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    posted a message on Star Destroyers, Model is made, need textures and animations


    I just completed a Star Destroyer model (from Stars Wars). I have posted several screen shots below.

    I am looking for someone who can create textures for the Star Destroyer model (and more specifically textures that are readable and exportable to m3 for Starcraft 2.

    After the textures are complete I am then looking for someone who can create Standing, Flying and several different attack animations.

    I reduced the polygon count to 1280 (quite low for SC 2) and a vertex count of 980.

    If you would like more detail added to the model before making textures let me know.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on DISCOVERY: The 0.0625 time limit OVERCOME
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Just two comments:

    1) Why... ?

    2) Triggering a trigger 5000 times a second seems like it'd never be a good idea to me. What PC runs that?

    Also it was 5000 times over 10 seconds, which equates to 500 times per second.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DISCOVERY: The 0.0625 time limit OVERCOME
    Quote from Qancakes: Go

    Sorry but I'm going to have to shatter your enthusiasm. This does in fact not work. I tried something very similar myself months ago. Your integer Z is increased 1400 times in 10 seconds this way. However, it doesn't happen in the way you think. The unit enters region event only triggers at intervals of 0.0625, so you end up running it loads of times at that specific interval. That's why Z gets increased so much, because it increases in chunks every 0.0625 seconds. If you test with a timer instead of an integer you can confirm this yourself.

    How about the alternate version though, where you are using 4 marines to apply the action with four different sets of triggers?

    Also show me your tests that confirm the failure of the main proposal, I want to make sure we're doing the same test.

    EDIT: Wait, are you saying that the "global trigger event checking clock" (I don't know what to call it) is on a 0.0625 second timer?

    I know that SC2 allows you to enter up to four decimal places when it comes to time, so I'm wondering how I can tap into this.

    Never be discouraged, you can only succeed by failing a thousand times prior!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DISCOVERY: The 0.0625 time limit OVERCOME

    Here are the simple steps that you need to overcome the 0.0625 timer in starcraft 2. A simple test will also be provided to prove the results.

    1: Go to the data editor and go to Units: Marine and change his speed to 60 and max out his acceleration and turn rate.

    2: Create a square region with sides one unit in length, call this region R.

    3: Create two points P and Q. Let P be in the center of R and let Q be positioned 1 unit away from P horizontally (Q should be 0.5 units away from the edge R).

    4: Place a marine on the map located exactly at point Q

    5: Create a new trigger - event > map initialization - action > order Marine to patrol targeting point P.

    6: Make 8 new triggers, have them initially off and number them 1, 2, 3 ... 8.

    7: Go to trigger 1. Make this trigger initially on. Make the two following events: Any Unit Enters Region AND Any Unit Leaves Region

    8: Copy and paste these two events to the other triggers.

    9: Go back to trigger 1. Add the following two actions > Turn Trigger 2 AND turn current trigger off.

    10: Now go to trigger 2 and add the following two actions > Turn Trigger 3 on and turn current trigger off

    11: Repeat this for the other triggers until you get to trigger 8. Add these two actions to trigger 8 > Turn Trigger 1 on and turn current trigger off.

    12: We're done, we now have made a trigger that can fire as many times per second as you want, all you need to do is adjust the movement speed of the marine to make it fire faster or slower.


    1) First go back to trigger 1. Add the following action Set Integer Z = Z + 1. Copy and paste this action to the other triggers.

    2) We will also make another trigger for our experiment that turns trigger 1 on (thus trigger 1 is initially off). Make this a Keystroke event of your choice. Add the following actions > Turn trigger 1 on + Wait 10 game time second + Display text message [Convert Integer Z to text].

    This test shows that the integer Z is being increased much faster than 16 times per second. Normally if we had a trigger operating every 0.0 real-time seconds that sets Z = Z + 1 you couldn't get Z past 640 in 10 seconds. However our example allows us to go past 1400 in 10 seconds.

    Way to dramatically increase the rate of exeuction: 1) Make 4 points. Q1 Q2 Q3 and Q4. Make a marine at each Q with NO collision, Call these marines, Marine A, B, C, D. Have them patrol to P.

    2) Go to trigger 1 and add the following conditions: Triggering Unit = A.

    3) Copy and paste this to triggers 2 through 8.

    4) Copy triggers 1 through 8 and paste them. Rename them as 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

    Change the conditions of triggers 11-18 to Triggering Unit = B

    Now Copy triggers 11 - 18 and paste them and rename them 22, 23, 24...28

    Change the conditions of triggers 21-28 to: Triggering Unit = C

    One more time copy triggers 21-28 paste them and name 31, 32, 33...38

    Change their conditions to: Trigger Unit = D

    Now you can fire these triggers (all acting as one trigger) 5000+ times per second, or you could use these as four separate timers for different triggers.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Create a smooth FPS Camera.

    @Nebuli2: Go

    I'll give this a shot and try to fix the camera input problem as well (if it arises). Thank you!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create a smooth FPS Camera.

    Hello, I've been trying for nearly 8 or 9 days trying to create a perfectly smooth FPS camera. Does anyone know how to adjust the "Follow Unit Group (Convert Unit to Unit Group)" function to achieve this desired result? If so, please provide me with the details on how I can start a new map and immediately apply such a perfectly smooth camera.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Camera Data

    @avogatro: Go

    When I use that action (or follow unit group), I get absolutely unpredictable and uncontrollable results in FPS mode. Therefore I decided to development my own custom panning of the camera. It works perfectly for the first 90% of the time period that it is running until it starts to decelerate towards the end. It removes that choppy effect you get from reseting camera bounds or panning every 0.0 seconds.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Camera Data

    Here is the following trigger that I am using for a perfectly smooth following of a unit. The only reason that it does not work perfectly is because of some innate deceleration value somewhere in the Data Editor that I cannot locate.

    The Smart Pan
            Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to  Move
        Local Variables
            P = (Position of (Triggering unit)) <Point>
            S = (Target position for (Triggering order)) <Point>
            X = (Distance between P and S) <Real>
            V = ((Triggering unit) Movement Speed (Current)) <Real>
            R = (X / V) <Real>
            Camera - Apply Camera 001 for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with 100% initial velocity, 0% deceleration, and Don't Include Target
            Camera - Pan the camera for player 1 to P over 0.0 seconds with 100% initial velocity, 0% deceleration, and Do Not use smart panning
            Camera - Pan the camera for player 1 to S over R seconds with 100% initial velocity, 0% deceleration, and Do Not use smart panning
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on PvE Flight Simulation FPS

    Hello, I've been working on the general components of a PvP (not PvE) flight simulator battle for Starcraft 2. It consists of 8 players. Four players pilot a ship and 4 other players act as the primary gunners aboard one of the four ships that are being piloted.

    However, I was replaying the Wings of Liberty Campaign. If you watch the cinematic after the third mission, where the Hyperion is desperately trying escape Mara Sara from the zerg swarms, you may feel as if you want a FPS mission that allows you to relive that scene aboard the Hyperion itself. This includes being able to see outside the windows of the Hyperion and see the masses of mutas/scourges that are attacking you, and the hydras on the ground.

    So I was inspired to make a map very similar: "The Escape from Aiur." It tells a tale of Raynor and his Hyperion escaping Aiur after they defended the warp gate in the first protoss mission of the Brood War. The general storyline will involve damages to the Hyperion needing to be repaired before the Hyperion can go into warp. To do this, the Hyperion must visit several locations. There will be elements that the users themselves can control (through voting) that will make certain protoss tribes friendly or hostile at objective locations, where either choice will provide you with advantages and disadvantages. You will also gather terran allies and towards the end, terran hostiles who desire the same resources as you in order to escape.

    My only concern is that such a map genre may not be popular with the Starcraft 2 fanbase and would not get anywhere. That is why I am here to discuss it, below is my general description of the map. It's a easy to play/hard to master, which is something I consider a requirement for SC2 maps of any genre.

    The gameplay will be FPS. You will either be in a commanding position on the Hyperion, or a commanding position in the Ground Forces that defend the Hyperion from being boarded by hostiles and must be deployed to the ground itself on many occasions.

    If you are in a position aboard the Hyperion itself, you will be one of the following: Captain, Port Gunner, Starboard Gunner, Rear Gunner, Engineer or Communications.

    If you choose a Ground position, then you will be one of the following: Marine, Firebat, Marauder, Tank

    General description of each position: Captain: Located in the cockpit, steers the ship, deploys ground forces below him (like beaming in Star Trek), can shoot Yamato, Nuke and EMP (these drain energy and nuclear fuel from the ship). Ships stops moving if Captain leaves the cockpit. Upon leaving the cockpit his has dual pistols and only has one special ability. The ship cannot move if it runs out of nuclear fuel. If the cockpit is destroyed, the game is lost. The Captain also chooses which general upgrades the ship receives (global shields/armor/hp/speed/fuel capacity/fuel efficiency/yamato/nuke/emp etc). Can also upgrade his dual pistols, life and armor and one special ability.

    Gunners: Located on the left side/right/back of the Hyperion. Has three primary armaments, Gattling Laser (air and ground), Siege Cannon (ground only), Rapid firing rockets. Guns have three resources that they consume: Energy, Heat and Ammunition. Energy is global, in other words all players doing activites related directly with the Hyperion share the same energy pool. Heat is individual to the turret, when things become to hot, the projectiles become weaker, less accurate and eventually damage to turret. Ammunition must be collected from debris on the ground by your ground forces. If a player leaves a turret, his turret becomes inactive and he is equipped with rifle and only has one special ability. Get to upgrade their turrets damage/survivability/heat resistance/precision/etc. Can also upgrade his rifle, life and armor and one special ability.

    Engineer: Repairs various parts of the ship and brings fragile resources (nuclear fuel and precious metals) back to the Hyperion from the ground. Starts with a rifle and four abilities: Deploy auto turret, deploy point defense drone, repair ship and throw nuclear fuel (poisoning enemies with radiation). Can research more abilities, upgrade current abilities, rifle/life/armor and movement speed.

    Communications: Deploys and controls aircraft from the Hyperion. Starts with wraiths only, but later on gains access to vikings/banshees/ravens/bc's/medivacs/scouts/phoenix/rays/small carriers. May also deploy any zerg air units captured with Hive Mind Emulator. The Communicator can take FPS view and control of any squadron that he deploys. When the leader unit of a squadron dies, the leader unit is changed to another member of the squadron that is still alive. If none are left alive, FPS view returns the Communications tower. Upon leaving the tower physically, you are equipped with a rifle and one special ability and your squadron will attempt to return to the Hyperion. Can also upgrade his rifle, life and armor and one special ability.

    Marine: Have access to a Jim Raynor type of marine, start with Gauss Rifle and three special abilities. Can research more abilities, upgrade current abilities, rifle/life/armor, movement speed, attack speed, etc.

    Firebat : A really juiced firebat with tons of hp and armor to start, npc medics will prioritize healing you. Starts with Flamethrower and three special abilities. Can research more abilities, upgrade current abilities, flamethrower/life/armor, movement speed, attack speed, etc.

    Marauder: A really powerful Marauder. Starts with Grenade Launcher and three special abilities. Can research more abilities, upgrade current abilities, flamethrower/life/armor, movement speed, attack speed, etc.

    Siege tank: The only siege tank that Raynor has left. Starts with the ability to switch into tank and siege mode. You can attack while moving in tank mode. You start with two special abilities for each mode, one the abilities is same in both modes. You can also deploy a hellion from your tank and control that instead (thus abandon your tank). You only have one special ability to start with as a hellion, you must bring your hellion back to the tank to get back inside your tank. Can research more abilities, upgrade current abilities, weapons/hellionflamethrower/life/armor, movement speed, attack speed, etc.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Only half the trigger compiles?

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I made a new map with the a Pick Every Integer Loop from 1 to 10

    The only action was display Text (Convert Integer to Text(Picked Integer))'

    So I should have see 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 spammed on my screen. I did not see it however, but it worked with For each Integer X from 1 to 10.

    My guess is that I have to reinstall SC2 after this patch?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Only half the trigger compiles?

    Absolutely bewildered here. Now I've written some nice traceline/terrian collision triggers as you can see here: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/trigger-libraries/18948-3-d-cylindrical-traceline/

    I provided that link so you know that I'm not a noob with a problem that is easily remedied. So what is my problem?

    There are two parts of my trigger. The first half is "Pick every integer from 1 to 100." There is no conditional before this is fired. The second half of the trigger is "If then else."

    Any actions contained within the "Pick every integer" are NOT firing. However actions contained in the conditional statement are firing if the condition is true.

    What does this tell us? It tells us that the trigger itself is firing, and the other half is working as expected. However, for some unknown reason, the Pick Every Integer from 1 to 100 is NOT being compiled correctly.

    What should I do?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Disable Smart Click action removed?

    @Usernameisntworkingright: Go


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Disable Smart Click action removed?

    I can no longer find it and it appears X'ed out in the trigger menu on my maps and others maps.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on 12 player Traceline and Terrain Collision. CPU friendly

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Adding memory efficient Terrain Collision as requested. Going to add Doodad collision soon.

    About the Collision Check or the TCC trigger (for Terrain Collision Check):

    The TCC trigger is independent of the Traceline trigger itself. The traceline already handles "unit to unit collision" thus we need not worry about shooting through units to reach our target. It should be mentioned that the Traceline trigger was also edited in this map to create dummy units at the end of the traceline if nothing is detected, allowing it to shoot at "nothing".

    The TCC itself has no event, the trigger is run by other triggers, in our case the Attack Triggers. When a player presses mouse 1 or 2 to fire his laser gun, it will first run the TCC trigger. The TCC trigger creates a line of 100 partitions between the observer and the Traceline Target. If the terrain height is greater at any partition is greater than the absolute height of the unit, the TCC changes the Global Boolean Variable named "Terrain Collide" to true. If not, it changes it to false.

    After the TCC has completed the Attack Trigger will resume, this is accomplished by the "Run Trigger and wait until it completes" action in the trigger GUI. The Attack Trigger reads the condition "If Terrain Collide is false then proceed to attack target, otherwise it will attack the point of terrain where collision first occurs. Also, if there is no unit in the traceline, the gun will still fire at the "dummy unit" at the end of the traceline and terrain collision between the observer and the dummy unit will also be detected by the TCC.

    WARNING: Some of the parameters in the Collision Check need to be changed according to the unit that is being checked for collision.

    For instance, suppose there is a marine whose head we can see from above a hill. His absolute height (at his feet) is lower than the maximal ground height in our traceline. The result is that our TCC will register a terrain collision and will not shoot the unit.

    To fix this we increase the absolute height of the targeted unit to the actual height of the model. So for marines we add a value (or a linear offset) of 1.15

    For vikings we add 1.35 instead of 1.15. This ensures that the unit will pass the collision check.

    The best way to go about this is to add custom values to units and create units on the map via triggers (this also saves memory). For instance every Marine that I will create will have a custom value 1 = 1.15 and vikings will have custom value 1 = 1.35. The collision check will read Custom value 1 of all units for its offset.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on 12 player Traceline and Terrain Collision. CPU friendly

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I was PM'ed that this traceline doesn't account for changing terrain heights. As my map was only testing a completely flat environment, I forgot to handle the issue of relative height vs absolute height. Here is the fix.

    Let E = Height of the Ground at the position of the observer Let F = Height of the Ground at the position of detected unit.

    Compensate for the changing terrain height by modifying H with the following command:

    Set H = H - ( F - E )

    Your cylinders are now checking the absolute heights of the units. I'll upload the map again.

    Posted in: Triggers
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