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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    lol wtf, i just let this map released and have not been paying attention for the last month, and suddenly it´s 4th place in popularity??? *lol*

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Data] Z Offset projectiles, it's raining cows

    lol thanks for this tutorial, this is hilarious...

    its the perfekt spell for my vodoo hero :)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Psi Shield Problem

    lol i looked at it and nothing happened :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Psi Shield Problem

    hi, i have a problem with the psi shield ability (tosh). normally its an instant effect ability.

    but i changed it to effect target, so the caster can put the shield on other units. but this doesnt work. i dont know why. if i click on other units, nothing happpens, the ability is not triggered. on the other hand, if i click on the caster, the ability works without problems.

    i dont know what to do...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problems with ability models

    thanks man, this was a really good description. it works and i understood how this works, thank you. my mistake was that i had only the 2 events create actor and destroy actor and not what you wrote...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problems with ability models

    hey, i have big problems to use models for my new spells. normally, i change the model in the actors tab to a blizzard model. this works perfect, no problems. i only change the size. but i have some spells, i want models i don´t fight as "models", but in the model viewer. so i created a model in the models tab, but it doesnt show up. then i copied it from another one, the same. (its archonSummonCircle, i want it as an aura) i don´t know why, do i have to set play animation somewhere? because if i change the (in the models tab) model to terrazin tank death, there is no exploding terrazin tank, but the intact one. (looks really stupid attached on units by the way :-D )

    what kind of model/actor should i use in general? buffcontinous, play animation model, cmodel ? whats the difference? persistentFX, oneshotFX...

    it would be great if someone can tell me, thx

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on use blizzard custom maps?

    hey, is it possible to use the units of the blizzard custom maps? or is it planned, that they give us access? i want the left 2 die units and the protoss chef for my map...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do you know good models... ?
    Quote from mnadeau1992: Go

    @PsychoMC: Go

    There is MUCH effect you can find on the Hiveworkshop at www .hiveworkshop. com These are Warcraft 3 ones but I'm sure it can be used in Sc2. Like Aura Models ect..

    i take a look at that website, thx. Can i import models from wc3?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Do you know good models... ?

    hey, does anyone know good models (actor models) for spells? - For example for a hero aura - For aggresive spells - for buffs

    i´m also looking for models for buffs, like with the ultrasonic puls, they have this circle above their heads. are there more i could use? becuase i could need 2-3 different ones...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Blizzard-made Custom Maps] FEEDBACK

    Aiur Chef: Funny idea and nice models. But i wont play it a second time. it´s just boring, you can´t really compete against the other players. and only 3 abilities? common... They need to improve the gamplay and show more of their humor. or some sidemissions and so on. 4/10

    Jewel thing: i was bored after the 1st round. i was absolutly focused on the stupid jewels and i didn´t even look on the battle. it´s a nice idea and a real modification of starcraft gameplay, but again the gameplay is boring and there is no humor like in aiur chef. 2/10

    Left 2 die: The best map of the 3 maps released, but still not awesome. gameplay is copied from the campaign. ok the biomass thing is nice, but like a lot people before me said: why aren´t there new units, technologies and so on for the terrans? as a left4dead 1 and 2 player, i had to laugh about the new units like HUNTERling, kaBOOMER, and the rest of them. and i really like defense maps, but there are a lot defense maps which are as good as this map or better 6/10

    Conclusion: Fancy new models, sounds, units,abilities and 2 gameplay ideas are no garantee for good gameplay and fun. i expected a lot more from blizzard. if they remove the featured thing, they will fail on their own popularity system.

    PS: How can i use the new unit models in the editor?

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    lol nice avatar pic. are you on european servers? its impossible to play with random people (noone will join), but i always play it with some friends, you could join us.

    i really liked the last stand and i didn´t know much , too. but now u do :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    yes yes i know, i meant when i looked for it in the join list (supposing i´m on of the poeple). right now i just play it with 2 friends only, but it´s a lot fun...

    PS uuh you work on stargate galaxis? nice idea...

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Suggestions for Improving The Popularity System, discuss here!
    Quote from doite: Go

    I actually like the popularity system as it is.

    Alot of ppl is to creative for this and make AMAAAZING maps, which is to bad noone plays, but still its up to the simple minded players to decide. Blizzard say they will change, but right now their just giving the playing ppl what they want, and isnt that the point of being a multi billion company?

    at the moment i can´t find my new map myself in the list ...

    Quote from DarkRevenantX: Go

    It's amazing how just a few small changes could make the system much much better.

    A quick three steps: 1. Add search to the join list. 2. Filter out empty (no hosts) maps from the join list. 3. Allow sorting and inverse sorting by popularity, name, type, date of publish, and time of hosting. For bonus points, 4. Do the thing as seen in the first post with the drop-down thing showing all the hosts, the amount of players in those games, the modes, etc.

    Voila, the system is improved from WC3's. It would take a week to code this, tops.

    Why can´t they do it like that? this IS the easiest way to solve this problems. And 0 justi don´t understand why they don´t do it...

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release
    Quote from Censible: Go

    I'm going to check it out right now, that is if i can find it

    forget about it , i couldnt find it myself. the new map only button is completly screwed, wtf...

    i release it again when they fixed the popularity system, otherwise it´s just impossible to play...

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    hi, 1 minute ago i realeased my 3rd map: " PsychoMC´s - The Last Stand.

    It´s a hero defense map, which is inspired by dawn of war 2 - the last stand.

    So you can choose 1 of 4 heros, select your wargear (for stats, passive stuff and spells) and fight masses of enemies.

    The special thing is, that your experience is saved and you can level up after 1 round. So next time you play this, with your new level, new items are unlocked.

    There are no really bad items, only bad item combinations. So you win the game with skill and teamwork and a gof item and hero combination.

    The last week i was killing bugs, and bugs, and again bugs. So i doubt i got them all. Feel free to test my map and write a comment here, or bugs or any improvement suggestion. i appreciate every help i can get.

    PS: i made the map alone, but i got a lot from questions and the tutorials in the forum here. So thanks to everyone for your help !!!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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