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Game ends when time runs out?

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Yea I know, but I thought that it was pretty obvious and easy to do, so I didnt include it in the triggers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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