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    posted a message on Has a m3 exporter been made for Blender?
    Quote from mentalisttraceur: Go

    @EdwardSolomon: Go I was just searching for this today (I could afford 3Ds Max if I zealously overstretched my budget, but I'm rather strongly pro-open-source programs, and won't use closed source ones where open alternatives exist if at all possible) - as far as I can find, no such exporter exists.

    Technically most people who can afford Starcraft 2 can afford 3Dsmax by stretching their budget as well (like me) but I'd rather spend that money improving/repairing/tuning my piano or upgrading my hardware for my computer.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Has a m3 exporter been made for Blender?

    @mentalisttraceur: Go

    MilkShape or Gmax is also ok.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Has a m3 exporter been made for Blender?

    For the 99% of people who cannot afford 3Ds Max.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Absolute and relative zoom.

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    So this guy was a crackpot then, because I never heard of absolute zoom vs relative zoom.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Absolute and relative zoom.

    I was reading the Starcraft 2 Custom Game forums and someone pointed this out.

    "Also the camera object zoom is not well made as it seems to not be based on absolute zoom but relative zoom."

    I think I know what he means but I cannot confirm that I know what he means since there's no information on the subject with a google search. Anyone care to explain what he is saying here?

    (I think he's saying the zoom in Starcraft 2 is an arbitrary number that simply moves you towards or away from an object, instead of expanding the distances between all points).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A theory that overcomes the 256x256 map size limit.
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    As an answer to your question; yes, it can be done, but not in an easy fashion. Footprints will get messed up. To make this work you'd need to model edit.

    We have an open contest with a prize for anyone who comes up with a loadable map larger than the 256x256 limit. I think this is it. Might want to try and get your idea in there?

    Would this idea qualify as a winner (for some types of maps)?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on A theory that overcomes the 256x256 map size limit.
    Quote from Reaper872: Go

    why not just hack the editor instead... seems simple enough. We have all the files, just someone hack in and change the editor manually to allow it. Whats wrong with knocking on the front door instead of digging tunnels and parachuting in. Might as well try the front door for once...

    Not sure if you're serious, but even if the editor is hacked, starcraft 2 will not load the map.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on A theory that overcomes the 256x256 map size limit.

    I have been making a flight simulator for a couple of months in SC2 (see attached screen shots). The pilot starts the game with his ship at 1000 height. I had originally put the camera and default height of the units to 1000 in order to make my dynamic skyboxes display properly below the horizon.

    However a new idea occurred to me. Why not change the default pitch of all units to 90 degrees and the camera; effectively making the x-axis and z -axis change places. Unit movement along the z-axis can be simulated PERFECTLY SMOOTH by changing the height of the unit over time and having it display it's movement animation. Custom target and search effects could be used to allow units to fire at each other in the z-y plane instead of the x-y plane. Your y-axis would still be left to right and the x-axis would become your local z axis for simulated height changes.

    What you would have in all actuality is a cylinder, the base of the cylinder would have an area of 256x256 (so it's rectangular prism) but the length of the cylinder would be unlimited. See first attached picture.

    Although one of the planar directions remains restricted (the y-axis), you can make "background" units appear further away along the y-axis by scaling them down and control their interaction with other units with custom values. Also, in my particular case of a flight simulator the elevation is restricted to a range of 256 units, this really isn't a problem though, because that's actually a huge elevation range, I have mine restricted to 25 units as it is and it's more than enough.

    PROS: Ultimately we've achieved UNLIMITED MAP SIZE

    CONS: Terrain will literally be a WALL that blocks the observer and will only be visible is he is looking behind him (looking in the direction of the negative z -axis.

    Pathing occurs along the absolute x and y axis. So an AI system will have to be put in place that rewrites pathing in all 3 dimensions (I foresee many WHILE loops for each individual unit on the map running simultaneously).

    Gravity will always accelerate objects down the absolute z-axis.

    Questions: Can walkable doodads (terrain objects) be rotated 90 degrees in pitch and work normally from the observer's perspective?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Movement speed capped to 7.83 via triggers and data

    @Hobrow: Go

    It seemed that deceleration was the problem. Thank you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Movement speed capped to 7.83 via triggers and data

    I cannot get the movement speed of any unit to exceed 7.83

    I tested with all different values. THe test does the following: Set p = position of unit. Wait 1 game-time second, set p2 = position of unit

    Find distance between p1 and p2. Upper limit is 7.83. I cannot explain this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Changing Actor Rotation (Roll)
    Quote from Twinmold20: Go

    Does there even exist any constant roll modifier actors? I haven't seen any atleast.

    I'm still interested, tried everything!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Asking for a simple shooting system for a TPS.

    Quote from AtikLYar: Okay, so I am trying to create Starcraft: Ghost.

    I currently have a movement system I very much like. But, the problem is it came with a traceline system I could not get to work no matter how many maps I tried it in or what units I was using.

    I then looked up another traceline tutorial that used a custom script filled with syntax errors.

    I looked up some youtube videos that said you can just oder your unit to start attacking in the direction they are facing, but I can't figure out how.

    All I am asking for is a step by step guide on how to make my unit launch an attack in the direction I am looking. And yes, I have spent multiple hours looking for one and couldn't find one.

    It is of my opinion that Gamfvr has no intention of meeting the requests of the OP (you). The OP is looking for a step-by-step guide on how to create a traceline. Gamfvr nevers offers such a guide and only hints at how to create certain apsects through abstract methods.

    It is of my opinion that the OP does not understand the very basics of a traceline and thus is NOT looking for an abstract alternative to a conventional traceline. The OP is simply looking for a simple traceline function and wants to know how it works.

    I have provided him with such a function and explained it very thoroughly and I am open to more questions if needed. Every time Gamfvr comments on my Traceline he discredits it and confuses the OP (meanwhile the traceline works perfectly so i don't know why he is doing this). I can only conclude that Gamfvr is either Trolling or actually lacks the knowledge to answer the OP's question. In either case his replies should be ignored thus far.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Asking for a simple shooting system for a TPS.

    Quote from gamfvr:
    @AtikLYar: Go

    Then its not about the traceline its more about the map and what you did to it. Did you set a custom value to the target you are using for its height? That is prob your main problem. And I don't remember what he uses to filter the search so you might wanta check if your units are within that filter, whether they are allied or not.

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    If i understood ur traceline correctly. You could first have the event as a mouse click event instead of looping. Why are you looping for no reason when he isn't shooting.

    C and Z are useless variables. You could have instead used one integer and use the function for each integer and be done with it. Without doing all this if c =z or if c < N. Once the integer reaches the end you can just use if target = no unit. And if target = any unit then stop the function and create the effect on the target. Makes all those calculations useless. You have somewhat similar but you have extra if thens for the C and Z. You could just compare it with the int that u used for the for each integer.

    UG - Unless you are making a spell that does the effect in a line, it would only be useful for having this but again it would create tons of lag if you have 100 units in front of you and more better if just use the data editor for this search. Should just use closest unit in region. Will still do the same job for ur tick mark system.
    1) The Event doesn't have to be periodic. The event can be whatever you want it to be, since it doesn't effect the mechanics of the traceline. In my maps I need to constantly know if there is a unit in his line of fire, even if he isn't shooting (for AI purposes). So in my case (and perhaps many other cases, the periodic execution is needed).

    You are right about z and wrong about c. Z is a useless variable since is equals the Picked Integer. I can replace every instance of z with the function Picked Integer. However using z makes it more humanly understandable and easier to read. Also, if you're concerned about efficient triggering 101, it would more useful to establish z = Picked Integer and use z from there on end, then to keep using Picked Integer since the bit-length of the the letter z is smaller than the bit-length of Picked Integer.

    You are wrong about the variable c. C records the number of failed attempts and is used OUTSIDE the integer loop at the end. I cannot refer to Picked Integer is a function where Picked Integer is not defined.

    What are you even talking about with the UG variable? If there was 100 units in front of you UG is not going to detect all 100 units at the same time, just the small amount of units that are currently within the small circle with a radius of X/N units. So if there's a 100 units in front of you and your traceline is 50 units long and you perform 50 checks, the cardinality of UG will only average 2 units per check.

    I think you need to read through my whole trigger. It appears that you are fundamentally confused. Also why don't you actually help the OP and give him a step-bystep guide on how to do it.

    Also since I'm such an idiot according to you, why don't you rewrite my trigger for me as well and prove I'm an idiot.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Asking for a simple shooting system for a TPS.

    Quote from gamfvr:
    @AtikLYar: Go

    Then its not about the traceline its more about the map and what you did to it. Did you set a custom value to the target you are using for its height? That is prob your main problem. And I don't remember what he uses to filter the search so you might wanta check if your units are within that filter, whether they are allied or not.

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    If i understood ur traceline correctly. You could first have the event as a mouse click event instead of looping. Why are you looping for no reason when he isn't shooting.

    C and Z are useless variables. You could have instead used one integer and use the function for each integer and be done with it. Without doing all this if c =z or if c < N. Once the integer reaches the end you can just use if target = no unit. And if target = any unit then stop the function and create the effect on the target. Makes all those calculations useless. You have somewhat similar but you have extra if thens for the C and Z. You could just compare it with the int that u used for the for each integer.

    UG - Unless you are making a spell that does the effect in a line, it would only be useful for having this but again it would create tons of lag if you have 100 units in front of you and more better if just use the data editor for this search. Should just use closest unit in region. Will still do the same job for ur tick mark system.

    1) The Event doesn't have to be periodic. The event can be whatever you want it to be, since it doesn't effect the mechanics of the traceline. In my maps I need to constantly know if there is a unit in his line of fire, even if he isn't shooting (for AI purposes). So in my case (and perhaps many other cases) the periodic execution is needed.

    You are right about z and wrong about c. Z is a useless variable since is equals the Picked Integer. I can replace every instance of z with the function Picked Integer. However using z makes it more humanly understandable and easier to read. Also, if you're concerned about efficient triggering 101, it would more useful to establish z = Picked Integer and use z from there on end, then to keep using Picked Integer since the bit-length of the the letter z is smaller than the bit-length of Picked Integer.

    You are wrong about the variable c. C records the number of failed attempts and is used OUTSIDE the integer loop at the end. I cannot refer to Picked Integer as a function where Picked Integer is not defined.

    What are you even talking about with the UG variable? If there was 100 units in front of you UG is not going to detect all 100 units at the same time, just the small amount of units that are currently within the small circle with a radius of X/N units. So if there's a 100 units in front of you and your traceline is 50 units long and you perform 50 checks, the cardinality of UG will only average 2 units per check.

    I think you need to read through my whole trigger. It appears that you are fundamentally confused. Also why don't you actually help the OP and give him a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

    Also since I'm such an idiot according to you, why don't you rewrite my trigger for me as well and prove I'm an idiot.

    Also recall that he is asking for help. First he needs to understand a traceline conceptually and create a traceline that matches the concept perfectly. He can then makes changes after he understands his traceline function to make it more efficient for a computer to read (what computers find easier to read may be more confusing to a human).

    Posted in: Triggers
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