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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    @progammer: Go

    Is there any way of using model with no animations>

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    @progammer: Go

    There are no models attached to it that I see. After some experiment (after reading that tutorial) I have yet to find this hidden site actor. I did find the Anti Grav Rocket actor, but that was not the one that affected it.

    However it may be possible to "counter" the natural rocking of this unit by Fine-tuning the values of the Anti Grav Rocket to the opposite values over the same period of time.

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I have no idea how to stop this animation. I do know for a fact that it is within our power to stop it. This is because the "Time Scale" Behavior to 0.01 nearly stops this rocking, proving that it is NOT an inherit property of the model itself.

    Also, I was nearly able to stop the rocking in real-time by Adjusting the anti grav rocket to Pitch: (0,0) Pitch Period (0,0), Roll (-1,0), Roll Period: (1, 1.2). This approach was inspired by trying to achieve a total Out-of-phase wave model.

    So if anyone finds a way to prevent flying units from rolling about, that would be awesome.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    @progammer: Go

    There are no models attached to it that I see. After some experiment (after reading that tutorial) I have yet to find this hidden site actor. I did find the Anti Grav Rocket actor, but that was not the one that affected it.

    However it may be possible to "counter" the natural rocking of this unit by Fine-tuning the values of the Anti Grav Rocket to the opposite values over the same period of time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    @stevehammon: Go

    I'll take a look, one second.

    No this is not it.

    Make a Battlecruiser on an empty map and apply the properties you just said. Increase its scale by 400% so you can really see it. You should see the battlecruiser rocking from side-to-side like a boat.

    By giving it a behavior that slows it's "Time Scale" by 99% I was able to slow this rocking effect by 99% as well, however that also means that everything else is equally as slowed (it's movement speed, attack speed, turn speed, animation speeds) and thus is not a practical fix.

    I'm wondering if there is an Animation that I can remove.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Hey guys

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to stop an air unit from "Bobbing"

    I would like know how to stop a unit from Bobbing up and down when Standing, Attacking and Moving. This can be very annoying with certain camera angles.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making sense of the "follow unit group" action

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I should add that this would solve hundreds of problems that we encounter on a daily basis, especially for flight simulation (unless you want it choppy).

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making sense of the "follow unit group" action

    @LazyCoder: Go

    I have encountered the same problem, there seems to be no way of changing the distance to target to zero.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unit Attaching Engine

    @Jackolas: Go

    Yes but you have the advantage of making individual parts attack-able/targetable and general full control over each individual attachment. You may also need something that continually transforms via Hide/Unhiding units that are already attached to it. I can assure you that this trigger succeed in many places where the data editor fails and equally fails in many places where the data editor succeeds. Think outside the box a little. It was the limitation of the data editor that led me to find that old thread and build upon it.

    It also works seamlessly for slow moving units (or fast units with slow acceleration) and units with slow turn rates.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Unit Attaching Engine

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I can't makes changes if you guys don't comment.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Unit Attaching Engine

    I was reading this thread (below) and decided to make a general-unit-attacher engine for everyone to use. Make sure to read all of my commentary. Feel free to compare my version to the original version (made by Flirer).


    Suggestions to improve the engine (or add to) are welcome.

    EDIT: Request title change to "Unit Attaching Engine" and Move to "Trigger Library" sub-forum.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Low Memory Alternate FPS System

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I have now upgraded the engine for 12 separate players. This allows you to choose which players will enter/leave turret mode.

    For example I changed my Viking map so now that players 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 are flying a separate viking in normal FPS mode, and players 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 are the shooters for each of those vikings in Turret Mode.

    Would it be fair to say I invented my own game-mode? Remember that you still have your cursor to use in Turret mode, unlike in FPS mode. Being able to target with your cursor eliminates the need for tracelines and allows you to attack air targets, however it comes with the disadvantage that you remove a player's "Aiming Skill" for ground targets. However we're assuming that the Viking is equipped with "smart systems" such that it allows fires at its targets without missing (unless there is a miss chance).

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Low Memory Alternate FPS System

    Ok I've taken my own template and made it so that one person flies a Viking in FPS mode (I scripted a computer to drive it for now), while a second person uses my turret system to look at and shoot things, while the second person's camera moves with the viking. It's pretty cool. Can't wait to upload this new one after Thanksgiving.

    A more detailed explanation:

    The second player in the turret position can rotate their camera wherever they wish, while experiencing the moving/height changes of the Viking. This accomplished by panning the camera on the Viking and setting the height to the current height of the Viking every 0.01 seconds.

    I bet your asking, but how do you rotate your own camera without setting your view to those 144 default cameras?

    Easy, Apply Camera Object WITHOUT target.

    Thus the Numpad controls will set your Pitch and Yaw to the corresponding Spherical Coordinate, but will not pan to its in-game target. So the Target of your camera keeps moving by Panning to Viking (instantly) and setting height to Viking (instantly), but the actual rotation about the Viking remains under your control.




    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Low Memory Alternate FPS System
    Quote from Dustin374: Go

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Welcome to programming :P

    Sure we can make things simple for people but with a fuck ton of overhead for us!

    I'll check this out when I get home, but it seems pretty cool.

    I am uploading the completed version now. Bug free :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Low Memory Alternate FPS System

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I have completed the Spherical Camera Rotation Array, I will upload the map (map template) in a three to six hours. I need to make some documentation (and a 144 camera perspective flow chart!) so others can understand how it works. Thankfully it's really easy to use in-game!

    In fact it always seems that the more easy/intuitive you make something for humans, the more difficult it becomes to program behind the scenes.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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