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    posted a message on Reflect damage behavior /ability

    hm... yeah i´m afraid there is no way around it. ok thanks

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    posted a message on Reflect damage behavior /ability

    to bounce off. i figured out how to damage melee attackers for 3 damage every time they attack (behavior, damage response, effect (damage). but just theoretically: could i reflect 10 % of the incoming damage to the attacker?

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    posted a message on Reflect damage behavior /ability

    hi, is there a behavior or ability to reflect damage?

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    posted a message on Summon units (but limited to 1)

    hey, i made a spell to create 3 roaches. but if i use the spell again, i have 6 roaches. is it possible to kill the old roaches when i use the ability again?

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    posted a message on [Solved] Mass Teleportation Ability

    cool thank you, when do you think could you do it?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Start Effect when unit is attack


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    posted a message on [Solved] Mass Teleportation Ability

    yeah this could work... ok i already found out how to search the area around the caster for the units, but i still have problems to define a target location... hm...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Mass Teleportation Ability

    hey, do you remember warcraft 3? i want the mass teleportation ability of the sorcer of the humen. but i´m not quit sure if its possible to do. it could be easy to do it with triggers (blink + move unit around instantly), but iwould prefer a data editor solution. i´m really bad with the data editor :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Start Effect when unit is attack

    Hi, i´m not really good with behaviors. i know there is a damage response tab, but i dont know how to use it well. i want that whenever my unit is attacked it releases this small energy nova of the predator (this campaign car looking robot). does anyone has an idea how to do this? thx

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    posted a message on is it possible to save data?
    Quote from rot1npieces: Go

    @PsychoMC: Go

    I know its not "sexy" and I know you don't want to make it like this, but do it the old WC3 way and use a password system. That can be just a pain but I'm sure its a bit easier. One of my favorite WC3 games did that (ZTD and FFORPG)

    no your right, i thought about this solution too, if i couldnt make it with banks. Because i only need to save the experience, nothing more. But in the other hand, people are lazy and if they have to write down a code, i don´t know if they want to do that...

    and i agree with OneSoga, i wasn´t sure ("bank Tutorial citation: oh damn sometimes i lose the focus , so let´s go back to the bank topic"). but from what i found out , banks work exactly like you said. and yes, they could cheat, but screw them, it´s a fun game of 15 minutes, i would never think about cheating in this kind of game, but if they want... ;)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Set a variable (integer) to the index of an array ???

    ah ok thank u. i did it manually which was a lot of work , but at least i could reduce a lot of copy-change-value work with local variables...

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    posted a message on add behavior to a uni

    aah yeah i tried that and it worked. thank u

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    posted a message on add behavior to a uni

    hi, i want to add a behavior to a unit. i found the trigger but there are 2 of them. and why do i have to define a caster unit? i just want to add a behavior to a unit :(

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    posted a message on Set a variable (integer) to the index of an array ???

    of a variable. I want it with dialogs. i have 5 buttons button[1], button [2], and so on. if button [3] is clicked, can i set a variable to 3 ? i mean without "if button [1] is clicked set variable = 1, if button [2] is clicked...

    in short: set variable (integer) = index of button[x]

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    posted a message on Set a variable (integer) to the index of an array ???

    hi, is it possible to refer to the index of an array ? i have a variable with an array from 1-5. there is my event wich fires when any of these array triggers. can i set another integer variable to 3, if the event is triggered from the variable [3] ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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