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    posted a message on Helping hand for anybody who needs me.

    @Euchale: Go

    Are you good with the data editor?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Hiding buttons?

    @Dystisis: Go

    I am not really that great with the editor, and i was just looking and trying to figure it out... I don't think you can easily hide an ability, but you could make it be given to your character via a behavior...

    I am not sure if this will achieve the effect you want, but give it a try.

    Create an ability on the structure that acts like an aura (i have seen guides on mapster on how to create auras) your aura shoudl grant a behavior -> buff that has the hidden flag and gives the ability that you need. I am not sure if you are making an RPG map or a map with many characters owned by teh player, and if the latter is the case you will have to make the buff conditional so that it interacts with a behavior already on the desired unit.

    Sorry that it wasn't so straightforward, and i know it's not the best idea... but maybe it gives you some better ones.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on High QL Marine?

    @bologna3421: Go

    This would be awesome for many people making rpgs or shoorters involving those types of units, if a few of the high poly units could be done, like the red and black marine models. Personally however, I'd love to see the matt horner model working, as he would be badass for my map. I think if the adjutant could be somehow attached to the predator model via the support bar in the back of the adjutant to replace the predator model's head... wow that woudl be an awesome unit.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Quick help wanted: Making a doodad

    Step 1; Find a doodad of similar size (This will make it simpler as i'm not going to do anything regarding collision size.) Rock volcanic char works well.

    Step 2; In the data editor find the actor for that doodad.

    Step 3; Find Art - Model and change the model from Rock Volcanic Char to archive.


    Yes, it's very crude and to be honest i don't know how else to do it, but this should get the job done for you.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on where are the campaign units like the queen of blade and other

    @dunlace: Go

    You should look for other threads rather than crowding the forum with repetitive posts. Many people have already asked this and it's been answered several times. For a hint, it has to do with map dependencies. But I still think you should take the time to look for a topic on the matter before you post.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to use morph ability?

    @ndudz: Go

    You will also need to change actor. I think that's what you're missing...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Story Mode Units in the map editor

    I don't understand why changing my dependencies takes away my custom units and items. Is there a way i can add campaign dependencies and retain my custom units/items?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on makin an FPS like COD

    @TrevP: Go

    You're probably best off starting with a less complicated project to learn how it works. Look at other maps, i'm not sure if there are any other FPS ones complete, but i have seen mouselook tutorials around mapster and that might be good for you to start your reading.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tutorial Request

    @Davdav2: Go

    I agree with davdav2, i would love to see a tutorial of this nature.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Technical dude looking for projkt

    @Biophysicist: Go

    I'm working on a fairly massive map, and i need a lot done. Maybe you could help me with some of the things on my to do list... (this is only tentative, there is more to come.)

    Abilities/Behaviors/Triggers needed;

    Tend Crops; Initiates a buff on a unit that is linked to a behavior that changes the plant from it's current phase (young or

    adolescent) to the next phase up. When used on mature plants this prevents the "abandoned" debuff.

    Tend Herd; Initiates a buff on a unit that is liked to a behavior that changes the animal from it's current phase (young or

    adolescent) to the next phase up. When used on mature animals this prevents the "abandoned" debuff.

    Not sure if a behavior is needed to initiate the change of one unit to another or if an ability can do it alone. Use your own

    disgression. I am mostly just concerned with that there isn't a death effect and that the new unit is placed right where the old

    unit was.

    Labor; Moves towards a building and channels for 10 seconds, eventually giving 1 mana/energy to the target.

    Heal Beam; Similar to medivac heal except it requires no mana. Green beam. Repair Beam; Similar to medivac heal except it requires no mana and no resources and it is used to repair mechanical

    units/structures. Red beam. Restore Beam; Similar to medivac heal except it restores shields, requires no mana. Blue Beam.

    Package Materials; Checks unit inventory for 10 of any raw material(item). If 10 are present it will destroy them and spawn 1

    crate of that type on the ground. This ability is instant and should cost 5 energy/mana.

    Process X; Processing plants accept crates (in stacks of 10 in each slot). Pressing the process button checks for crates in the

    inventory, the building will take two from the inventory (two individuals not two stacks) and destroy them, then start a timed

    process (30 seconds) then spawn one item at the base of the structure. This ability cant be cast twice at the same time, and

    should cost 5 energy/mana.

    (Potentially for the package materials and process X spells, there will need to be different item classes. I am not sure how this

    will work but i imagine that making raw materials a class, like misc1 followed by another class called misc2 for crates, then a

    final class for processed items called misc3. Names are obviously just placekeepers as it is only an idea. I just don't know how

    it would work.)

    Combination recipies are also a must. A spell that opens up a submenu similar to the high templar hallucination menu woudl be

    ideal. Combination recipies would work similar to the processing spell, regarding the channeling effect needed and the fact that

    this spell can only be initiated one at a time. Recipy example; Strawberry + Wheat flour + butter + milk = strawberry shortcake.

    Sugar + Grape + Lemon + Pineapple = Tropical Rum.

    Region bound spawns based on lack of units in that region. (As one dies one is replaced).

    Region bound spawns that units spawned attack move towards another region. (Respawn happens on a 2-5 minute random timer)

    Targeted item that initiates a unit spawn. Smoke/air debris woudl help the effect. (used for planting crops)

    Ability that initiates a unit spawn. Not targeted, instant, autocastable (by default). a large gore explosion would really help

    the effect. (used for animals giving birth)

    Items (Raw materials) need to be stackable in stacks of 5, crates must be stackable in stacks of 10. Seeds are stackable in stacks

    of 10 as well.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Banks

    @YiffMaster: Go

    I find this hilarious.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dynamic Model Change via Item (Armor acts as clothing)

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Thank you my good sir. It works wonderfully!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Civilization: Starcraft

    I'm working on a map that includes many of the features you mention. It is intended to be smaller scale however, as you only manage one city.

    Resources are not mined like in starcraft, but gained through agriculture(growing plants and animals) and industry (refining products) and selling items produced to vendors or other players. Each city will be able to build some of the refineries, but to encourage trading directly related refineries are mutually exclusive. (If you build a ore processor you can't build a metalworks, If you build a milk packager you cant build a cheese factory.) This does not hinder players from making money, but encourages those who do trade by the ability to make more valuable goods.

    Other than factors needed to encourage diplomacy and technology unlocked in the labyrinth, technology is not much of a factor. Everything is unlocked and only requires you get the resources to research and build it.

    There are two additional resources, knowledge and metal. A point of knowledge is required for every research done, and the method of gaining knowledge points hasn't been decided on. Metal can be converted from ore using an ore processor. Vespene gas is not harvested in the normal means, instead it is processed out of wood that can be harvested from dead trees in the forests. Minerals act as the basic currency.

    The map is in two different regions; inside the labyrinth and outside the labyrinth. Outside the labyrinth is a healthy north american esque landscape, boxed in a mountain valley with a pronged river flowing through it. Players are able to build wherever they want and in whatever shape they want, aside from destroying the forests (perhaps this will be reworked later on to allow for environmental destruction?) 8 towns are reccomended, but all technology can be acquired by 2 towns, so full maps aren't required to experience the game. Inside the labyrinth is a dungeon filled with respawning monsters of progressive difficulty and ore that is required for higher tech buildings.

    This map also has a RPG hero element (your rancher and farm dogs) who level up and equip different items acquired through technology, shopping, and exploration of the labyrinth. In order to fully explore the labyrinth you will need to build up a strong enough economy to hire at least a handful of mercenaries or raise a standing army depending on your aesthetic/playstyle preference. The labyrinth will be explorable without additional units if multiple players will cooperate.

    There are no locked teams, and resource trading is essential. Diplomacy becomes important when faced with the annoyances of a nearby town encroaching on your farm plots or blocking off your trade routes. Over the course of the game you may be friends with a player, and later he decides he doesnt want to play so he decides to attack your town. You must rely on your own defenses and the other players to protect you. (Your hero will stand quite a good chance against hired mercenaries due to damage reduction mechanics which discourage early elimination of unprepared players.)

    As it stands I am nearly done with the agricultural systems and am working on new resource harvesting systems and refining mechanics.

    Edit: Does that sound kind of like what you're looking for? Perhaps you could help me brainstorm or work some of the things out. This is my first starcraft 2 map, so i'm not very experienced with the editor and have been frantically tring to figure out how it works as i go. xD

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to make a suppl depo look like it got supply dropped

    @SaucySC: Go

    It's possible you could make the changes in a new map, then export and import the data to your old map. I think you can also copy and paste between maps.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dynamic Model Change via Item (Armor acts as clothing)

    I'm disgruntled when it comes to many editor features, in fact i'm not shy about admitting that i'm terrible at it.

    I have my hero and inventory system working perfectly, it's nicely tuned for my needs. What I now need is a method of changing the model of my hero units when different armor type items are worn. On launch I want to use the colonist model for the base model of the character, and with different armors available later in the game, the players will be able to choose their hero's looks based on playstyle and graphic preference.

    If someone could show me how to make an armor item that could change a marine model to a ghost model when equipped, then revert back when not equipped, that would be awesome. P.S. I will try to follow instructions just in text but as my skill level is low and i get confused easily screen shots help, or at least instructions on where i can find fields or functions.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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