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    posted a message on Help: Creating a compass

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Ok I'm looking for a way to draw a 2-D line from a point on the screen to another point on the screen. This should be a better way of asking the question, as this is what truly boggles me.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help: Creating a compass

    @zeldarules28: Go

    Taking a look now. Thanks. I'll get back to this in a few moments.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help: Creating a compass

    Hello, I've been stumped with the following problem (don't even know where to begin).

    I would like to create a 2-D circular compass that displays the direction in which the observer is moving relative to the direction the observer is facing. The circular compass assumes that the positive y-axis represents ZERO degrees (not the positive x-axis in most mathematical circumstances). Thus everything will be adjusted by 90 degrees in the equations to follow.

    For instance, if the yaw of the observer's camera, a, be equal to 135 but the direction of the observer's camera, d, be equal to 90, then the compass should point at -45 degrees, or d - a. This means the line would have the equation y = (arctan[d - a + 90])x, using the center of the compass as our origin.

    Remember that this compass has nothing to do with North/south/east/west, it's a compass that always points north when the observer is facing the direction of his movement (although right now, I don't even know how to setup a regular compass)).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Did Blizzard give us an in-game Traceline?

    @DarkRevenantX: Go

    Although they are easy to make, I wonder if the blizzard version is more memory efficient than the 50-200 checks per game loop required for a good traceline.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Did Blizzard give us an in-game Traceline?

    Ever notice that in ladder games, when you hover over a unit with your mouse and left-click it selects that unit (I would certainly hope you have)? Well you can spawn 1000 units randomly around the map at all different heights and set your camera to any yaw, pitch, FoV an/or height offset you want and still click on units in 3-D space, with the the frontmost unit being selected (won't select units behind it from the observers point of view).

    So, is there any way we can exploit this in-game feature to circumvent the need for tracelines?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on If I were to scale everything down to 25%
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    Zoom in 4x by reducing (ironically) camera distance down from 34 to 8.5.

    Note that terrain textures will look rather weird at that distance.

    With my camera distance already at 0.5 (zero itself seems to cause problems), this isn't a viable solution.

    Also in the case of FPS/TPS, camera distance truly is arbitrary.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on If I were to scale everything down to 25%

    How would I adjust/scale the camera to make it look like the map is 4 times larger?

    It seems that lowering the field of view magnifies everything (as it should) and increasing the field of view makes you realize how small the map really is (demagnifies).

    Camera distance is arbitrary, so how does one go about editing the camera to make the world 4x larger?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Guide: How to make units turn in an arc.

    Contrary to many comments here (on the mapster forums), you do not need any Host Site operators to make a unit turn in an arc.

    You only need to adjust the following values appropriately corresponding to one another in respect the the turning arc you wish to create.

    Unit -> Movement -> Fields

    Speed Acceleration Deceleration Lateral Acceleration

    Leave Turning rate (and stationary turning rate) at a value Greater Than 500, slowing turning rates can only hurt the turning arc.

    Here are the settings I have for my viking at the moment (nothing else has been edited for this viking, start a fresh map and make these 4 adjustments in the movement tab).

    Speed = 5 Accel = 5 Decel = 1 Lat Accel = 1

    Here is an explanation of how these values function with one another.

    Deceleration: Deceleration is the value of which the unit lose speed until its destination is reached. Deceleration does not start until the final moments of the unit's journey to its destination. It seems that deceleration starts at a distance of x = (s^2)/(2d) from the end of the destination, where s = max speed (or highest speed reached in journey*) and d = deceleration and x = arc length of the deceleration curve (even if its a straight line). This occurs over (s/d) seconds.

    In the case of turning in an arc, deceleration is how a unit will slow down and mathematically corresponds to the decrease in the radius of the arc over time when approaching its destination. This implies that if the unit has a deceleration of 0 will never experience a decreasing radius in its travel arc, and thus will never reach its destination and will continually orbit about its destination. Therefore the deceleration value must be NON-ZERO to avoid a continuous orbit.

    Lateral Acceleration: Lat Accel will determine the radius of the turning arc corresponding to the unit's maximum speed. The values are inversely proportional. The higher the lateral accel, the smaller the major radius or the arc. The higher the maximum speed, the greater the major radius of the arc. The deceleration determines the rate at which the major radius shrinks to zero. The major radius is the distance from the unit to its destination once it starts turning.

    Acceleration: Sometimes your unit will reach a top speed in its journey that is less than its maximum speed. This is because the deceleration started to kick in to bring your unit to a halt before it even reached its top speed, in this case the Maximum speed changes to the lower maximum attained speed in the equations. This is why we don't rush at red lights at 70 mph and hit our breaks 10 feet away.

    Significantly low acceleration values can actually cause the major radius to grow or remain the same instead of shrink and when the New Major radius is achieved (largest distance between unit and destination) then the decline of the major radius to zero will start in a normal fashion according to your deceleration.

    In general keep lat accel and decel greater than 1 and acceleration greater than 2. We do this so division by zero (inverse proportional relationships asymptote to zero and infinity) or at least near division by zero doesn't create strange results. Your max speed can be anything you want, although I suggest a max speed of at least 3.

    Feel free to add/change what I've written, I determined these things by eye and spreadsheets.


    When a unit is ordered to a destination that will require it to change the direction in which it is turning (clockwise to counter clockwise or vice versa), and the angle (relative to its CURRENT FACING) exceeds 135 degrees, the game will bug an redraw the arc as if the unit started at rest (speed = 0).

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Flight simulator.

    @TacoManStan: Go

    I'm sorry, but was that intended to be sarcastic?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Flight simulator.

    Making a map that features a viking pilot.

    Tell me if these simple controls are comfortable for movement (they are to me).

    W = accelerate

    S = Deaccelerate

    Space Bar = Raise Elevation

    Look around with mouse to steer the ship and to lower elevation.

    Shooting not yet implemented. Falling ships have an appropriate Anti-Grav rocker for their size when spiraling to their doom.

    Rolling of the viking to be implemented soon upon turning and raising elevation.

    Also: The terrain and units on the map are just for tesitng purposes. My actual game will take place in either a protoss or terran urban environment with building collision possible.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Star Destroyers, Model is made, need textures and animations

    @Nebuli2: Go

    I'll take the top three turrets off, I'll put more sci-fi styled weapons in their place. How is the size of the 5 turrets on each side of ship. I'll lower the bridge height by 33%.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Star Destroyers, Model is made, need textures and animations

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Does the model suck? It's the first model I ever made.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Create a smooth FPS Camera.

    @illidans911: Go

    Then you read the thread wrong. I only want the overlay/gun/turret interface to be seen and I need the player VISIBLE to OTHER players. If there was an option to make units invisible to INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS I wouldn't give a damn, but there isn't. I need something that can allow the camera to follow a point just in front of the unit perfectly, without acceleration or deceleration or being subject to the 16 fps limitation (0.625 seconds).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create a smooth FPS Camera.

    @Usernameisntworkingright: Go

    The only problem that I'm having is that the Default camera accelerates and decelerates at the START and END of camera panning action. This is even with the acceleration values all set to zero. This is what needs to be fixed.

    Some progress has been made by setting Pitch and Angle of attack to 90, 00 then to 00, 90 then using the Control + F key to have camera follow a unit. However this method still suffers from some HIDDEN acceleration and deceleration value.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Warcraft Units

    @nexius22: Go

    This is truly beautiful work. I would recommend e-mail some of these to Blizzard to catch their attention, maybe you'll get hired!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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